Nursing Question


Respond to your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Each reply must be at least 150 words and contain at least one reference from an academic journal.All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.

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Module 4 Discussion
Jeannette Vazquez
St. Thomas University
NUR 611
Dr. Elisa Corzo-Sanchez
What should be included in an introductory paragraph of the research paper?
The introduction of the research paper includes the reason, the importance,
narrowing to your focused research question or hypothesis and overview about the topic of
choose. An introduction should establish the topic with a strong opening that grabs the reader’s
attention before giving an overview of recent research on your chosen topic (Ammon, 2023).
Background and historical context help explain to the reader why your research is important.
Introductions for medical research papers should first broadly review relevant background
information on the research topic, then narrow to a focused research question, thesis statement,
and study objective (Ammon, 2023). This discipline requires clarity, accuracy, and evidence
(Ammon, 2023). It is also recommended to keep the tone of medical research paper introductions
inviting and engaging (Ammon, 2023).
Select an introduction from scholarly, peer-reviewed research, and appraise the
introduction to assess whether it includes the necessary elements of an introduction. Why
and why not?
Peer-review research that I select from the Journal of Nursing Regulation is about the
impact of nurse practitioner scope of practice on treatment for chronic and opioid use disorder.
The introduction includes the purpose of the study and some background information. I believe
the study can include a focus question and the gaps of the study. The study did give a good point
about given statics about chronic pain and the goal aim of this systematic scoping review was to
examine the impact of pain management treatment (Balestra et al., 2020).
How does PICOT help form a clinical question?
The PICOT process helps develop well-structured questions and help answer the inquiry
(2020). The population are the patient selected for the research and intervention is the action or
treatment being considered (2020). C stands for the comparison which is other interventions to
consider (2020). O stands for the objective, what is the expected outcome. Lastly the time frame,
how long will it take to reach the objective (2020). Using the PICOT process helps develop a
careful and thoughtful question that makes the search for evidence easier (2020). After the
PICOT question is constructed and researched, the information is used to determine which type
of study is most appropriate.
Ammon, C. (2023, January 7). APA General Citation Guide РSan Jos̩ State University. Introduction
Section for Research Papers.
Balestra, M. L., Fontana, J. S., Jackson, H. J., Kameg, B. N., Myers, C. R., Netherland, J., Roose, R.
J., Andrilla, C. H. A., Barnett, M. L., Boakye, O., Breuer, B., Buerhaus, P., Christie, C.,
Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act 2.0 of 2018, Documents, C., Craig-Rodriguez, A.,
Dieleman, J. L., Donald, F., & Administration, D. E. (2020, December 31). Impact of nurse
practitioner scope of practice on treatment for chronic pain and opioid use disorder: A scoping
review. Journal of Nursing Regulation.
Duquesne. (2020, September 26). Formulating a Picot question: Duquesne University. Duquesne
University School of Nursing.,phrased%20to%20elicit%20an%20answ

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