Organizational Psychology Discussion 1


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Organizational Psychology Discussion 1
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1. Watch this video about industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology:

2. Read Aquinas et al. (2017)

Table 3 provides over 50 of the most cited articles in I/O psychology (see “Yes” in “Journal Article” column).

Find one of those articles in the Keiser Library.

By Wednesday, provide your initial post about the article with the following information:

Why did you select the article?
Is it research or a summary article? (Provide a brief summary)
Why do you believe the article has become a seminal publication in the field of I/O psychology? Why would other psychologists be likely to cite it or use it for future research? Why did you select the article?
What does our textbook say about this topic? Is this article cited?

ATTACH A PDF of the article!!

You will also use this article in your assignment, so choose carefully!


Aguinis, H., Ramani, R. S., Campbell, P. K., Bernal-Turnes, P., Drewry, J. M., & Edgerton, B. T. (2017). Most frequently cited sources, articles, and authors in industrial-organizational psychology textbooks: Implications for the science–practice divide, scholarly impact, and the future of the field. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 10(4), 507-557

For this and all Discussions, we will be using APA 7th Edition format rules for citation, references and organization.