Organizational Control discussion


Before attempting to respond to this post, refer to the “Values, Norms, and Socialization” Learning Activity. According to the text, why is the socialization process important? Give an example. Next, how does a company you know well socialize the employees? What are a couple of main understandings employees obtain through this process in general? Does the company use any of the techniques mentioned in the text? If so which one(s)?

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Organizational Control discussion
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Values, Norms, and Socialization as Organizational Controls

Many companies analyze employees’ values, norms and socialization to control employee behavior. Read this section for a list of general techniques for imparting organizational values to employees to create clan control.

One of the ways to create organizational control is to set forth a company culture with values, norms, and socialization. Many organizations use values, norms, and socialization as a means for organizational control. Employees hired with similar values to begin with, will be more likely to follow the norms already established within the organization—namely because they buy into them already. Additionally, by utilizing socialization in the onboarding process, employees further understand the values and, to avoid social sanctions, will follow the values and norms of the organization.

Overall, the organizations that use values, norms, and socialization will find they also often have more organizational control than organizations that do not. Some of the overall techniques used by companies for organizational control through values, norms, and socialization include:

Making sure people hired have shared values with the organization
Ensuring that new employees have similar belief structures and are a “good fit” related to organizational culture
Allowing operational latitude in terms of allowing employees to perform their duties in the best way possible for them. For example, this could mean a flexible schedule.
Making sure creation of the company values involve team members from a variety of departments for “buy-in”
Following the values, through leadership and actions, not just “talk”
Making sure values are measurable; that is, what kinds of observable behavior can ensure adherence to values?
Rewarding employees who adhere to values

Consider Recreational Equipment Inc., based in Seattle, Washington. They have a clear approach to the values and norms of the organization, and attempt to socialize new employees through hiring and training to ensure all employees embody their values. Their values include (REI, 2014):

Authenticity: We are true to the outdoors
Quality: We provide trustworthy products and services
Service: We serve others with expertise and enthusiasm
Respect: We listen and learn from each other
Integrity: We live by a code of rock-solid ethics, honesty, and decency
Balance: We encourage each other to enjoy all aspects of life

Values, norms, and socialization are clan controls and can assist in organizational control because they can be the “guiding light” for employees. Organizations should often revisit their values, norms, and socialization process to analyze and make sure they are still in line with what the organization, as a whole, believes for the optimal organizational control using clan control methods.

Note. The material in this section was written by Kathleen Bates. Copyright 2014 by Flat World Knowledge, Inc.

Values, Norms, and Socialization at REI

Review the Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) website for an example of techniques used to display values, norms, and socialization techniques. Answer the question in the Discussion Board after reviewing the website.

REI: Career-Care