Nursing Question


Write a scholarly paper approximately 5-7 pages in length (not including title page, references, or appendix). The paper should be well organized using specific headings, proper grammar, syntax and terminology. Correct APA format is required. **This must me a different topic than the disease you presented in the case study presentations. No points will be awarded for an assignment on the same topic as your presentation**. Submit the paper in Microsoft word or PDF format for grading. **No other format is accepted; assignments submitted in any other format will be marked with zero points** Turnitin plagiarism detection will be utilized for this assignment. The paper should include:Brief introduction of a disease process related to the musculoskeletal system or endocrine system and the significance of the problem as related across the lifespan. (Any disease other than musculoskeletal system and endocrine system will not earn any points and the assignment will be marked as zero points). Incidence and prevalence of diseasePathophysiology of the disease process and how the pathophysiology correlates to the clinical manifestations common to the disease. Make sure this is presented down to the cellular/tissue level (dig deep). Use a figure created or reused – be sure to cite figures properly even if you create the figure, you must indicate the source it was adapted from. (Any figures should be placed in the appendix and use APA format to label and cite them). Figures are not included in the page count. Make sure to refer to them in the text as per APA format.Review of current evidence-based treatments related to the disease process and how the treatments effect the pathophysiologic changes of the disease. Be specific! Student must use at least five (5) peer-reviewed research articles from journal sources that 5 are less than five years old.Cultural and socio-cultural considerations of the disease. Prognosis and long-term care considerations.

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11/7/23, 9:14 PM
Scholarly Paper
Brief introduction of a disease process related to the musculoskeletal system or endocrine
system and the significance of the problem as related across the lifespan. (Any disease other
than musculoskeletal system and endocrine system will not earn any points and the
assignment will be marked as zero points).
10 pts
If this topic is the same as the presentation given in this course, a zero grade will be applied to
the entire paper.
Incidence and prevalence of disease
5 pts
Pathophysiology of the disease process and how the pathophysiology correlates to the clinical
manifestations common to the disease. Make sure this is presented down to the cellular/tissue
30 pts
level (dig deep). If no figure used 10 points will be deducted.
Review of current evidence-based treatments related to the disease process and how the
treatments effect the pathophysiologic changes of the disease. Be specific! Student must use
at least five (5) peer-reviewed research articles from journal sources that 5 are less than five
years old.
25 pts
Cultural and socio-cultural considerations of the disease.
10 pts
Prognosis and long-term care considerations.
10 pts
Proper APA format is utilized including title page and proper use of headings. Proper APA
citation of sources (a minimum of 5 peer reviewed articles) and reference page. (Any figures
should be placed in the appendix and use APA format to label and cite them). Figures are not
included in the page count. Make sure to refer to them in the text as per APA format
5 pts
The paper is 5 to 7 pages not including title page, appendix, and Reference page.
Reading for the grading will not go beyond the 7th page of text and any content after the 7th
5 pts
page of text will be marked as zero points.
Total Points: 100

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