Nutrition Question


Be sure you read the posted article, “Logic of Science” and textbook on the levels of Hierarchy of Evidence. Select a movie from one of the following documentary titles and watch (Food Inc, Fed Up, Forks Over Knives, GMO OMG, The Sugar Film, Sugar Coated, The Game Changers, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, Bite Size, What the Health, or your choice with approval). Make notes on some claims made in the movie while watching. THE CLAIMS MUST BE HEALTH RELATED!!Fact check two claims you noted during the movie (ex. “Dairy gives you cancer,” or “Sugar is addicting,”). For this section, you need to find a source that is a reliable one based on reliable science as noted on the Hierarchy of Evidence. After a little research/reading, you should be able to either accept or deny the claim you selected. Remember to only use evidence falling in the stronger side of the pyramid. Referencing a study that is weak does not hold much bearing. Use APA to cite your sources (there should be two because you will have one for each claim you noted during the movie).Minimum word count must be at least 500 words. Heading and my template do not count.Copy the template below to fill in for your submission (do not include the highlighted parts, these are just to guide you). This will help you in completing a great assignment!

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