Nursing Question


Thesis Statement

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The one sentence (located at the end of your introductory paragraph) that serves as the foundation for your entire paper

Essay #1
Compare/Contrast Essay
Approved Topics

Living in a City/Living in the Country


Eating Out/Cooking at Home

Elderly Assisted Living/Home Healthcare

Vocational School/College

Note: Do not use outside sources for this assignment. Choose a topic that you know enough information about that you can write this essay without performing outside research.

Once you’ve selected and narrowed your topic, you want to craft a good working thesis statement (USLO 2.3). This is the one sentence in your paper that tells your reader exactly what your paper is going to be about. This will ultimately be located at the end of your introductory paragraph.

For a compare and contrast composition, you want your thesis to do three things:

Name the two topics you’ll be discussing
Identify your method of development — are you comparing, contrasting, or both?
Set up the three points you plan to discuss for each of your topics.
Remember, they need to be consistent throughout the essay. If you’re going to talk about Point 1, Point 2, and Point 3 for Topic A, you need to discuss those exact same points for Topic B.


For example, if the topic is pet ownership of cats and dogs, a thesis statement might be:

While cats and dogs have similarities, they differ in their obedience, training, and ease of care.

What to submit here: A one-sentence thesis statement.

Note: Once you’ve submitted your working thesis statement, your instructor will evaluate it and either approve it or suggest revision. If your instructor recommends changes, you’ll update your thesis accordingly for the outline assignment.