The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t willto conduct the data analysis to provide the CEO with insights about what drives or predicts sales.Please see the questions shown in the screenshot. I will send you all the info after being hired, eg PPTs, student access etc. Please send a draft in 12hrs -1 day time, day 2, and day 3 as well. + Will need to draft some questions to ask the teacher and revise base on feedback (Send bk ard in 1 day max)
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EFIM10014: Quantitative Analysis in Management
University of Bristol Business School
This assessment is assessing the following unit learning outcomes:
1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the role of quantitative analysis in generating value from data.
2. Apply basic statistical techniques to business and management problems.
3. Communicate quantitative ideas effectively in written form.
4. Use a variety of visual models to represent statistical results.
5. Use Excel for data analysis and presentation.
Kheirat is a company that sells skincare products all over Asia. The company has designated geographic sales territories, each
the responsibility of a single sales representative who services a number of retail outlets within their territory. The company
wants to find out which factors influence the quantity of sold units and the impact each factor has on sales. For this, a random
sample of 110 sales territories of the firm’s sales organisation was drawn. Information was collected on the number of units
of the product sold, along with values for seven possible predictor variables, in each territory.
Sales of the skincare products (in units sold) were hypothesised to be a function of the following variables:
1. The advertising budget in that territory during the past year (Advertising; in $);
2. How long the territory sales representative had been employed by the company (Time with Company; in months);
3. What percentage of the market potential the company actually had in this territory (Market Share; in %);
4. The market size in the territory, measured as total sales of products within the same product category (Market Potential);
5. The number of retail outlets the sales representative was responsible for in this territory (Outlets);
6. The average rating of the company in each territory (Rating; in points);
7. The number of meetings between the sales representative and someone from top management (Nb of meetings; semiannually).
The Excel spreadsheet “QAM CW DATASET 2023.xlsx” contains data for the 110 sample sales territories.
You are tasked to conduct the data analysis to provide the CEO with insights about what drives or predicts sales. For this, you
should write a summary of your findings and make recommendations for the company, in management/nontechnical terms,
so the CEO knows what to focus the company’s attention on. Bear in mind that the CEO is busy, not a fan of statistics jargon
and thus wants easily accessible information.
The CFO has also announced their interest in your findings because they are hoping for a mathematical model to predict
future sales. Unlike the CEO, the CFO is a bit of a statistics whizz and will critically examine your analysis and assumptions.
To please both, you should write a report of maximum 2500 words (this is excluding tables and graphs) with the following
Start with the summary of the findings and recommendations arising from your analysis. This is aimed at the CEO so it has
to go first, as they won’t read the rest of the report. The summary and recommendations to the CEO should constitute the
main part of the report, and thus will include most of the writing.
The second part of the report, which could be the technical appendix, should demonstrate and explain all the steps you have
taken in your analysis, the obtained model of what drives sales, and which assumptions you have made and tested. Remember
this needs to be statistically accurate, as the CFO will examine it critically and might recommend scrapping your results to
the CEO if they do not trust your procedure. This part does not need to include a lot of writing/text but must include tables
and graphs with some relevant explanation.
Your work should be presented in a word document, not in an Excel file (this means that tables and graphs need to be copied
from Excel into the document; Font: Times New Roman 12).
You will be assessed on:
The correctness of your models and statistical analysis
The correctness and details in your interpretations of ALL the output
The clarity of the interpretation of your analysis for management’s (CEO)
The structure and presentation style of the report
Recommendations arising from the analysis and suggestions for future work
Conducting any relevant extended analysis beyond the basic brief (especially
if based on your own independent reading with relevant sources)
Please also see the marking criteria at the end of this document.
The coursework accounts for 60% of the unit’s grade.
Submit your work via the Blackboard link by (8th Jan 2024) at 1 pm.
Please note that this is your individual work. Using someone else’s work is plagiarism which is a serious offence and comes
with penalties.
EFIM10014 Marking Criteria
0-100 scale
The student shows excellent
The student shows very good
The student shows good
The student shows a
The student shows poor
understanding of the
understanding of the
understanding of the
satisfactory understanding of understanding of the
requirements of the assignment. requirements of the assignment. requirements of the assignment. the requirements of the
requirements of the assignment.
There is a clear division between There is a clear division between There is a clear division between
They fail to demonstrate
the section for the CEO and that the section for the CEO and that the section for the CEO and that They have run some analysis awareness of the proper analysis
for the CFO.
for the CFO.
for the CFO.
to find out what impacts
to predict what impacts sales.
sales, but they might not
The obtained/chosen model is
The obtained/chosen model is
The student might have missed
There is overall very
have conducted all relevant
statistically correct.
statistically correct.
an important step that affects the steps.
little/inadequate statistical
final model built, but a
analysis and what is present is
Student has shown and explained The student has shown and
reasonable statistical analysis is The student might not have either incorrect or very
all steps involved in the analysis explained the steps involved in
conducted all the proper
the analysis correctly but might
assumption testing.
have missed a minor explanation The final model has been
No interpretation or incorrect
Model validity is demonstrated
of one of the steps in the analysis. validated but one of the Some output has been
interpretation of output exists.
fully and correctly.
assumptions might not be correct. interpreted but other
Model validity is demonstrated
Because the analysis is incorrect,
relevant interpretations and
All output is correctly interpreted.
fully and correctly.
The output has been interpreted output are missing.
the student fails to make proper
but there might be some other
recommendations to the CEO, or
Recommendations made to the
The report might include some
there is no attempt to make
CEO are relevant and useful.
minor incomplete output
to the CEO are too brief or recommendations.
Some recommendations are confusing.
Recommendations for future
made to the CEO, but the student
The report does not follow the
research are also made.
have made some confusing or The report might not follow recommended structure and has
The student differentiates
or the recommended structure:
between what explanation (and
0-100 scale
output interpretation) goes into Relevant recommendations based recommendations made are too CEO report followed by a
a weak or no discernible
the CEO report and what goes
on the findings are made to the basic.
technical appendix/section structure.
into the technical appendix for
CEO but might be rather basic.
for the CFO and thus student
The language used for the CEO
The writing style is poor which
the CFO.
has not distinguished
The student attempts to
and CFO is almost the same between the two audiences. disrupts the understanding of
Good/correct writing style of
differentiate between what
(student has barely distinguished
the assignment.
management and technical report explanation (and output
between the two audiences).
The writing may lack fluency
Presentation of any
with due regard to target
interpretation) goes into the CEO
and contain errors in
The essay might not be very wellgraphs/tables is poor.
audience for each part.
report and what goes into the
understanding and
technical appendix for the CFO,
misinterpretation of
The essay is well-structured and
clear presentation of tables and
but the writing style/language
includes appropriate subfigures.
used for the CEO might include a
There is not a neat and clear
few technical terms.
Writing is presented to a good presentation of tables and
Writing is presented to a high
The essay is well-structured and
standard and presentation of
includes appropriate subThe text is within word count.
tables/graphs is neat and correct. headings.
Student has shown extended
Writing is presented to a high
analysis based on their own
standard and presentation of
independent reading or has
tables/graphs is neat and correct.
included information beyond the
basic analysis (maybe even
The text is within word count.
included relevant info from other
weeks of QAM).
References are included IF the
student presents information
outside the lecture material on
The text is within word count.
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