Nutrition Project



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Nutrition Project
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Select one edible food item to feature in the advertisement. It can be a single whole food, like a banana, a recipe or a dish, like salsa, an ingredient, like cinnamon, or a product category, like cereal. The advertisements must be original, so avoid existing packaged products, like ‘Clif Bars’.

The Written Portion

The written portion summarizes sections A, B, and C below. It does not require a market research review, nor will it be evaluated based on the marketing data it presents. The team’s ability to align a food with the nutrients featured, the biological functions those nutrients possess, and consumer wants and needs will be the primary basis for grading. Information gathering is needed to complete the written portion, but works cited are unnecessary.

A. Describe the food. Include information like where it originates, how it is customarily eaten or used, where it is purchased, what food group it fits into, and, for multi-ingredient products, what the main ingredients are. The most important part of section A is to identify 2-3 nutrients or phytochemicals that provide in one serving an amount that qualifies to use the FDA nutrition claims described in C and satisfies the nutrition needs of the audience described in B. The nutrition information for most single and multi-ingredient food servings can be found at Food Data Central.

B. Describe the target audience. Include demographic information about who buys the food, what about it they value, which styles and cultures they might identify with, and most importantly, what their nutrition needs are.

C. Describe the advertisement. Include information about the delivery format, whether video, graphic, song, etc., and the fonts, colors, and artistic themes that will attract the target audience. The most important part of section C is the description of two featured FDA-approved nutrition claims that will appear in the ad. The claims can be Nutrient Content Claims, Health Claims, or Structure-Function Claims, but they must be relevant to the target audience, legitimate, and properly worded. To learn the FDA criteria for Nutrient Content Claims use, review Appendix A-B, and to differentiate between Health and Structure-Function claims and the requirements for their use, review Appendix C.

The Graphic Portion

The graphic advertisement is a visual product of the descriptions provided in the written sections A-C. It can be in any format- digital or print, hand-drawn, colored, black and white, realistic, abstract, still, or video recorded- as long as the theme appeals to the target audience, the food item, and two nutrition claims are displayed, and the presentation details are on point. The advertisement must be embedded beneath this heading, The Graphic Portion (external links are okay as long as they work), in the same pdf file as The Written Portion.

I have attached an example on the files.


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Written Section
Section A
Blue spirulina is an algae that grows in lakes and ponds and can be dried into a blue powder that can be added
to smoothies, bowls, or shakes. Smoothie stores have included it in their menu for its vast nutritional value as
well as its appealing blue coloring. The algae’s blue pigment, phycocyanin, is used to safely color foods like acai
bowls or smoothies, and it boosts phytochemical value. Blue spirulina is also a great source of essential
nutrients with a typical 3 gram serving size providing 25% of the daily value for Vitamin A and 14% for iron.
Spirulina power can also provide significant protein when consumed in 10-to-20-gram amounts
• Interesting and informative
• Qualifies for 2 FDA-Approved Nutrient Content Claims
• Lists nutrition information per correct serving size
Section B
The market for blue spirulina has experienced a notable surge in recent years, driven by health-conscious
consumers seeking innovative ways to incorporate superfoods into their diets. This vibrant blue pigment,
derived from the blue-green algae, is particularly favored by health enthusiasts frequenting smoothie shops,
who find it nutritious, vibrant, and particularly Instagram-worthy. Those who shop at stores like Whole Foods
and through wellness Online retailers have embraced blue spirulina as a versatile ingredient to enhance their
dietary wellness routines and they value its natural origin and sustainability. Customers turn to online
platforms for convenience, an extensive range of product options, and the wealth of information available
through blogs, reviews, and educational content. They also rely on online communities and expert
recommendations to understand the best ways to incorporate blue spirulina into their diets and to unlock its
full health potential.
• Well-written
• Not a very clear picture of Ad target. Health conscious and digitally connected
• Women have twice the dietary iron needs as men? Woman in ad, but didn’t mention here that they
may value iron
Section C
Since spirulina algae is harvested in lakes and ponds, which makes people tend to think of greens and browns,
the styling of the advertisement focuses on the bright blue color of the product. A day out swimming in the
sun makes you feel happy and full of energy. The advertisement displays an energetic happy individual having a
great time in the water, tan with the sun and with their bowl of brightly colored blue deliciousness. The
nutritional claims are that a 3-gram serving has 25% of out daily Vitamin A, and 14 % of our daily iron
• Ad design details are too vague and unrelated to the audience in B
• Not as detailed, relevant, or interesting as section A and B
• Claims and serving sizes that will be displayed are correct
Graphic Portion
• Good attention to detail and design
• Two FDA Nutrient Claims match A
• 100 g serving size is too high
• Still not sure the target audience

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