Nursing Question


4–6 page annotated bibliography where you identify peer-reviewed publications that promote the use of a selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing.

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Assessment 03 – Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated
Bibliography on Technology in Nursing
For this assessment, you will write a 4–6 page annotated bibliography where you identify peerreviewed publications that promote the use of one of the technologies presented below that
enhance quality and safety standards in nursing.
Before you complete the detailed instructions in the courseroom, first review the technologies
below and select the one you’re most interested in researching.
After selecting one of the following technologies to be the focus of your assessment, return to
the courseroom to review the detailed instructions there.

Artificial Intelligence: AI in healthcare can analyze complex data sets, assist in
diagnosis, predict patient deterioration, and even suggest treatment options. It’s a rapidly
evolving field with vast potential to revolutionize healthcare.

Data Management Resources: These tools help in the collection, storage, and analysis
of vast amounts of patient data. Proper data management can lead to better patient
outcomes, more efficient operations, and significant research advancements.

Workflow Management Systems: These systems streamline and automate routine
tasks and operations in healthcare settings. They can improve efficiency, reduce errors,
and enhance the overall quality of care.
Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing
Scoring Guide
Analyze current
evidence on the
impact of a selected
patient care
technology on
patient safety,
quality of care, and
the interdisciplinary
Does not analyze
current evidence on
the impact of a
selected patient care
technology on
patient safety, quality
of care, and the
Identifies but does not
analyze current
evidence on the
impact of a selected
patient care
technology on patient
safety, quality of care,
and the
interdisciplinary team.
Analyzes current
evidence on the
impact of a selected
patient care
technology on
patient safety, quality
of care, and the
Provides a rigorous,
scholarly, and
perceptive analysis of
current evidence on the
impact of a selected
patient care technology
on patient safety, quality
of care, and the
interdisciplinary team.
Integrate current
evidence about the
impact of a selected
patient care
technology on
patient safety,
quality of care, and
the interdisciplinary
team into a
Does not integrate
current evidence
about the impact of a
selected patient care
technology on
patient safety, quality
of care, and the
interdisciplinary team
into a
Integrates some
evidence about the
impact of a selected
patient care
technology on patient
safety, quality of care,
and the
interdisciplinary team
into a
recommendation, but
the work lacks detail
or is missing critical
Integrates current
evidence about the
impact of a selected
patient care
technology on
patient safety, quality
of care, and the
interdisciplinary team
into a
Integrates wellresearched and current
evidence about the
impact of a selected
innovative patient care
technology on patient
safety, quality of care,
and the interdisciplinary
team into a
Provides clear insight
into the potential
implications of the
technology on patient
safety and quality of
factors influencing
the selection of a
technology in the
health care setting.
Does not describe
factors influencing
the selection of a
technology in the
health care setting.
Identifies but does not
fully describe
organizational factors
influencing the
selection of a
technology in the
health care setting.
factors influencing
the selection of a
technology in the
health care setting.
Provides a scholarly,
comprehensive, and
description of
organizational factors
influencing the selection
of a technology in the
health care setting.
Justify the
implementation and
use of a selected
technology in a
health care setting.
Does not justify the
implementation and
use of a selected
technology in a
health care setting.
Explains but does not
justify the
implementation and
use of a selected
technology in a health
care setting.
Justifies the
implementation and
use of a selected
technology in a
health care setting.
Justifies the
implementation and use
of a selected technology
in a health care setting.
Provides an in-depth
and well-researched
analysis of the impact of
the technology on
quality care and patient
Create a clear, wellorganized, and
bibliography that is
generally free from
errors in grammar,
punctuation, and
Does not create a
clear, well-organized,
and professional
bibliography that is
generally free from
errors in grammar,
punctuation, and
Provides an annotated
bibliography that has
errors in grammar,
punctuation, and
spelling and exhibits a
lack of preparation.
Creates a clear, wellorganized, and
bibliography that is
generally free from
errors in grammar,
punctuation, and
Creates a clear, wellorganized, and
professional annotated
bibliography that is free
from errors in grammar,
punctuation, and
Follow APA style
and formatting
guidelines for all
Does not follow APA
style and formatting
guidelines for
citations and
Partially follows APA
style and formatting
guidelines for citations
and references.
Follows APA style
and formatting
guidelines for all
bibliographic entries.
Follows APA style and
formatting guidelines for
citations and references
with flawless precision
and accuracy.

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