Observation D: Middle Childhood ages 7-10


Because school-age children are harder to observe but easier to talk to, this observation will include an interview as well as time spent observing and interacting with one child age 7 to 10. Interviewing a child who does not meet the age requirements for the assignment is an automatic 0.

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Observation D: Middle Childhood ages 7-10
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Use the information that you learned during your interview with the child, along with other information that you have from personal experience or from the child’s family to answer the questions below. Remember to give complete answers to the questions, include direct statements from the child (quotes), and to support your answers with information from the interview and references to the textbook material. Before beginning, review the example that was provided in this module as well as the grading rubric, and download the template.

A thorough observation which follows the template and includes complete answers to all questions will be at least 3 full pages.*

**TEMPLATE FOR OBSERVATION DLinks to an external site.

Questions for Observation D
Is the child at risk for childhood obesity? (consider sports, nutrition, TV/video game influences, etc)
Does the child show any signs of the disorders discussed in Chapter 10 or 11? Give examples to support your conclusion.
Give 2 examples of the child demonstrating concrete operational thinking. Which of the characteristics of concrete operational thinking, from Chapter 11, do these represent?
Give an example of a memory strategy that is used by the child.
Give an example of the child’s stage of moral development. Include the name of the stage in your answer.
What is the child’s family structure (form)? Does the family fulfill the basic functions for school age children? How does her family affect this child?
Is the child popular or unpopular? Give examples to support your answer.
Based on what you have learned about children this age, in what areas is the child developing typically? In what areas are they a little ahead or not quite there yet? What has influenced their development? What suggestions can you give to support their development?

Some suggested interview questions to help you get the information you need to answer the questions above. Do not include these questions in your paper – they are just discussion starters. Feel free to ask other questions and to follow up on answers.

Tell me about how you spend your time when you are not in school. Do you play sports? What kinds of foods and snacks do you like?
Tell me about your school. if you had to memorize a poem, how would you do it? How do you study for tests? Do you know any jokes?
Do you have a lot of friends? Do you have a best friend?
Why are you friends with the kids you are friends with? What do you and your friends do together? Does anyone pick on you at school?
What do you do about it?
Who is in your family? What do you do with your family?
Would you change anything about your family?

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2/14/24, 10:11 PM
Observation C: Early Childhood ages 3-5: Tanya Georgees
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Observation C: Early Childhood ages 3-5
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Early Childhood Observation spr 24
5 pts
3.5 pts
0 pts
Full Credit
Partial credit
No Credit
Follows template
One of the following
More than one of
formatting. Assignment errors: does not follow
following errors: d
questions are included, template formatting,
follow template
and child’s name, age and assignment questions not formatting, assign
the setting are provided. included, child’s
questions not inc
Clear indication if video name/age/setting are not child’s name/age/
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7.5 pts
4 pts
0 pts
Full Credit
Partial credit Partial credit Partial credit No cre
All questions Most questions One of the
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of motor skills, answers do not objective,
identification and reflect
answers do not
of motor skills, understanding understanding reflect
and reflect
of concepts.
of the
2/14/24, 10:11 PM
Observation C: Early Childhood ages 3-5: Tanya Georgees
Early Childhood Observation spr 24
No Submission
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of concepts.
by references were not
to information supported by were not
are wellfrom the
the textbook or supported by
supported by textbook and the
the textbook or
observation, the
references to observation. influences
Influences and and/or

2/14/24, 10:11 PM
Observation C: Early Childhood ages 3-5: Tanya Georgees
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