Nursing Dicsussion IiI


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Nursing Dicsussion IiI
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Mrs. Deer is a 72-year-old female who presents to your office complaining of right upper quadrant pain that has been increasing in intensity over the past 2 days. She would have come sooner, but she lacked transportation and waited until her son could drive her. She states that she has not been sleeping very much because of the pain. She has been nauseous and vomited a couple of times two days ago but has only been drinking fluids. She states that she has not been around anyone else that had an upset stomach. She recalls prior to the onset of pain she had been at a church supper that included meats, refried beans, and many desserts which she sampled. She described the fried pies that she brought to the supper and ate the extras that afternoon.

Vital Signs: BP 130/80, HR 85, RR 20, Temp 99.0°F.

Discuss the following:

1) What additional subjective data are you seeking to include past medical history, social, and relevant family history?
2) What additional objective data will you be assessing for?
3) What are the differential diagnoses that you are considering?
4) What laboratory tests will help you rule out some of the differential diagnoses?
5) What radiological examinations or additional diagnostic studies would you order?
6) What treatment and specific information about the prescription that you will give this patient?
7) What are the potential complications from the treatment ordered?
8) What additional laboratory tests might you consider ordering?
9) What additional patient teaching may be needed?
10) Will you be looking for a consult?

Submission Instructions:

Your post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 references from an academic journal no older than five years.