

This outlook email assignments you will need my password and email to complete this assignment
Import the CSV file “Import Contact List,” that you saved in Activity 3-1.
Add a picture for each contact from the pictures that you saved in Activity 3-2.
Categorize the contacts into three groups by their title, and color code the category group.
Send an email to the administrator and teacher group. The body of the email is below in the first bullet. Additionally, please attach resumes for Greg and Johanna that you saved in Activity 3-2.
“Good afternoon, I am attaching the resumes of our final two candidates for your review to potentially fill the technology teacher position. Please share your feedback, and let me know if you think we need to schedule a second interview. Thank you!”

Don't use plagiarized sources. Get Your Custom Assignment on
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Share your teacher contact list with the assistants.
Lesson 4
In this activity you will customize your reading options. Please work through the various steps in this activity.
In this activity you use voting and tracking options. You will use the the attachment to complete the activity. Please work through the various steps in this activity.
In this assessment, you will be working with the calendar to create appointments and meeting in Outlook. Follow the directions below.
Create an appointment for an interview for Greg from unit 3 on July 19th, 2023 at 1:00 PM.
Categorize this appointment as “Interview” and color code
Send this interview to the administrator from unit 3 contacts.
Create an appointment for an interview for Greg from unit 3 on July 19th, 2023 at 2:00 PM.
Categorize this appointment as “Interview” and color code
Send this interview to the administrator from unit 3 contacts.
Create a meeting for July 19th, 2023 at 5:00 PM to celebrate the conclusion of this course with 5 of your classmates and and the administrator from unit 3 contacts.
If you are the recipient of this meeting, decline the request.
As the sender, once you have received at least one decline, reschedule for July 20th, 2023 at 5:00 PM.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Gregory Shannon
543 Cherry Hill Drive
Chattanooga, TN
To obtain a full-time position as a Technology Teacher.
Technical Skills

Experience with both Windows and Macintosh platforms
Technology and tool skills: Visual Basic, HTML, Lingo, XML, JavaScript, CSS,
Software: jEdit, Adobe Creative Suite, AVID, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel,
Relevant Coursework Completed

Web Site Design & Technology
Interactive Media Implementation
Theories of Interactive Computing
Fundamentals of Interactive Multimedia
Principles of Imaging for New Media
Programming for New Media
Information Design for New Media
Programming for Designers
MFA Computer Graphics Design Rochester Institute of Technology
B.A. New Media Design
Rochester Institute of Technology
B.S. Information Technology
Trevecca Nazarene University
Employment History
Java Developer
Westin and Sons
Chattanooga, TN
Trevecca Nazarene University Nashville, TN
References available upon request
Johanna Kiersgaard
4258 West 47th Street
New York, New York
To obtain a full-time position as a Technology Teacher.
Technical Skills

Experience with both Windows and Macintosh platforms
Language skills: Visual Basic, HTML, Lingo
Software: Director, Authorware, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop,
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Corel Draw, Illustrator, Flash
Relevant Coursework Completed

Web Site Design & Technology
Interactive Media Implementation
Theories of Interactive Computing
Fundamentals of Interactive Multimedia
Instructional Technology
Visual Basic
M.S. Information Technology
B.S. Computer Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Carnegie Mellon University
Employment History
Senior Developer
Program Developer
Ecofriendly Travel
New York, NY
Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA
References available upon request
View Your Calendar
Long gone are the days of wall calendars and personal planners; nowadays, Outlook keeps track of your
calendar for you.
Select a Calendar View
Click the Calendar button on
the Navigation Bar.
Outlook displays your calendar.
When you switch to Calendar
view, the commands on the
ribbon will change as well.
Select a view from the Arrange
group on the Home tab (or
press the view’s shortcut keys).
• Day: This view shows a
single day’s events.
(Ctrl + Alt + 1)
• Work Week: This view
shows the events for an
entire work week.
(Ctrl + Alt + 2)
• Week: This view shows an
entire week’s events,
weekend included.
(Ctrl + Alt + 3)
• Month: This view shows the
entire month at once,
although individual events
display fewer detail than
other views.
(Ctrl + Alt + 4)
• Schedule: This view shows
you multiple calendars at
once in a way that makes it
easy to see what times are
free and what times have
(Ctrl + Alt + 5)
104 Midlands Tech
Navigate Your Calendar
Once you’re viewing the calendar the way you want, you can move through days, weeks, or months.
Click the Forward or Backward
arrows on the calendar.
The calendar displays the next
day, week, or month
(depending on the view).
If you’re viewing a time where
you have no events, Next
Appointment and Previous
Appointment buttons will
appear on the right and left
sides of the calendar.
Click Next Appointment or
Previous Appointment.
Outlook jumps to the next
You can use the mini calendar
on the left to jump to a specific
date or week (depending on
the view).
Click a date in the minicalendar.
That date is displayed.
No matter where you are in
your calendar, you can always
return to the current date.
Expand the Go To group, if
Click the Today button.
The calendar returns to the
current date. You can also view
the next seven days in your
calendar for a snapshot of
what’s ahead.
Click the Next 7 Days button.
The next seven days are displayed.
© 2019 CustomGuide
Create Appointments
An appointment is any scheduled activity that takes place within a one-day period that doesn’t require
reserving resources or inviting attendees. This could include setting aside time for research, a doctor’s
appointment, or an important dinner with friends or colleagues.
Create an Appointment
While viewing the calendar,
click the New Appointment
button on the Home tab.
A new appointment window
opens, ready for you to fill in
the appointment’s details.
Enter the appointment
• Subject
• Location
• Start and End date and time
• Notes
Click Save & Close.
The new appointment is added to the
Tip: You can also create new
appointments from other views, such
as Mail, by clicking the New Items
button on the Home tab and selecting
Shortcut: Press Ctrl + N to create a new
appointment while viewing the
106 Midlands Tech
Categorize Appointments
As your calendar starts filling up, it may be hard to tell your appointments apart at a glance. Tagging them
with a category can help.
Select a calendar appointment.
Click the Categorize button on
the ribbon.
A list of categories appears. If
you need to create a new
category, you can select All
Select a category.
The category is applied to the
© 2019 CustomGuide
Edit Appointments
If you realize after the fact that some information entered about an appointment is wrong or has changed,
you can always edit it.
Edit an Appointment
To edit an appointment or event, open it in its own window.
Double-click an Appointment.
The appointment’s window
opens, with the same detail
fields that you have when
creating a new one.
Edit the appointment details.
Click Save & Close.
The appointment is updated.
108 Midlands Tech
Reschedule an Appointment
In addition to opening an appointment and changing the date and time there, you can also quickly
reschedule an appointment from the calendar window.
Click and drag the appointment
to a new day or time.
The appointment is rescheduled.
Tip: While viewing the calendar in
month view, you can only drag an
appointment to a new day, which will
keep it at the same time. Clicking and
dragging an appointment in the week
view will let you change the day and
the time together.
Delete an Appointment
If an appointment or event has been canceled indefinitely, you can easily delete it.
Select the Appointment.
Click the Delete button on the
Appointment tab.
The appointment is deleted.
© 2019 CustomGuide
Appointment Options
Once an appointment has been created, there are many ways to edit how your event or appointment
appears in the calendar. Adding a reminder or adjusting the priority settings make it easy to be prepared for
that big interview, a friend’s birthday, or family dinner.
Create an All-Day Event
An all-day event is an appointment that lasts for a day or more, such as a conference, work anniversary, or
vacation. It has no specific start or end time.
From within an appointment
window, check the All day
event check box.
Shortcut: You can create a new
all-day event directly. Click the
New Items button on the
ribbon and select All Day
Click Save & Close.
The appointment is saved as an all-day
110 Midlands Tech
Change Availability
Adding free/busy information to your appointments helps people know when you are available. When you
make an appointment, the schedule is automatically set as Busy unless it is an all-day event. You can change
your status so that it correctly reflects your availability for those who can view your calendar.
From within an appointment
window, expand the Options
group if necessary.
Click the Show As list arrow on
the Appointment tab.
Select an option.
• Free: Shows that you are
• Working Elsewhere:
Indicates that you are
working from another
• Tentative: Shows that you
have tentative plans and
may not be available.
• Busy: Indicates that you are
busy and not available.
• Out of Office: Shows that
you are out of the office and
are not available.
Click Save & Close.
The appointment is updated with your
© 2019 CustomGuide
Set a Reminder
By default, a reminder will appear 15 minutes before a scheduled appointment or meeting, and 18 hours
before an all-day event. However, you can adjust when a reminder appears.
From within an appointment
window, expand the Options
group if necessary.
Click the Reminder list arrow
on the Appointment tab.
Various options appear in the
list, from a few minutes to
several weeks.
Select an option.
The reminder time is set.
Tip: Select Sound from this
menu to choose what sound
will play with the reminder.
Click Save & Close.
A reminder will now appear the set
time before the appointment.
You can make appointments private so that you appear busy to your colleagues, but they are unable to see
the exact details, such as the subject, location, or meeting organizer.
From within an appointment
window, expand the Tags
group if necessary.
Click the Private button on the
Appointment tab.
Click Save & Close.
The appointment is marked private,
hiding the details from others. To make
an appointment or meeting public
again, click the Private button again.
112 Midlands Tech
Set Priority
You can also specify if an appointment is of high or low importance.
From within an appointment
window, expand the Tags
group if necessary.
Click High Importance or Low
Click Save & Close.
The appointment’s importance level is
© 2019 CustomGuide
Schedule Meetings
Organizing meetings can be difficult when dealing with many different schedules. Using Outlook, you can
check invitee schedules before picking a meeting time. That way, you can make the meeting during a time
that will work for everyone. You can also track responses to your meeting request to ensure that your most
important invitees will be in attendance.
Create a New Meeting
Click the New Meeting button
on the Home tab.
Tip: You can create a meeting
from other views by clicking
the New Items button on the
Home tab and selecting
Click To…
Select a contact from the
Address Book.
Next, choose whether the
selected recipient is required
to attend the meeting, or if
their attendance is optional.
Click Required or Optional.
Continue to select recipients
and assign them as required or
optional until you have
everyone you need.
Click OK.
114 Midlands Tech
Enter a subject, location, and
Enter a date and time
manually, or click the
Scheduling Assistant button on
the Meeting tab.
The Scheduling Assistant
displays the availability for
everyone invited to the
If using the Scheduling
Assistant, review the
attendees’ availability and
select a time without conflicts.
Tip: Instead of scrolling
through the Scheduling
Assistant, you can find
suggested meeting times at the
bottom of the Room Finder
Click Send.
The meeting is created and email
invites are sent to the attendees.
© 2019 CustomGuide
Create a Meeting from an Email
You can also create a meeting from an email, which will automatically include everyone involved in the
email conversation.
While viewing your inbox in
Mail view, select an email.
Click the Reply with Meeting
button on the Home tab.
Everyone on the email thread
is added as a meeting attendee
and the subject is populated.
Fill in the meeting location,
date, and time.
Click in the message field and
add in meeting details.
Click Send.
Email invitations to the meeting are
sent out to the recipients.
116 Midlands Tech
Edit and Track Meetings
After you’ve sent out a meeting request, you’ll want to keep track of who’s planning to attend.
Track Responses
You can view meeting responses once they come in by using the Tracking feature.
Select a meeting in the
When you select a meeting in
the calendar, the ribbon
automatically switches to the
Meeting tab.
Click the Tracking button on
the Meeting tab.
The meeting window opens in
Tracking view, showing the
responses that have come in so
Review the responses.
You can see who has
responded, and what their
responses are.
When you’re finished, click the
meeting’s Close button.
The meeting window closes.
© 2019 CustomGuide
Edit a Meeting Time
You can edit a meeting you scheduled just like any other appointment; however, when you’re done, you
need to send an update to the invitees.
Double-click a meeting you
created in the calendar to open
The meeting window opens in
Appointment view. You can
make changes in this view or
click the Scheduling Assistant
button on the Meeting tab to
make changes from there.
Make the necessary changes in
either Appointment view or
Scheduling Assistant view.
Click Send.
A meeting update is sent out to
everyone involved in the meeting with
the new date or time.
118 Midlands Tech
Recurring Appointments
A recurring appointment is an appointment that occurs at regular intervals, such as, a conference call that
happens every Friday at 10 AM, an annual event like a birthday, or a meeting held every other week on the
same day.
Create a Recurring Appointment
You can create a new recurring appointment or add recurrence to an existing appointment.
Open an appointment or begin
creating a new appointment.
Expand the Options group, if
Click the Recurrence button on
the Appointment tab.
The Appointment Recurrence
window opens with all the
options you need to control
how the appointment recurs.
Set the appointment time.
Choose the recurrence pattern.
• Daily appointments recur
every day, every set number
of days, or every weekday.
• Weekly appointments recur
on the same day of the
week every week, or every
certain number of weeks.
• Monthly appointments
recur on the same day of the
month (the 10th), or on the
same day of a certain week
of the month (the third
• Yearly appointments recur
annually on the same day
every year (July 8th), or the
same weekday in a specified
week and month (the
second Tuesday in April).
© 2019 CustomGuide
Select the time range for the
You can specify the
appointment to recur
indefinitely, or set an end date
or number of occurrences.
Click OK.
Click Save & Close.
The appointment will now recur using
the specified settings.
120 Midlands Tech
Edit a Recurring Appointment
You can edit a recurring appointment just like you would a normal appointment. The only difference is that
you will need to clarify whether you’d like to edit all future appointments in the series, or just the one
Double-click the appointment
to open it.
Select how you’d like to edit
the recurring appointment.
• Just this one: Edit just the
selected instance of the
appointment series.
• The entire series: Edit this
appointment and all future
instances as well.
Click OK.
The appointment opens up in a
new window.
Edit the appointment as
Click Save & Close.
The recurring appointment is updated.
© 2019 CustomGuide
Delete a Recurring Appointment
You can also delete either a single instance of a recurring appointment or the entire series.
Select the appointment in the
Click the Delete button on the
Appointment Series tab.
Select either Delete
Occurrence or Delete Series.
The appointment (or appointment
series) is deleted.
Shortcut: Right-click the appointment
you want to delete and select Delete.
Select the appropriate option and click
122 Midlands Tech
Respond to Invitations
Staying on top of your own invitations is another way your Calendar works to make life easier. There are a
few different ways to respond to invitations in Outlook, ensuring your response will be received in a timely
and professional manner.
Respond from an Email
Whenever someone sends you a meeting request, you receive an email that has a special meeting request
Select a meeting request in
your inbox.
Once the meeting is selected,
you will see response buttons
appear in the Reading Pane.
Click Accept, Tentative, or
• Accept: Accept the meeting
• Tentative: Inform the
meeting coordinator that
you might be able to attend
the meeting but can’t yet
• Decline: Decline the
meeting request.
For each response, you have
the option to attach a personal
message to your RSVP, or
simply respond to the meeting
invite without sending any
comments to the meeting
Select an RSVP option.
Depending on how you respond, a
reply is sent, and the event will appear
on your calendar.
© 2019 CustomGuide
Respond from the Calendar
You can also respond to a meeting request directly from the calendar.
While viewing the calendar,
select the meeting you need to
respond to.
Any appointments you’ve been
invited to but haven’t yet
responded to will appear in
your calendar, but in a washedout color.
Click the Accept button,
Tentative button, or Decline
button on the Meeting Series
You also have a choice of how
you’d like to RSVP to the
Select a response method.
Depending on the option you chose, a
message is sent to the meeting
organizer and the meeting remains in
your calendar, no longer in a washedout color.
124 Midlands Tech
Add Contacts
Having a contact list isn’t any good if you don’t add new contacts as you connect with more people. If you
have someone’s information handy, you can easily create a new contact for them.
Add a New Contact
You can add a new contact in Outlook’s People hub.
Click the People button on the
Navigation Bar.
The People hub appears in
Outlook, where you can add a
new contact.
Click the New Contact button.
A new contact window opens.
Fill in the available information
(Optional) Click the Picture
(Optional) Select Add Picture.
76 Midlands Tech
(Optional) Find the contact’s
picture and select it.
(Optional) Click OK.
Click Save & Close.
The new contact is created.
Tip: If you create a contact with the
same name as another contact, the
Duplicate Contact Detected dialog box
appears. Choose to either add a new
record or update the existing contact’s
Shortcut: Press Ctrl + N to create a
new contact.
© 2019 CustomGuide
Add a Contact from the Address Book
If you get your email through your organization’s Microsoft Exchange server, you can also add contacts from
the global Address Book. This is like looking someone up in a company directory.
Click the Address Book button.
The Address Book window
opens, showing a list of
everyone on the organization’s
email list.
Double-click a contact.
Click the Add to Contacts
A new contact window
appears, with some fields
already filled in with data from
the server.
Add any extra information,
then click Save & Close.
A copy of the contact is saved to your
personal contacts.
78 Midlands Tech
Add a Contact from an Email
You can also create a new contact from within an email.
Right-click the sender name
you want to add from an
Select Add to Outlook
A contact preview window
Fill in any additional
information, and then click
Save & Close.
The info is saved and shows up in your
contact list.
© 2019 CustomGuide
Import Contacts
If you already have a contact list created outside of Outlook, such as an Excel file, you can import it into
Outlook instead of reentering information.
Click the File tab.
Outlook appears in Backstage
Select Open & Export.
Click Import/Export.
Select Import from Another
Program or File.
The Import and Export Wizard
Click Next.
80 Midlands Tech
The Import A File dialog box
Select Comma Separated
If you’re importing from Excel,
or another database, you’ll
need to save the file as a CSV,
meaning the values are
separated by commas.
Click Next.
Click Browse, select the file,
and click OK.
© 2019 CustomGuide
If you haven’t added any
contacts to Outlook yet, don’t
worry about duplicates. But if
you know you have duplicates,
you’ll want to select the “Do
not import duplicate items”
Click Next.
With Contacts selected as the
destination folder, click Next.
If your CSV file has a lot of
fields and you want to make
sure they map to the correct
Outlook fields, click Map
Custom Fields.
Click Finish.
82 Midlands Tech
Use the Address Book
Whether you’re in Mail, Calendar, People, or Tasks view, the Address Book is where you can access all of
your contact sources. Most people work with the Global Address List that is tied to their organization’s email
server and the Outlook Address Book that is tied to their personal account.
View the Address Book
Click the Address Book button
on the Home tab of the ribbon.
Tip: The Address Book window
displays one group of contacts
at a time. To view another,
click the Address Book list
arrow in the upper-right corner
and select a different contact
Address Book Actions
You can communicate with your contacts directly from the Address Book.
Double-click a contact from the
Address Book.
The contact information, which
was saved on the server, is
Click Actions.
A small contact card appears,
with links to communicate with
the contact.
Select an action:
Outlook performs the action that you
© 2019 CustomGuide
View and Search Contacts
Outlook’s People hub is where you can access your contacts, which store information such as email
addresses and phone numbers for your friends and colleagues.
View the People Pane
To view the People Pane:
Click the People button on the
Navigation Bar.
View the Contact
Click any contact.
The contact appears in the Reading
Pane, displaying the information that’s
been added to the contact.

If the contact has extra
information, such as a Notes
field, extra headers will appear
at the top of the contact card.

Some information will be
initially hidden from some
views; double-click the contact
to see the details.
84 Midlands Tech
Change How Contacts are Listed
While the default People view can be useful for quickly seeing information, you have several other views you
can use to browse your contacts.
Click the Change View button
on the Home tab.
Select a view.
People: Shows a list of your
contacts with the selected
contact’s information
displayed in the Reading Pane.
Business Card: Displays
contacts as electronic business
Card: Displays all the
information about a contact on
a card. This is the most
detailed view of the contacts
Phone: Displays contacts in a
list with a company name,
business phone number,
business fax number, and home
phone number. Shows more
contacts on the screen at one
time but has less detailed
List: Displays your contacts in a
table and sorts them
© 2019 CustomGuide
Search Contacts
You can search your contacts from the Search field, regardless of what view you are using.
Click in the Search Contacts
Type your search phrase.
Now, only the contacts that contain
what you searched for are displayed.
Tip: The Search tab automatically
appears on the ribbon as soon as you
search for something. You can use it to
further refine your search.
86 Midlands Tech
Edit and Delete Contacts
If you find out about some new or updated information for one of your contacts, you can edit their contact
information. You can also delete contacts.
Edit a Contact
You can always edit a contact’s information from the People Pane.
Select a contact.
Tip: You can also just doubleclick the contact to start
editing it.
Click in the ellipsis button.
Select Edit Outlook Contact.
Add or update information in
the fields.
Click the Save & Close button.
Now, the information appears on the
contact’s card.
© 2019 CustomGuide
Delete a Contact
If you no longer need to store a contact, it is simple to delete it.
Select a contact to delete.
Click Delete on the Home tab.
The contact is removed from the list.
88 Midlands Tech
Tag Contacts
You can add tags to contacts, so you can quickly find the one you’re looking for.
Create Custom Categories
By default, Outlook’s categories are given rather generic names, but you can easily edit these or create your
own. You can use categories to better organize and group your contacts; for example, you might create
Work and Personal categories.
Expand the Tags group, if
Click Categorize on the ribbon.
Select All Categories.
Here, you can rename the
existing categories to fit your
needs or create a new
Click New.
Type a name for the new
Click the Color list arrow.
© 2019 CustomGuide
Select a color.
Click OK.
Click OK again.
A new category has been created.
90 Midlands Tech
Apply a Tag
Here’s how to tag contact with a category:
Select a contact to tag.
Expand the Tags group, if
Click the Categorize button.
Select a category.
The contact is now tagged in the new
Note: You can apply multiple
categories to the same contact. For
example, a relative who works with
you might be tagged as both Business
and Family.
Search for Tags
Categories can make searches much easier.
Click in the Search field.
Click the Categorized button
from the Search Tools tab.
Select the category you want
to see.
The contacts are filtered to show only
those tagged with the category that
you’re looking for.
© 2019 CustomGuide
Sort Contacts
Most of the views display your contacts sorted alphabetically by last name, but from List view, you can also
sort by other information.
Sort Contacts
Click Change View and select
List to switch to List view.
Click the column header you
want to use to sort the list.
(Optional) Click the column
header again to sort in the
reverse order.
Sort in Groups
Some fields will also group your contacts together when you sort by them.
Click the View tab on the
Click the Arrange By button.
Select an arrange option.
Tip: While the contacts are
grouped, you can collapse a
group to hide its contacts.
92 Midlands Tech
Share Contacts
You can easily share a contact’s information with others.
Share a Single Contact
To share a single contact:
Select a contact.
Click the Share button.
Click Forward Contact.
Select a format.
• Business Card:
(Recommended) Sent in VCF
or vCard format, which is
understood by most email
• Outlook Contact: Sent in a
format that can be easily
read by Outlook Exchange
users but not by other email
Address and compose the
email, then click Send.
© 2019 CustomGuide
Share All of Your Contacts
You can also share your entire Contacts folder with someone.
Click the Share button.
Click Share Contacts.
A new email is created, ready
to send an invite to view your
Contacts folder.
Address and compose the
email, then click Send.
Outlook will confirm that
you’re sure you want to share
your entire Contacts folder
with everyone you invited.
Click Yes.
Everyone who receives that email will
be able to view your entire Contacts
94 Midlands Tech
Create Contact Groups
Contact groups let you group several people together, so that you can email them all at once.
Create a Contact Group
Click the New Contact Group
A blank New Contact Group
window appears.
Name the contact group.
Click Add Members.
Select a contact source.
© 2019 CustomGuide
Double-click the contacts you
want to add.
The name and email address of
the contacts you add are
shown in the Members field.
Click OK.
Click Save & Close.
The new contact group is saved and
will appear within your contacts list.
96 Midlands Tech
Communicate with a Contact Group
Communicating with a contact group is just as easy as communicating with a single contact.
Select a contact group.
Click Email.
The name of the contact group
appears in the To field, just like
a single contact’s name would.
Compose the message, then
click Send.
The email is sent to everyone in the
contact group at once.
Note: When creating an email, you can
just enter the group name in the To
field like you would with a single
© 2019 CustomGuide
Modify Contact Groups
If something has changed with a contact group, you can make modifications to it.
Add Contacts to an Existing Contact Group
You can always add contacts to an existing contact group.
Double-click a contact group.
Click the Add Members button
from the Contact Group tab.
Select an option for adding the
Fill in the necessary fields.
Click OK.
The contact is now added to the group.
98 Midlands Tech
Add Notes to a Contact Group
You can add notes to the contact group to keep track of information.
Click the Notes button on the
Contact Group tab.
Type a note about the contact
Click Save & Close.
The changes to the contact group are
© 2019 CustomGuide
Delete Contact Groups
If a contact is no longer relevant to a group or a group is no longer relevant, there’s no reason to continue
storing them.
Remove Contacts from a Contact Group
If there’s a contact that no longer belongs in a contact group, you can always remove it.
Double-click a contact group.
Select a contact to remove.
Click the Remove Member
The contact is removed from the
100 Midlands Tech
Delete a Contact Group
Now if you want to delete the entire contact group, you can do that too.
Open the contact group you
want to delete.
Click the Delete Group button
on the ribbon.
Click Yes.
The contact group is deleted. Keep in
mind, this doesn’t delete any contacts.
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