Organisational Behaviour A1: Elevator Pitch (Judy 16/03/2024)


The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t will2 minute pitchPlease see the questions shown in the screenshot. I will send you all the info after being hired, eg PPTs, student access etc. Please send a draft in 12hrs -1 day time, day 2, and day 3 as well. + Will need to draft some questions to ask the teacher and revise base on feedback (Send bk ard in 1 day max)

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Organisational Behaviour A1: Elevator Pitch (Judy 16/03/2024)
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Oral presentation
Giving a presentation can be a very rewarding experience for both the presenter and the audience. There
are some very simple techniques for guaranteeing a successful presentation, despite nerves!
Purpose and audience
With all communication, but particularly with
oral presentations, you need to seriously
consider your purpose and your audience. Why
are you giving this presentation? Do you want to
inform, persuade, motivate, or convince? You
will take different approaches depending on your
audience. The way you speak to your classmates
and the information you give, may be different
to presenting to business people. The examples
you will give to each group will need to relate to
their experience and expertise. Always use
phrases which acknowledge your audience.
Phrases such as:
 “I’m sure you are aware that…”
 “As you may know….”
 “It is likely that you are familiar with…”
will avoid you sounding like you know everything
when in fact your audience may already know
more than you think.
good presenters are lively and enthusiastic, they
can inspire and energise us.
Presenters can also present difficult information
in a simplified way and provide examples that
are meaningful to help us understand difficult
concepts. In contrast, if a presenter talks in a
monotone about facts and figures and uses
bland language, we are likely to start thinking
about more interesting things such as what we
are planning to do at the weekend.
Traits of a confident presenter
What presenters have you found inspiring? Very
likely they are people who know their topic well
and can explain it simply and in an interesting
Good presenters are also likely to:
 have confident body
 gain eye contact with
everyone in the
audience, by scanning
the room as they speak,
and smiling when
 avoid ‘nervous tics’
which may distract the
audience, such as
covering their mouths or
fiddling with jewellery
 walk around conveying
the feeling they are
having a conversation
with you, and
 catch the attention of
their audience
Using a ‘hook’ to gain audience attention
It can also be useful to ask for ideas from the
audience right at the beginning of a session to
involve them and help them to draw on their
own experience. A good technique to involve
your audience is to use a simple ‘hook’, which is
something that you know relates to their
experience. For example, if you were presenting
something about food products, you might start
by asking your audience “Who has eaten cereal
this morning?” Because this is something that
relates to people’s everyday experience, you are
likely to have their attention immediately.
Become a confident presenter
What do good presenters give the audience
which a written document can’t? First of all, if
Revised January 2011
Good presenters use different techniques to
involve and engage their audience. Their
preparation will include gaining information
about their audience so they can tailor their
examples and messages to suit. They will then
use this knowledge to make their presentation
more convincing. Good presenters are also very
adaptable. They know their subject matter so
well, and are usually so well-prepared, that they
can be flexible within their allocated time. If
necessary, they can extend or shorten their
presentation without being thrown off-balance.

do not be dominated by PowerPoint. You
are the presenter! Don’t turn off the lights if
you can help it!
PowerPoint is a wonderful tool – but don’t forget
it is just that – a tool. It should not dominate
your presentation.
Tips for presenting:
 Give the audience an overview of
information before giving detail.
 Do not talk to the slide: instead provide
further information relating to each point
which appears on the slide.
 Do not turn your back on the audience: you
can stand to the side of the projected image
and point at certain items.
 Stick to the point: be clear and fairly concise
in your explanations.
 Control the environment: familiarise yourself
with the room and any technology which you
need to use.
 Be flexible: if somebody interrupts, consider
whether you can use their question to
explain a section of your presentation. If
not, say that you will allow time for
questions at the end.
 Be aware of your body language: stand
straight, avoid hands in pockets and cast
your eyes around the audience as you speak.
Moving away from the computer will help
you to relax and make you seem more lively
and enthusiastic.
 Do not be afraid of silence when you invite
questions: 10 seconds will feel longer to you
than to the audience. People need time to
consider what to say.
 Read your audience: if many people are
looking tired and restless, change the pace,
move around, let them know if you only
have a few more points to cover, or invite
Remember, if using PowerPoint:
 do not use full sentences on the slide
 do not use a style that is too fancy and
 remember that upper case is more difficult
to read than lower case
 be careful with the colour combinations you
use; there is no point using nice colours if
your slide cannot be read, and
CBS Communication Skills Centre
Curtin Business School
Room 407.202
Email: [email protected]
Practise, practise, practise
Whether it is an individual or group presentation
practising helps in several ways. By practising
you will learn how to talk ‘round the topic’, that
is, not read out the slides. Instead, you can
provide the listener with much more information
than is on the slide, as if you were in a
conversation. Practising will help you to express
complex ideas clearly and simply. It will also
make you feel more confident.
Ensure that you allow time at the end of the
session for questions. What do you do if you
don’t know the answer to a question? It is
always better to admit you don’t know and say
you will find out than to pretend you do, and
then get caught out. Alternatively, you can ask
the audience what they think.
PowerPoint Pointers
Revised January 2011
MGMT2000 Assessment One | Elevator Pitch
Reflection affords the opportunity to consider how our personal and professional experiences, learning and
observations shape our thinking and worldview. It is a process whereby we can learn from our experiences and
connect theory with practice. It can also help us become more aware of our personality and self-identity.
This assessment asks you to develop a 2 minute elevator pitch based on any 3 dimensions of the Five
Factor Model of Personality (Big-5 Model).
Tell me about yourself…is one of the most frequently asked questions to university students and graduates
during networking activities, in interviews, and other events such as social events and family gatherings. This
part of the assessment has been designed to better prepare you for answering that question. You are required
to develop your own unique professional elevator pitch – based on Five Factor Model of Personality (also called
the Big-5 model).
What is an Elevator Pitch? An Elevator Pitch is your brand statement. It will prepare you to take advantage of
everyday situations (e.g. social settings, on planes, attending conferences, with friends of the family) where you
are asked that all important question (‘tell me about yourself’) and turn the occasion into a networking or
employment opportunity.
It is a concise, well-practised, uninterrupted professional message about yourself. It is delivered to someone you
have just met (e.g. the CEO of a big organisation) – in the time it would take to ride up an elevator. You will have
two minutes to present your professional elevator pitch to your peers in the scheduled workshop.
Important points to remember for preparing the pitch:
Review the topic of ‘personality in organisations’ and recent research on personality and Big-5 model.
You also need to understand how personality dimensions affect work behaviour and performance. You
can refer to your text-book and workshop 2 Power Point presentation. You can also look up recent
research on the topic with help of Curtin Library Resources. Relevant research articles can also be
accessed via the Reading List for Teaching Week 2.
Take the Big-5 personality test on the link provided in Module 2 preparation guide.
Analyse the results and do some self-reflection on ‘who you are as a person’ and ‘how the 5 personality
dimensions of Big-5 model’ apply to you.
Think of your personal and professional experience and particular incident(s) that correlate with your
personality profile.
Prepare a 2 minute pitch describing yourself as a person in terms of any 3 dimensions of the Big-5
model. You should show understanding of any 3 dimensions of the model in your pitch and how they
apply to you and impact your work behaviour and performance.
Look at the marking rubric for this assessment and it will give you a concrete idea of what you need to
cover in your pitch.
The pitch should be professional and able to impress that all important person (e.g. CEO of the
organisation) to consider making you a job offer.
You will also be required to provide a written copy of your pitch to your tutor on the day of the pitch. Please
note that you will be assessed on your oral pitch only and the written copy is to help your tutors in marking
the oral assessment. This will also help you in preparing a professional pitch.
PLEASE NOTE: There are NO late assessments accepted for the elevator pitch

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