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For this assignment, read the below case study, (I have attached it as a PDF)
Duchac, J., & Castellino, C. (2006). Disaster recovery following the events of September 11, 2001. Journal
of the International Academy for Case Studies, 12(3), 63-72. https://search-proquestcom.libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/docview/216294669?accountid=33337
In your case study you must answer the following questions:
1. Based on the case study article, what company was under study, and where was the company’s
main site located? Briefly explain the business continuity plan and disaster recovery plan of this
company, and include where improvements could be made in each.
2. What methodology did the company focus on to build upon the business continuity process, and
why did they choose this method?
3. What is the Tsunami Merrill Plan? What disasters were included in the plan, and what should
have been included in the plan?
4. What alternate sites were available to the organization? Was this sufficient or not for disaster
5. During the September 11 attack, summarize what three issues the company encountered.
6. Explain the three summarized points that were concluded in the case study.
Your response should be a minimum of two pages in length. Use your textbook and this case study as
your sources. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted
material must have accompanying citations. You must write in APA style.
Text book as reference: Gibson, D., & Igonor, A. (2022). Managing risk in information systems (3rd ed.).
Jones & Bartlett Learning

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