Nursing concept


Attached is the scenario of the assignment that needs to be answered, and the highlighted Reflections need to be answered, too.

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The Clinical Judgment Measurement Model
Page 1 of 2
The Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (CJMM) identifies six cognitive skills needed to make appropriate clinical
judgments. Complete the following section using the CJMM and reflecting on all the data/cues (Assessment, Labs/Diagnostics,
Prescriptions/Orders and Patient Information) from your assigned patient.
Recognize Cues – Identify relevant and important information from different sources (e.g., medical history, vital signs).
Data/Cue 1
Data/Cue 2
Data/Cue 3
Data/Cue 4
Data/Cue 5
List the data/cues
that are relevant and
are interpreted as
clinically significant.
Analyze Cues – Organizing and linking the recognized cues to the client’s clinical presentation.
Interpret the relevant
clinical data/cues.
Identify the top three
most likely problems.
Is additional data needed
to confirm the clinical
significance of the cues
at this point? Be specific;
what additional data is
needed to confirm?
Potential Problem 1
Potential Problem 2
Potential Problem 3
Additional Data
Additional Data
Additional Data
Prioritize Hypothesis – Evaluating and ranking hypotheses according to priority (urgency, likelihood, risk, difficulty, time, etc.).
Of the potential problems
you identified, which
problem(s) is most likely
present? Which problem
is the most concerning
and why?
Chamberlain University | National Management Offices | 500 W. Monroe St., Suite 28 | Chicago, IL 60661
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The Clinical Judgment Measurement Model
Page 2 of 2
Generate Solutions – Identifying expected outcomes and using hypotheses to define a set of interventions for the expected outcomes.
Based on the most
urgent problem,
what are the priority
For each priority
action, what are the
desired outcomes?
Priority Action/Intervention 1
Priority Action/Intervention 2
Priority Action/Intervention 3
Expected Outcomes
Expected Outcomes
Expected Outcomes
Are there any
interventions or actions
that should be avoided?
Include rationale.
Take Action – Implementing the solution(s) that addresses the highest priorities.
How should the
interventions or actions
above be accomplished?
(Performed, administered,
requested, communicated,
taught, documented, etc..).
List environmental
Factor 1
and/or individual factors
impacting the ability of
the nurse to generate
solutions and take action.
Factor 1
Factor 2
Factor 2
Factor 3
Factor 3
Evaluate Outcomes – Comparing observed outcomes against expected outcomes.
Compare observed outcomes to expected outcomes – has the patient’s status improved, declined or remain unchanged?
Observed Outcomes
Observed Outcomes
Observed Outcomes
Does the observed
outcome match
expected outcome?
If not, what are
the additional
that should
be considered?
Matches Expected Outcome?
Matches Expected Outcome?
Matches Expected Outcome?
Factor 1
Factor 2
Factor 3
If the patient status has
not improved, what other
issues may be present?
List environmental
and/or individual
factors impacting
the achievement
of outcomes.
Factor 1
Factor 2
Factor 3
Chamberlain University | National Management Offices | 500 W. Monroe St., Suite 28 | Chicago, IL 60661
©2022 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.
Fundamentals Patient Care
i-Human Patients® Assignment Guidelines
Use interactive simulation and reflection questions to enhance knowledge, skills, and attitudes in assessment and
clinical judgment.
Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
1. Demonstrate the nursing process while providing basic care to individuals and families reflecting different stages
of the life span in the extended care, acute care, and community-based settings. (PO 1)
2. Participate in health promotion, illness prevention, and rehabilitative activities as a member of the healthcare
team. (PO 2)
4. Incorporate critical thinking skills into clinical nursing practice. (PO 4)
Due date Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to
this assignment.
Total points possible 50 points
Preparing the assignment
Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.
• Computer with internet access. Recommend utilizing Google Chrome browser.
• Click the i-Human link in the course shell.
• Access the assigned scenario(s): David Douglas (left total hip arthroplasty).
Include the following sections.
1. Complete Simulation – 20 points/40%
o Actual points earned will be based on the highest percentage overall score earned on the
simulation. A maximum of two attempts is permitted.
o After you submit the i-Human simulation, you will have access to the Performance Overview
▪ Download and save a PDF copy of your Performance Overview Evaluation. This will be
uploaded in the i-Human Patients® Assignment Grading dropbox.
2. Clinical Judgment Measurement Model worksheet- 20 points/40%
o Complete the Clinical Judgment Measure Model (CJMM) worksheet for the assigned patient.
o Upload a copy of your completed CJMM document to the i-Human Patients® Assignment Grading
3. Reflection Questions – 10 points/20%
o Complete the reflection questions.
o Upload a copy of your reflection to i-Human Patients® Assignment Grading dropbox.
Reflection Questions
1. Based on the most urgent problem, what are the priority actions/interventions for this patient?
2. What are some environmental and/or individual factors that could impact the patient’s ability for postoperative recovery once they return home?
3. Draft one question you have regarding the topic/content of the simulation to have answered in class.
Please note that your faculty member may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you
fully understand the concepts learned in the review material.
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Fundamentals Patient Care i-Human Patients® Assignment Guidelines
Fundamentals Patient Care
i-Human Patients® Assignment Guidelines
Grading Rubric Criteria are met when the student’s application of knowledge demonstrates achievement of the outcomes for this assignment.
Assignment Section and
Required Criteria
(Points possible/% of total points available)
Highest Level of
High Level of
Satisfactory Level
of Performance
Level of
Completed Simulation
16 points
7 points
0 points
20 points
(20 points/40%)
Required Criteria
Completed the simulation in one or Completed the
Completed the
Did not complete
1. Actual points earned will be based on the highest percentage
two attempts, uploaded the PDF
simulation in one or two simulation in one or
the simulation
overall score earned on the simulation.
copy of the Performance Overview attempts, uploaded the two attempts,
and/or did not
2. Completes the simulation in one or two attempts.
Evaluation, and received an overall PDF copy of the
uploaded the PDF copy upload PDF copy
3. Waits 24 hours between the attempts (time stamps are recorded). score of 86% – 100%.
Performance Overview of the Performance
of the
4. Uploads a PDF copy of the Performance Overview Evaluation to the
Evaluation and received Overview Evaluation, Performance
i-Human Patients® Assignment Grading dropbox.
an overall score of 76% and received an overall Overview
– 85%.
score of 1% – 75%.
CJMM Worksheet
20 points
16 points
7 points
0 points
(20 points/40%)
Required criteria
Includes 4 requirements for section. Includes 3 requirements Includes 1-2
Did not complete
1. Completes these 3 sections of the CJMM worksheet: Recognize
for section.
requirements for
any of the
Cues, Analyze Cues, and Prioritize Hypothesis
requirements for
2. Completes the CJMM worksheet to accurately reflect the assigned
the CJMM
virtual simulation client.*
worksheet on the
3. Uploads the completed CJMM worksheet to the i-Human Patients®
virtual simulation
Assignment Grading dropbox.
client OR does not
4. Demonstrates logical flow which follows standard grammatical
upload the CJMM
rules with minimal (1-2) misspellings and APA where applicable.
worksheet to the iHuman Patients®
*CJMM worksheets submitted that do not reflect the assigned virtual
simulation client will result in 0 points for this category.
Grading dropbox
Reflection Questions
10 points
8 points
3 points
0 points
(10 points/20%)
Required criteria
Includes 3 requirements for section. Includes 2 requirements Includes 1 requirement Did not complete
1. Completes the responses to the reflection questions
for section.
for section.
the reflection
2. Uploads the completed reflection questions to i-Human Patients®
Assignment Grading dropbox.
3. Demonstrates logical flow which follows standard grammatical rules
with minimal (1-2) misspellings and APA where applicable.
Total Points Possible = 50 points
© 2023 Chamberlain University. All Rights Reserved
Fundamentals Patient Care i-Human Patients® Assignment Guidelines
Fundamentals Patient Care
i-Human Patients® Assignment Guidelines
i-Human Patients® Help Guide
How to Access i-Human Patients® Help Resources

Click on the link for the i-Human Patients assignment within the link that is provided in the course shell.

Once you enter the case, student support and help resources are available. These resources can be
accessed by clicking on the Help and Resources tab located in the lower right-hand corner throughout the
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Fundamentals Patient Care i-Human Patients® Assignment Guidelines
Fundamentals Patient Care
i-Human Patients® Assignment Guidelines

The Help and Resources menu will display the Undergraduate Nursing How to Play Videos.
Click on the Undergraduate Nursing How to Play Videos
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Fundamentals Patient Care i-Human Patients® Assignment Guidelines
Fundamentals Patient Care
i-Human Patients® Assignment Guidelines

The Instructional Videos for how to navigate through each tab of the case will be available.

Select the instructional video that supports your need in completing the case. These videos correlate with
the progression of tabs within the case.
© 2023 Chamberlain University. All Rights Reserved
Fundamentals Patient Care i-Human Patients® Assignment Guidelines
Fundamentals Patient Care
i-Human Patients® Assignment Guidelines
Additional Support for i-Human Patients
If additional support for the completion of the i-Human Patients case is needed:
• Please reach out to your course faculty for assistance.
• If technical support is needed submit a “Help Desk Ticket”.
© 2023 Chamberlain University. All Rights Reserved
Fundamentals Patient Care i-Human Patients® Assignment Guidelines
Head: No visible or palpable masses,
or Scaring.
pink; sclera
Ears: External auditory canals clear, hearing
” Nose: No
discharge or polyps.
” Eyes: PERRLA.
Mouth: Mucous membranes moist.
Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm, no murmur or gallop. There is no ederma.
Respiratory: Breath sounds vesicular, no rhonchi, wheezes, or crackles.
Gastrointestinal: Bowel sounds active in all quadrants, with no tenderness or masses. Last BM
Genitourinary: The patient states “no Concerns.” Uses urinal and bedside commode.
Musculoskeletal: Needs assistance x 1 for transfers and ambulation with a front-wheeled walker.
Neurologic: A/O x 4.
Pain: Rated pain 4/10 to his left hip. Pain medication is due now so I will give it to him.
Belongings: No wallet or other valuables.
yesterday. He uses a bedside
Admission Assessment
Patient Concern:
Mr. Douglas is a 74 ylo male who is day five for an elective left total hip arthroplasty. His hospital course has been
uncomplicated and he is being transferred for rehabilitation due to lack of home support. Physical and occupational therapy
recommended further strengthening prior to discharge to home because he lives alone.
Physical Assessment
Vital Signs:
” Blood pressure: 128/70 mmHg.
Pulse: 68 beats per minute.
” Respirations: 18 breaths per minute.
02: 99% room air.
Temperature: 98.8°F Oral.
incision is well
Skin: Warm. dry. and intact. No rash, or prominent lesions. The surgical site shows sutures are in place and the
left heel.
approximated with minimal drainage. A3.2 mm x 3.4 mm area of
The right heel is intact.

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