operating system


Operating System Assignment Overview

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To get a good understanding of why we are doing this assignment take a look at the following questions and answers.

What is an Operating System (OS)? An operating system (OS) is the program that, after being initially loaded into the computer by a boot program, manages all of the other application programs in a computer. The application programs make use of the operating system by making requests for services through a defined application program interface (API).
What is the difference between an System Software and an Operating System? System software is the software that manages the resources and allows a user to interact with the system. The operating system acts as the interface between the user and the computer hardware. It loads in the main memory whenever required. It resides in the main memory all the time while the system is on.
How do we find out what kind of Operating System you have? Usually this information is given to you when you purchase your PC and should be available to you in the user manual. At the very least you should know if it is a Windows, Mac or Chromebook, but there are so many different versions for each of these. Narrowing it down and then doing a simple Google search such as, “How to find out what OS I have in my Windows/Mac/Linux/Chromebook PC?”

Operating System Instructions

To complete this assignment follow the steps below.

Find out what Operating System you have running in your PC.
I will show you how to do this in the video below using Windows 11, which is the system software I have on my PC.
If you have other versions of Windows, Mac or Chromebook, then either use Google or YouTube to find out the steps.
Once you have identified your Operating System complete the following step.
What is type of Operating System do you have (Windows, Mac, Chromebook, etc.)?
What version of Operating System do you have (Windows 11, macOS Ventura, Chrome OS, etc.)
Next answer the following questions in your initial post.
What are your two (2) of your favorite features?
If you are not familiar with too many features, that’s ok. Begin by doing a search online (Google, YouTube, etc.) to read/watch videos about different features. Practice using those features and then answer this question.
What do my favorite two (2) features do?
Are these features available on other Operating Systems?
Only compare one other operating system. If you are not sure about other operating systems, do a search online and find out if other operating systems have the same or similar features.
Why are these features beneficial to you?
After making your initial post in this discussion assignment do the following.
Read all of your classmates initial post.
After reading all of your classmates posts, pick at least one (1) post that shared a feature you didn’t list in your post and found interesting (you may respond to more than 1 classmate, if you like).
After you picked the one (1) post you liked, respond to your classmates by answering the following questions.
How will you use this new feature?
Is there any insight on this feature that you can share that wasn’t covered in your classmates post?
Is this feature available in other type of Operating System?
You may also ask or comment on any other aspect that is relevant to your classmates post.
After making your initial post and at least one (1) response to a classmate you are done, but encouraged to check in often to read your responses. The more participation you put in, the more dynamic this assignment will be.

Operating System Assignment Video

View this video overview of this assignment:

https://youtu.be/ghbkg3iUa04Links to an external site.