i need help with this assignment must be cited apa format…
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1. The main purpose of this article is . . . [State as accurately as possible the author’s
purpose for writing the article. In order to demonstrate the author’s purpose you will have
to furnish some background information on the topic so you may need to consult your
textbook about the topic]
2. The key question that the author may be asking is . . . [Figure out the key question in the
mind of the author when he/she wrote the article]
3. The most important information in this article is/concerns . . . [Identify the facts, data, or
resources the author uses to support his/her argument. To expand on this statement you
will have to look at the foot or endnotes]
4. The main conclusion[s]/inference[s] in this article is/are . . . [Identify the key conclusions
the author comes to and presents in the article]
5. Ask 1 or 2 questions for recall or ask how they might use them in practice
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