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MUA1930. Assignment 2 (Music Fundamentals II)
1. Where would you place the notes A D F G C and B on a staff? Indicate line and/or
space. If you can place a note on both a line and a space, indicate them.
A: “Second space”
Your turn:
2. What is the lowest and highest frequency a person can hear?
3. Name three percussion instruments and three woodwind instruments that you can
find in a symphony orchestra.
4. How many quarter notes do you need to fill TWO bars in triple meter?
5. What is the difference between melody and harmony?
6. Why can’t you find a guitar in a standard symphony?
7. Write the names of the SIX periods in music history and their corresponding dates
(according to the lecture)
8. Define in a few words each of the following terms:
a. Soprano
b. Mezzo piano
c. Dissonance
d. Timpani
e. Chord
f. Triple meter
g. Eighth note
h. Adagio
i. Crescendo
j. Scale

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