Nursing Question



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Being ready for the future of nursing means understanding evolving issues affecting the profession. The purpose of this assignment is to choose a professional nursing organization of interest, describe the organization’s mission, discuss the benefits of belonging to a professional nursing organization, select one nursing issue listed on the organization’s website, then describe and discuss this issue as it relates to professional nursing practice.

Assignment Criteria:

Develop a scholarly paper that includes the following:

Choose one (1) professional nursing organization of interest (See Finkelman, Chapter 1).
Briefly discuss the mission of the organization.
Discuss the benefits of being a member of this or any professional nursing organization.
Select one (1) policy agenda or legislative issue listed on the nursing organization’s website. To find an issue, you may need to look for a drop down or link labeled policy and advocacy, political action, or something similar.
Provide an overview of the issue and the organization’s involvement.
Discuss what impact the issue has on professional nursing practice and how nurses can be involved in supporting the issue.
The scholarly paper should be in third person, narrative format, 2 (two) to three (3) pages excluding the title and reference pages.
Include Level I headings to organize the paper (see below).
Include an introductory paragraph (not labeled Introduction) and a conclusion.
References must include, at a minimum, the textbook, the professional nursing organization’s website, and a minimum of one (1) professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal article no greater than five (5) years old. Journal articles must be able to be found in the FSW Library.
APA (7th) format is required. The paper should be approximately two (2) to three (3) pages excluding the title page and reference page. Attention to spelling, grammar, and style is required.
Do not use quotations.
Review your Turnitin Similarity score and make any needed changes. If the score is greater than 20%, you must revise and resubmit the paper prior to the due date. Plan your time accordingly.

Title of Paper

(Note: Here you will write your introductory paragraph but do not label it as Introduction)

Mission of the Nursing Organization

Benefits of Professional Nursing Organization Membership

Nursing Issue (Spell out what is the name of the issue)

Impact of the Nursing Issue on Professional Nursing Practice



Nursing Issues Scholarly Paper

Nursing Issues Scholarly Paper

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAddresses Assigned Topics

75 pts


Paper complete. All required assignment criteria is covered.

70 pts


Some but not all assignment criteria are covered.

65 pts

Needs Improvement

Topics only slightly covered and lack substance.

0 pts

Insufficient or Lacking

Incomplete or confusing.

75 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence of critical thinking

75 pts


Demonstrates clear understanding of the topics. Relates readings to research and summarizes information gained and applies to professional nursing practice.

70 pts


Conveys understanding of the topics. Some inconsistencies in making connections between readings and research and/or summarizing the information. Limited application to professional nursing practice.

65 pts

Needs Improvement

Lacks substance, limited evidence of understanding the topics. Connections between readings and research are unclear, not firmly established, or are not obvious. Slight or unclear application to professional nursing practice.

0 pts

Insufficient or Lacking

Lack of understanding. No evidence of connections between readings and research. No application to professional nursing practice

75 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences

50 pts


References must include the textbook, the professional nursing organization’s website, and a minimum of one (1) professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal article no greater than five (5) years old unless a classic or historical reference).

45 pts


Missing one of the reference requirements: References must include the textbook, the professional nursing organization’s website, and a minimum of one professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal article no greater than five (5) years old

40 pts

Needs Improvement

Missing two of the reference requirements: References must include the textbook, the professional nursing organization’s website, and a minimum of one professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal article no greater than five (5) years old.

0 pts

Insufficient or Lacking

References not mentioned and/or no reference citations.

50 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format

25 pts


Correct APA format of paper, references, and citations. The same error made multiple times will be counted as an error each time. 0 to 1 error

20 pts


Correct APA format of paper, references, and citations. The same error made multiple times will be counted as an error each time. 2 to 3 errors

15 pts

Needs Improvement

Major errors incorrect APA format of paper, references, and citations. The same error made multiple times will be counted as an error each time. 4 to 5 errors

0 pts

Insufficient or Lacking

Lack of correct APA format of paper, references, and citations. The same error made multiple times will be counted as an error each time. 5 or greater errors

25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and/or Spelling

10 pts


Proper grammar and spelling. No quotations.

5 pts


Minor spelling and/or grammar issues. No quotations.

1 pts

Needs Improvement

Major spelling and/ or grammar issues. A quotation(s) is used.

0 pts

Insufficient or Lacking

Multiple errors in grammar and/or spelling.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization

15 pts


Well organized, thought out, and structured. Level I headings used.

5 pts


Minor issues in organization and structure. All Level 1 headings are not used or not used at all.

15 pts

Total Points: 250
