Nursing Question


For this course, you will apply aspects of the curricular process to develop a lesson plan for a proposed course topic. The lesson plan will be completed over five topics. In Topic 6, you will have an opportunity to revise and incorporate all instructor feedback prior to submitting your Final Lesson Plan assignment. The Heartsaver First Aid, CPR, AED course is the topic. Patients should not be your direct audience, might be better to be provided in a transition to practice for new nurses or to nurses on specific non-acute nursing practice areas for clinical application, used in annual recertification or performance training. The purpose of this assignment is to determine the course needs and course outcomes for your approved course topic from Topic 1. If the topic you submitted was not approved, work with your instructor to determine an appropriate course topic prior to beginning this assignment.Using the “Lesson Plan” template, complete the Topic 2 section as directed. You will use this template for subsequent assignments as you develop a lesson plan for your course.APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Lesson Plan
The Lesson Plan is designed to be an iterative assignment that will be completed in Topics 2-6. You will receive ongoing instructor
feedback on your lesson plan. Be sure to incorporate this feedback prior to submitting the final iteration of your lesson plan in Topic 6.
Refer to the assignment instructions and topic Resources as needed for each section.
For each topic assignment, complete the section as directed. Include the required references at the end of this template.
Topic 2 – Course Planning and Course Outcomes
Based on the approved course topic from Topic 1, complete the following:
1. Course title:
2. Describe the purpose of the course.
3. Explain how you determined a need for this course.
4. Describe the target audience:
5. Describe the classroom setting/environment for the course.
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6. Course Outcomes (See table below).
The course outcomes state what learners will be able do upon completion of an entire course. For this section, develop 1-3
measurable and learner-centered course outcomes. Refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy as needed for assistance.
Topic 3 – Learning Objectives
A measurable learning objective describes what learners can do upon completion of an activity or at the end of a single
lesson/class lesson or class. Using Bloom’s taxonomy, develop 4 measurable learning objectives that based are on the course
outcomes you developed in Topic 2. One learning objective must reflect the affective domain.
Learning Objectives
In no more than 100 words, describe how concepts from the QSEN competencies, ANA standards, or professional
organizations relevant to your course topic, are represented in the learning objectives.
Topic 4 – Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies
Develop one teaching strategy and activity for each learning objective developed in Topic 3. The teaching strategies must be
based on evidence-based educational practice or learning theory. Provide an explanation for how each teaching strategy meets
the needs of the target audience in your classroom setting/environment.
Learning Objectives
Teaching Strategies and Activities
Topic 6 – Methods for Assessing and Evaluating Learning
Select one assessment/evaluation method for each learning objective developed in Topic 3. The assessment/evaluation
methods must be based on evidence-based educational practice or learning theory.
Learning Objectives
Methods for Assessing and Evaluating Learning

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