Nursing Question


Formative and summative assessments should align with learning objectives for the lesson and provide instructors with a variety of ways to measure learning. Instructors also have the responsibility to create a test blueprint before creating the assessment to guide them in item writing. The purpose of this assignment is to create NCLEX-style questions based on the learning objectives you created in the Topic 3 assignment. Create a summative assessment that consists of five NCLEX-style questions. All questions should be leveled based on Bloom’s taxonomy and align with the learning objectives. Create five NCLEX-style questions based on your learning objectives.Provide the Bloom’s taxonomy level and rationale for each of the five NCLEX-style questions.

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Lesson Plan: Planning and Course Outcomes
Luz Nayda Berrios
College of Nursing and Healthcare Professionals, Grand Canyon University
NUR-648E: Nursing Education Seminar II
Dr. Barbara Ward
January 10, 2024
© 2022. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Lesson Plan
The Lesson Plan is designed to be an iterative assignment that will be completed in Topics 2-6. You will receive ongoing instructor
feedback on your lesson plan. Be sure to incorporate this feedback prior to submitting the final iteration of your lesson plan in Topic 6.
Refer to the assignment instructions and topic Resources as needed for each section.
For each topic assignment, complete the section as directed. Include the required references at the end of this template.
Topic 2 – Course Planning and Course Outcomes
Based on the approved course topic from Topic 1, complete the following:
1. Course title: The Heartsaver First Aid, CPR, AED Course
2. Describe the purpose of the course.
The purpose of this course is to train the learners on the basics of first aid and emergency interventions. The learners will gain
basic skills needed for lifesaving emergencies such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and using an automated external
defibrillator (AED). The course equips learners with hands-on skills for first aid and emergency interventions. It can be used
for certification purposes for people who need first aid training certification or recertification for their jobs (AHA, n.d.). The
course is also meant for anyone who wants to gain essential first-aid and life-saving intervention skills to deploy in case of an
emergency in their environment.
3. Explain how you determined a need for this course.
The need for this course was determined by the large number of people seeking training for first aid and CPR for certification
and recertification. Other than new nurses in transition to the workplace, other professionals including fitness coaches and
trainers, construction staff, firefighters, electricians, and emergency responders have been seeking training. These professions
and many others require that some of its staff are trained in CPR and AED as well as other basic first aid areas.
4. Describe the target audience:
The target audience are new nurses transitioning to the workplace and any professional who needs training for certification.
The nurses targeted are typically ones that have just left school and are transitioning to the workplace without prior work
experience. The other professionals’ range in their specific careers as listed above.
5. Describe the classroom setting/environment for the course.
The classroom setting for the course is an instructor-led hands-on classroom. Learners will present to the classroom where he
instructor combines both discussion and hands-on demonstration. This classroom involves a lot of learner activity and props to
demonstrate the content taught in the course.
6. Course Outcomes (See table below).
The course outcomes state what learners will be able do upon completion of an entire course. For this section, develop 1-3
measurable and learner-centered course outcomes. Refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy as needed for assistance.
Learners will determine the appropriate steps to take in any emergency situation.
Learners will demonstrate the correct sequence of steps and actions to conduct in the process of CPR and
AED for an unconscious person.
Learners will create a safety plan specific to their workplace and in line with current emergency
intervention and preparedness guidelines by the American Heart Association (AHA).
Topic 3 – Learning Objectives
A measurable learning objective describes what learners can do upon completion of an activity or at the end of a single
lesson/class lesson or class. Using Bloom’s taxonomy, develop 4 measurable learning objectives that based are on the course
outcomes you developed in Topic 2. One learning objective must reflect the affective domain.
Learning Objectives
Learners will learn the different types of emergencies that the Heartsaver First Aid, CPR, AED Course
training can be applied.
Learners will learn the correct process steps for conducting CPR and AED for unconscious persons.
Learners will learn how to create a safety plan for the workplace based on common hazards.
Learners will work well in groups to deliver first-aid interventions.
In no more than 100 words, describe how concepts from the QSEN competencies, ANA standards, or professional
organizations relevant to your course topic, are represented in the learning objectives.
The learning objectives reflect the concepts of workplace safety and interprofessional collaboration in line with QSEN and
ANA standards. Provision 8 of the ANA code of ethics advocates for nurses’ collaboration with other healthcare professionals
to promote health (ANA, 2015). The learning objectives include working in groups, which may be a part of interprofessional
collaboration to achieve patients’ safety. Moreover, QSEN competencies include a ‘Safety’ and a ‘teamwork and
collaboration’ component (QSEN Institute, n.d.). These are represented in the focus of the objectives on improving safety and
enhancing collaboration in emergency interventions.
Topic 4 – Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies
Develop one teaching strategy and activity for each learning objective developed in Topic 3. The teaching strategies must be
based on evidence-based educational practice or learning theory. Provide an explanation for how each teaching strategy meets
the needs of the target audience in your classroom setting/environment.
Learning Objectives
Teaching Strategies and Activities
Topic 6 – Methods for Assessing and Evaluating Learning
Select one assessment/evaluation method for each learning objective developed in Topic 3. The assessment/evaluation
methods must be based on evidence-based educational practice or learning theory.
Learning Objectives
Methods for Assessing and Evaluating Learning
American Heart Association. (n.d.). Heartsaver® Courses.
American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of ethics with interpretative statements. Silver Spring, MD: Author. Retrieved from
QSEN Institute, (n.d.). QSEN Competencies.

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