Organizational Psychology – Week 5 Discussion


For this discussion, address the following questions:What is Multisource/360 Feedback? How does it differ if used for “development only” vs. “administrative” purposes? Should 360-degree feedback be integrated into performance management processes? When they are, what are they important design components?Referring to Bracken and Rotolo (2019) and the ALAMO model of performance they use, what are ways to improve rater performance using Alignment, Ability, Motivation, and Opportunity (one method for each)? Bracken, D. W., & Rotolo, C. T. (2019). Can we improve rater performance? In A. H. Church, D. W. Bracken, J. W. Fleenor, & D. S. Rose (Eds.), Handbook of strategic 360 feedback (pp. 255-289). Oxford University Press. Bracken, D. W., & Rotolo, C. T. (2019). Can we improve rater performance? In A. H. Church, D. W. Bracken, J. W. Fleenor, & D. S. Rose (Eds.), Handbook of strategic 360 feedback (pp. 255-289). Oxford University Press. – Alternative FormatsBe sure to support your ideas with references from the literature AND THE TEXTBOOK (using page numbers).

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