Nursing Question



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Nursing Question
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Select a medication that is either classified as an antidepressant or mood stabilizer.

Based on your selection, write a paper (maximum 4 pages) and discuss the following information related to the medication you selected.

Evidence based treatment selection (FDA approved uses)
Off label uses, if any
Contraindications, if any to use
Mechanism of action
Potential side effects
Lab monitoring/ follow up
Role of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner in the role of prescribing and managing the medication

Include a minimum of 4 evidence-based articles to support your paper that are 5 years old or less (exceptions: DSM-5 and course textbooks).


Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMedication Information

60 pts


The description of the medication and its EBP uses are accurate and properly cited.

30 pts


The description of the medication and its EBP uses are mostly accurate and properly cited.

15.6 pts

Needs Improvement

Missing one element of EBP treatment options or medication information.

8.4 pts


Missing more than one element of EBP treatment options or medication information.

0 pts


No discussion of EBP treatment options or medication information.

60 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOff-label uses; Contraindications

50 pts


The description of off-label uses and possible contraindications are accurate and properly cited.

25 pts


The description of off label uses and possible contraindications are mostly accurate and properly cited.

13 pts

Needs Improvement

Missing one element of the description of off label uses and possible contraindications.

7 pts


Missing more than one element of the description of off label uses and possible contraindications.

0 pts


No discussion description of off label uses and possible contraindications.

50 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanism of action; Potential side effects

50 pts


The description of mechanism of action and potential side effects are accurate and properly cited.

25 pts


The description of mechanism of action and potential side effects are mostly accurate and properly cited.

13 pts

Needs Improvement

Missing one element of the description of mechanism of action and potential side effects.

7 pts


Missing more than one element of the description of mechanism of action and potential side effects.

0 pts


No discussion of the mechanism of action and potential side effects.

50 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLab monitoring, follow up, and the role of the PMHNP

50 pts


The description of lab monitoring, follow up, and the role of the PMHNP are accurate and properly cited.

25 pts


The description of lab monitoring, follow up, and the role of the PMHNP are mostly accurate and properly cited.

13 pts

Needs Improvement

Missing one element of the lab monitoring, follow up, and the role of the PMHNP.

7 pts


Missing more than one element of lab monitoring, follow up, and the role of the PMHNP

0 pts


No discussion of lab monitoring, follow up, and the role of the PMHNP.

50 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences and APA Style

10 pts


Provides at least 4 current evidence-based references that support the information in the paper.

5 pts


Provides at least 3 current evidence-based references that support the information in the paper. 2-3 APA errors noted.

2.6 pts

Needs Improvement

Provides at least 2 current evidence-based references that support the information in the paper. 4-5 APA errors noted.

1.4 pts


Provides at least 1 current evidence-based references that support the information in the paper. More than 5 APA errors noted.

0 pts


No references provided to support information. APA formatting is not utilized.

10 pts

Total Points: 220


Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology…
Chapters 6 & 8
Prescriber’s Guide
Mood Stabilizers –

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Mood stabilizers including page #
alprazolam (adjunct), 11
amoxapine, 33
aripiprazole, 53
asenapine, 71
brexpiprazole, 103
bupropion, 117
carbamazepine, 131
cariprazine, 137
chlorpromazine, 153
clonazepam (adjunct), 173
clozapine, 191
doxepin, 255
fluoxetine, 301
flupenthixol, 307
fluphenazine, 313
gabapentin (adjunct), 331
haloperidol, 347
iloperidone, 359
lamotrigine, 387
levetiracetam (adjunct), 399
lithium, 415
lorazepam (adjunct), 437
loxapine, 443
lumateperone, 451
lurasidone, 457
molindone, 527
olanzapine, 559
olanzapine/fluoxetine combination, 301, 559
oxcarbazepine, 575
paliperidone, 581
perphenazine, 607
pipothiazine, 633
pregabalin (adjunct), 647
quetiapine, 667
risperidone, 687
sertindole, 715
thiothixene, 765
topiramate (adjunct), 781
trifluoperazine, 803
valproate (divalproex), 829
ziprasidone, 863
zonisamide, 875
zotepine, 883
zuclopenthixol, 889
agomelatine, 5
amitriptyline, 25
amoxapine, 33
atomoxetine, 79
brexanolone, 99
bupropion, 117
citalopram, 159
clomipramine, 165
desipramine, 207
desvenlafaxine, 215
dothiepin, 249
doxepin, 255
duloxetine, 263
escitalopram, 269
esketamine, 275
fluoxetine, 301
fluvoxamine, 325
imipramine, 367
isocarboxazid, 375
ketamine, 383
levomilnacipran, 403
l-methylfolate (adjunct), 477
lofepramine, 421
maprotiline, 465
mianserin, 495
milnacipran, 503
mirtazapine, 509
moclobemide, 515
nefazodone, 545
nortriptyline, 551
paroxetine, 593
phenelzine, 613
protriptyline, 657
reboxetine, 681
selegiline, 705
sertraline, 721
tianeptine, 777
tranylcypromine, 787
trazodone, 793
triiodothyronine, 813
trimipramine, 817
venlafaxine, 841
vilazodone, 847
vortioxetine, 853

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