Nursing Question


Discuss the technical aspects of your topic in general terms.
Discuss the public policy debates relevant to the topic you choose. This section should cover arguments that favor and oppose the use of the techniques or products.
Express your personal opinion regarding the topic’s importance and the validity of the pro and con arguments. Within the personal opinion/conclusion, frame your position with an ethical theory from the six workable theories covered in this course.

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Your submission must include:

A title page
The body of the paper, which includes 4–6 content pages, not including title or reference pages
At least three references from textbooks, websites, and articles that provide adequate justification and support your claim
Subheadings (technical aspects, public policy, and personal opinion/conclusion)
Appropriate in-text citations throughout the paper
A reference list with only the sources used in the body of the paper (All sources should be less than five years old unless recent research is not available, and at least one reference must be a peer-reviewed article from a professional journal. Do not use Wikipedia or an encyclopedia as they are not considered reliable academic sources and will not be accepted.)
APA style formatting throughout your paper, using only one of these fonts: 11-point Calibri,11-point Arial,12-point Times New Roman, or 11-point Georgia

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Week 8 Term Paper Final Draft
Your Name Here
West Coast University
PHIL 434: Medical Ethics and Issues
Your Instructor’s Name Here
The Date Here
Week 4 Term Paper Final Draft
Write your introduction. Tell us what the paper is about. Provide a solid paragraph.
According to APA 7 rules, you do not need a subtitle for the introduction as it’s obvious your
first paragraph is an introduction.
Technical Aspects
This section should cover the technical aspects of your topic. For example, the technical
aspects of abortion would cover what an abortion is and how an abortion is done. Be sure to
include in text citations and sources. This section should be technical and should rely heavily on
Public Policy
This section is more historical in nature. Describes current and proposed changes in
public policy/law. This section also relies heavily on research because it deals with specific laws
and public policy surrounding your topic.
Include a summary of the arguments in favor of and opposed to specific interventions,
techniques, or products and a discussion of underlying ethical principles (you must use one of the
6 accepted ethical theories in this part – Kantian Ethics, Care Ethics, Virtue Ethics, Act
Utilitarianism, Rule Utilitarianism [not just plain utilitarianism – that is wrong] or Social
Contract [one of the 3 versions – Hobbes, Rousseau or Rawls]. Discuss the public policy with
two additional argumentative paragraphs- one discussing the in favor of and one paragraph
discussing the opposing argument.
Pro Arguments
This section includes a summary of the arguments in favor of specific interventions,
techniques, or products involved in our topic and a discussion of underlying ethical principles.
Use the textbook and class material to provide the connection to underlying ethical principles.
Tying these arguments into the ethical perspectives covered in Week 1 of the course is very
Con Arguments
This section includes a summary of the arguments in favor of specific interventions,
techniques, or products involved in our topic and a discussion of underlying ethical principles.
Use the textbook and class material to provide the connection to underlying ethical principles.
Tying these arguments into the ethical perspectives covered in Week 1 of the course is very
This section is where you express your personal opinion regarding the importance of the
topic and the strength of the pro and con arguments. This is where your own thoughts reign
supreme. Where do you stand after conducting research on the topic? Did your opinions change
over the course of the research? While you don’t necessarily need to refer to research here,
supporting your opinion with credible sources (proving you have made an informed opinion) is
best. Remember that your final paper must be 4-6 pages long.
Pence, G. (2021). Medical ethics: Accounts of ground-breaking cases (9th ed.). McGraw Hill
I have provided the proper formatting for the textbook. List at least three solid sources for
your paper. All sources should have been published with the past five years. At least one
reference must be a peer-reviewed article from a professional journal. All sources must be
credible and academic (I am available if you want to ask about any source). Put the references in
APA 7 format.
If you use more than one video from the class, then you must distinguish between in your
paper. Put the sources in alphabetical order (as I have here) and use n.d.-a, n.d.-b, etc. in
citations. If you only use one video, only use n.d. (not n.d.-a, n.d.-b, etc.).
If Dr. Tosh is not teaching your class, the citations and references for the videos would
use your instructor’s name and not Dr. Tosh’s name.
APA 7 is different from APA 6. Here is a website covering some key differences: With regard to references,
these are the most common mistakes I see:

You made errors in capitalization of titles in your references. In APA, standard
capitalization rules are followed everywhere but in titles of articles in references. In
those, only capitalize the first word of the title, the first word after a colon in the title, and
proper nouns. You also made errors in italicization. Italicize the title of the article (unless
it is followed by journal information — then italicize journal title and volume).

City/state of publisher not listed in references in APA 7.

Replace “Retrieved…from” with website title in APA 7. Website title follows article title.
Do not have both website title and “Retrieved…from.”

When you reference an article from a website and have no author, the reference follows
this order: Article title in italics. (date). Website Title. Website URL. Use the article title
(not the website title) in your citations.
Be sure to delete all this and other informational material included here from the template before
you turn it in. Feel free to contact me with any questions you have.
Week 2 Term Paper Topic
Giselle Ayala
West Coast University- Miami
PHIL 434: Medical Ethics and Issues
Dr. Mirsha
November 12, 2023
Week 2 Term Paper: Topic
Reproductive Issues
Why I Chose This Topic
Both males and females can have reproductive issues, although it is a more sensitive issue
among women. There are so many things that can cause fertility issues, such as genetics, female
reproductive disorders, stress, and even the shape of the uterus. I chose this topic because there is
still so much that people do not discuss due to feeling ashamed or guilty. Because infertility has
such a negative impact on self-esteem, relationships, and lives, it often leads to emotional stress,
anxiety, and depression.
Pro Arguments
Pro arguments on reproductive issues often revolve around individual rights, autonomy,
and health. Supporters may emphasize reproductive Freedom, family planning, and health and
safety. Advocates argue for the right of individuals to make decisions about their bodies,
including choices related to contraception, abortion, and assisted reproductive technologies.
Access to reproductive health services enables individuals and couples to plan pregnancies,
contributing to healthier families and potentially reducing socioeconomic disparities. Legal and
accessible reproductive health services, including abortion, are seen as crucial for protecting the
health and safety of individuals.
Half of the pregnancies every year in the U.S. are unplanned. With new laws in place
across the states, restricting abortions to only six weeks after pregnancy will increase the amount
of illegal and dangerous abortions (Smill, 2020). From a utilitarian standpoint, reproductive
freedom can be seen as contributing to overall happiness and well-being.
Con Arguments
Con arguments on reproductive issues often involve ethical, religious, or moral concerns.
Opponents may highlight the right to life, religious beliefs, and alternatives to abortion. The
belief that life begins at conception leads to opposition to abortion, as some view it as taking
away the right to life from the unborn. Many individuals base their stance on reproductive issues
on religious teachings that may emphasize the sanctity of life and traditional family values. Some
argue for greater emphasis on alternatives to abortion, such as adoption, to address unwanted
pregnancies without terminating a potential life.
According to the perspective of deontological ethics, each person or human being is a
form of divine creation (Ştefan, 2014, p. 932). Perspectives such as those influenced by religious
teachings may argue that certain actions related to reproduction are inherently wrong based on
moral absolutes, such as the belief that abortion is morally wrong.
My Current Stance on the Topic
I believe that women should not have to feel ashamed or guilty about the decisions they
make regarding how they choose to procreate or if they choose to have an abortion. Despite
increased media coverage of infertility treatments over the last decade, empirical data are scarce
on public perceptions of the ethics of infertility procedures such as artificial insemination, invitro fertilization, donor eggs, surrogate mothering, gestational carriers, and about the factors that
shape them. abortion (Shreffler et al., 2010, p. 731).
Shreffler, K. M., Johnson, D. R., & Scheuble, L. K. (2010). Ethical problems with infertility treatments:
Attitudes and explanations. The Social Science Journal, 47(4), 731746.
Smill, J. (2020, October 27). Utilitarian view on abortion | Liberrimus. DWRL WordPress | The Digital
Writing and Research Lab’s WordPress
Ştefan, I. (2014). Arguments for and against abortion in terms of teleological and deontological
theories. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 149, 927935.

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