Nursing Question



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here is a brief summary of what we did change it up and make it nicely worded and make sure to add a reference page and answer 1-2 clo questions which are located on the “new reflection journal doc”

This is my 2nd week at my clinical experience in public health at mend in Pacoima. I already expected how the second day would be. We got there at 8:30 AM a little bit sooner because my professor came to meet us in person and it was nice to see her in person. Me and my classmates were assigned to make bags filled with canned food and food that are not perishable yet again. We put corn peas beans rice in the bags chips noodles protien bars. We then we’d the bags and they were about 23 pounds again like last week. We also packed canned soup Roman noodles, and basically anything that the people can get like from the gas station to make their food such as hot water. We packed a lot of snacks such as protein bars, raisins, nuts chips, protein chips, stuff like that. We loaded the things into a bin until it was full. We made 50 bags on wednesday and that was really impressive. We also broke down card board boxes, so then there is room for everyone to work because it was very crowded and it seemed like no one did anything the day b efore. We then took wooden crates and stacked the canned beans packaged onto the wooden crates and let me tell you those are heavy. When we were done, which took up our entire day to do that it felt really good knowing how many people we were able to feed and how so many people we’re going to have food on the table with their families. since the holidays are coming up we already made holiday bags which included hot cocoa, 2 cans of beans, rice, 2 cans of peaches, 2 cans of beans, 3 packs of corn bread and 10 small cans of condensed milk which we made like 100 of these holiday bags. Friday came along and we made over 500 bags of food and i distributed avocados to the people that came during the distribution. everyone was stanidng in a line from 8:30am-12pm. We had to work fast. We did that all day because it was distribution day so they would come and pick it up that same minute up until 12 PM. We worked a lot and it felt very rewarding to be able to make people happy knowing that they are not going to be without food, and they can actually go home to their family with a lot of food. I do have a complaint which is that it is not a safe area for girls and students to be walking back to the car. it makes me very uncomfotable and i do not feel safe at my clinical site when im parking and walking to the site and when i am walking back to my car. i do not feel safe and they do not let us park in the parking lot.

The title page indicates week 1 reflection journal. If we are in weeks 2, or 3 etc. indicate it. this was week one so indicate week
Indicate 1-2 CLO, bold it as well as bold all the subheadings. DO NOT indicate the CLOs you’re not discussing about.
-Include in-text citation
Have a reference page.

this is what you are going to write about and make sure you use the same subtitles as it is there

answer 1-2 clo questions and reference page and use sample as a guide

3 pages is fine not including title and reference

write how the area is unsafe and how we are doing the holiday bags for families to feel like home for those who cant afford the food of their needs

also you can write that i am a small girl and i think it is very dangerous to be carrying such heavy things

You can also write how we were handing out bell peppers during distribution day and a lot of them were moldy and that is a food and health concern to be dealing with mold so we had to separate the moldy ones with the normal ones

the clos and the subtitles are here. adrress 1-2 clos and use references and add reference and title page

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Week hour: 8 Total Clinical Hours up to date : 8
Preceptor Name: Dr. Ogundeko
Date: November 4, 2023
Phone number:
Clinical Journal—N342L West Coast University
Name of Agency/Clinic: Mend
Agency/Clinic Address: 10641 N. San Fernando Rd. Pacoima, CA 91331
Activity Type:
x Clinical site  Conference  Community Observation  other
This activity applies toward the following requirement (check one):
x General PH Nursing  Senior Center  Homeless Shelter  Soup Kitchen  FRC
(minimum 90hours)
 Vulnerable Populations (which pop):
Public Health Focus of this activity: (check all that apply)
Core Function(s) of Public Health:
 Assessment  Policy Development
Essential Public Health Service:
 Monitor health status
 Diagnose & investigate health
 Inform, educate, empower re: health
 Mobilize community partnerships
 Develop policies & plans for
individuals & community
 Link people to needed personal
 Enforce laws & regs for health safety
 Assurance
 Ensure comprehensive PH work force
 Evaluate effect, access & quality of
 Research new insights & innovative
Services rendered/observed:
This is the 2nd week of my clinical experience in public health at Mend in Pacoima. I
already expected how the second day would be. We arrived at 8:30 AM a little sooner because
my professor came to meet us in person, and it was nice to see her in person. I and my classmates
were assigned to make bags filled with canned food and food that are not perishable yet again.
We put corn, peas, beans, rice, chips, noodles, and protein bars in the bags. We then carried the
bags, which were about 23 pounds again like last week. We also packed canned soup, Roman
noodles, and anything the people could get from the gas station to make food, such as hot water.
We packed numerous snacks, such as protein bars, raisins, nuts, and chips. We loaded the things
into a bin until it was full and made 50 bags on Wednesday, which was impressive. We also
Week hour: 8 Total Clinical Hours up to date : 8
Preceptor Name: Dr. Ogundeko
Date: November 4, 2023
Phone number:
broke down cardboard boxes to create room for everyone to work because it was very crowded,
and it seemed like no one had done anything the day before. We then took wooden crates and
stacked the canned beans packaged onto them, which were very heavy.
When we were done, which took up our entire day, it felt great knowing how many
people we could feed and how many would have food on the table with their families.
Considering the holidays are coming up, we already made holiday bags which included hot
cocoa, two cans of beans, rice, two cans of peaches, two cans of beans, three packs of cornbread,
and ten small cans of condensed milk, which we made like 100 of these holiday bags. Friday
came along; we took over 500 bags of food, and I distributed avocados to those who came during
the distribution. Everyone was standing in line from 8:30 AM-12 PM. We had to work fast. We
did that all day because it was distribution day, so they would come and pick it up that same
minute up until noon. We worked a lot, and it felt gratifying to make people happy, knowing
they would not be without food and could go home to their families with much food.
Problems or difficulties identified:
I have experienced several challenges during my visit to Pacoima. For example, the area is
unsafe, particularly for female students. Considering the place is unfavorable to move around
with cars, we have had to leave our vehicles far away from the people we visit. Consequently, it
is frustrating to get back to our cars, and I have been feeling unsafe when moving to and from
our clinical site. The area seems to have gangs and numerous men hanging around, and they
seem intoxicated. I noticed that some of them were staring at me menacingly as if they wanted to
attack or rob me. Besides, the lack of a designated parking area on the site worsens the situation
since we are never comfortable leaving our cars far away. I think the authorities in Pacoima
should address the issue by enhancing security and providing a safe parking solution.
The area is also unsafe because of poor hygiene. For example, I noticed some mold on
Week hour: 8 Total Clinical Hours up to date : 8
Preceptor Name: Dr. Ogundeko
Date: November 4, 2023
Phone number:
the bell peppers. The mold in the bell pepper implies that there is poor handling and storage of
food. I find this worrying because ingesting such harmful mycotoxins can cause illnesses such as
respiratory problems, vomiting, and diarrhea. Therefore, I suggest that we be extra careful about
the food we eat in Pacoima and teach the community about the dangers of such toxins.
The other difficulty we are experiencing is overworking since we carry numerous heavy
loads, including foodstuffs, for long distances to take to the families in our clinical site. I am an
individual with a small stature, making it hard for me to carry heavy loads. In fact, I am already
experiencing backaches and shoulder pain since I carried heavy luggage assigned to me. I also
have never done manual work at home since I have two elder brothers who do them, and my
father also does them in case they are unavailable. This does not mean that I am unhappy with
what we are doing. I think we should consider having tools that will help has carry the luggage
with less effort, such as a wheelbarrow. I believe that a wheelbarrow will make the work easier
and faster and protect us from injuries and extreme tiredness.
Information obtained (what I learned-CLO):
Utilize theoretical and empirical knowledge from previous nursing courses to gain an
understanding of individuals, families, groups, and communities, and their health care needs.
It is essential to utilize theoretical and empirical knowledge from previous nursing
courses to understand the diverse nature of healthcare needs. One of the pressing issues I
identified during this clinical week is the urgent need for nutritious food for most families in
Pacoima. I have noticed that Pacoima has more fast-food joints than grocery stores, meaning that
most people consume junk food. Examining this area using the population-focused approach
shows an urgent need for intervention since food-related diseases such as obesity are increasing
(Escoffery et al., 2019). Besides, there is a need for comprehensive health education for the
Week hour: 8 Total Clinical Hours up to date : 8
Preceptor Name: Dr. Ogundeko
Date: November 4, 2023
Phone number:
Pacoima people, particularly on healthy eating habits (Ridgway et al., 2019). Lastly, the physical
environment in Pacoima makes it difficult to establish recreational infrastructure and spaces,
fostering sedentary behaviors such as a lack of physical activities among the population.
Therefore, focusing on such issues can help develop solutions for improving the community’s
Incorporate evidence-based nursing practices that will demonstrate ethnic identity, cultural
awareness strategies, and sociocultural practices of clients in the community.
In this clinical week, I focused on critically incorporating evidence-based nursing practices that
value people’s social and cultural practices and ethnic identity. The food distribution programs
we conducted will help reduce malnutrition cases in Pacoima since we provided the people with
bags of food with different nutritional values (Ratna, 2019). Besides, evidence-based nursing
practices are crucial when distributing foodstuff since they help determine the culturally and
socially acceptable meals in the Pacoima community. Moreover, we prioritized assessments,
local engagements, and professional development among the population to enhance cultural
competency. I believe that using such a multifaceted approach will help in developing caring
plans that align with the community and individual values when delivering healthcare services.
Week hour: 8 Total Clinical Hours up to date : 8
Preceptor Name: Dr. Ogundeko
Date: November 4, 2023
Phone number:
Escoffery, C., Lebow-Skelley, E., Udelson, H., Böing, E. A., Wood, R., Fernandez, M. E., &
Mullen, P. D. (2019). A scoping study of frameworks for adapting public health evidencebased interventions. Translational behavioral medicine, 9(1), 1–10.
Ratna, H. (2019). The importance of effective communication in healthcare practice. Harvard
Public Health Review, p. 23, 1-6.
Ridgway, E., Baker, P., Woods, J., & Lawrence, M. (2019). Historical developments and
paradigm shifts in public health nutrition science, guidance, and policy actions: a narrative
review. Nutrients, 11(3), 531.
Week hour: 8 Total Clinical Hours up to date : 8
Preceptor Name: Dr. Ogundeko
Date: November 4, 2023
Phone number:

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