Outline with Revised Thesis


Assignment Requirements:Uses the template below to structure an outline with an introduction, body, and conclusion sectionContains at least 3 main points in the body section of the outlineUses facts, statistics, and examples from sources to support main points

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Paper Topic: The negative effects of social media on teens
Audience: parents of teens, adults who take care of teens (teachers, guardians, etc.)
Possible ideas for the introduction
a. Short anecdote about teen and social media
b. Fact to set context/ importance
Thesis Statement: Social media negatively affects teens’ mental health, self-esteem, and sleep
Main Point: social media negatively affects teens’ mental health
a) A recent study of 6,595 teens found that those who used social media more
heavily were also more likely to report mental health issues, such as depression,
anxiety, and even antisocial behavior.
b) “the use of social media for three hours or more was associated with more than
double the risk of reporting both internalizing and externalizing [behavioral and
health] problems” (Kirby, 2019).
Main Point: social media negatively affects teens’ self-esteem
a) “keeping up with the Joneses” mentality and a feeling of inadequacy
b) “if we aren’t getting as much [as other users] we become anxious, depressed,
and feel we are missing out on a coveted if ephemeral popularity to the rational
mind” (Cytowic, 2019).
Main Point: social media negatively affects teens’ sleep habits
a) While many studies suggest that scrolling through Instagram and sending latenight Snaps definitely cause young people to lose sleep, TikTok may be the most
powerful culprit in 2020
b) “I spent a solid day — truly, probably eight straight hours — scrolling through
the short clips… [and] that very same night… I stayed up past 2 a.m. watching
TikTok videos [which is] very unlike me. I’m a great sleeper” (Zaman, 2020).
Reworded Thesis
Other ideas to conclude:
a) Recognize that there may be no way to keep teens off of social media
b) Recognize that parents and adults needs to be aware of the tools that they have to help
mitigate the negative effects of social media on teens
Clincher ideas:
a) As with most things in life, balance and moderation may be the best way to combat the
negative effects of social media on teens.
The Basic Outline of a Paper
The following outline shows a basic format for most academic papers. No matter what length the paper
needs to be, it should still follow the format of having an introduction, body, and conclusion. Read over
what typically goes in each section of the paper. Use the back of this handout to outline information for
your specific paper.
I. Introduction
The introduction should have some of the following elements, depending on the type of paper:
Start with an attention grabber: a short story, example, statistic, or historical
context that introduces the paper topic
Give an overview of any issues involved with the subject
Define of any key terminology need to understand the topic
Quote or paraphrase sources revealing the controversial nature of the subject
(argumentative papers only)
Highlight background information on the topic needed to understand the direction
of the paper
Write an antithesis paragraph, presenting the primary opposing views
(argumentative paper only)
The introduction must end with a THESIS statement (a 1 to 2 sentences in length):
Tell what the overall paper will focus on
Briefly outline the main points in the paper
II. Body
Clearly present the main points of the paper as listed in the thesis
Give strong examples, details, and explanations to support each main points
If an argumentative paper, address any counterarguments and refute those arguments
If a research paper, use strong evidence from sources—paraphrases, summaries, and
quotations that support the main points
III. Conclusion
Restate your thesis from the introduction in different words
Briefly summarize each main point found in the body of the paper (avoid going over 2
sentences for each point)
Give a statement of the consequences of not embracing the position (argumentative paper
End with a strong clincher statement: an appropriate, meaningful final sentence that ties the
whole point of the paper together (may refer back to the attention grabber)
Additional Tips
Decide on the thesis and main points first
You do not need to start writing your paper with the introduction
Try writing the thesis and body first; then go back and figure out how to best introduce the body
and conclude the paper
Use transitions between main points and between examples within the main points
Always keep your thesis in the forefront of your mind while writing; everything in your paper
must point back to the thesis
Use the back of this handout to make an outline of your paper
Paper Topic:____________________________________________________ Audience:__________
I. Introduction
Possible ideas for the introduction (see front side of handout for suggestions):
Thesis Statement (Usually the last sentence(s) in the introduction):
II. Body (A paper may have a few or many main points; decide how many your paper will need)
Main Point: ___________________________________________________________________
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________
Main Point: ___________________________________________________________________
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________
Main Point: ___________________________________________________________________
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________
Main Point: ___________________________________________________________________
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________
III. Conclusion
Reworded Thesis (Usually found near the beginning of the conclusion):
Other Ideas to Conclude:
Clincher Ideas: _________________________________________________________________

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