NURS-FPX4040 2nd


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Dec 12 8:02pm.Hi Lisandra,

Thank you for your work on this assessment. You did a great job describing the importance of security, privacy, and confidentially laws related to protecting sensitive electronic health information that governs the interdisciplinary team in your staff update. I could see this update becoming an important document in the workplace. The update was clear and easy to understand. Overall, this is a well-thought-out update. If you choose to resubmit, please HIGHLIGHT the revisions.
Good luck!
Dr. Angela Bruccoli, DNP, RN

Scoring Guide

Competency 1

Describe nurses’ and the interdisciplinary team’s role in informatics with a focus on electronic health information and patient care technology to support decision making.


Describe the security, privacy, and confidentially laws related to protecting sensitive electronic health information that govern the interdisciplinary team.


Provides a comprehensive and insightful summary of confidentially laws related to protecting sensitive electronic health information that govern the interdisciplinary team.

Faculty Comments:Excellent summary! You effectively described the security, privacy, and confidentiality laws related to protecting sensitive electronic health information that governs the interdisciplinary team. Your views were comprehensive and insightful, with great supporting evidence from the literature. Great job.

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Explain the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to safeguard sensitive electronic health information.


Explains in detail, and with professional insight, the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to safeguard sensitive electronic health information.

Faculty Comments:Your detailed explanation of the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to safeguard sensitive electronic health information was commendable. You clearly addressed the main points of the assessment grading scoring guide. Excellent work.

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Competency 2

Implement evidence-based strategies to effectively manage protected health information.


Identify evidence-based approaches to mitigate risks to patients and health care staff related to sensitive electronic health information.


Identifies multiple appropriate and well-researched evidence-based approaches to mitigate risks to patients and health care staff related to sensitive electronic health information.

Faculty Comments:I liked how you identified your evidence-based approaches to mitigate risks to patients and health care staff related to sensitive electronic health information. Good job.

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Develop a professional, effective staff update that educates interprofessional team members about protecting the security, privacy, and confidentiality of patient data, particularly as it pertains to social media usage.


Does not develop a professional, effective staff update that educates interprofessional team members about protecting the security, privacy, and confidentiality of patient data, particularly as it pertains to social media usage.

Faculty Comments:This assessment is not a traditional essay. It is a staff educational update about PHI. Consider creating a flyer, pamphlet, or one PowerPoint slide (not an entire presentation). Remember it should not be more than two pages (excluding a title and a reference page). I did not see this area of the scoring guide addressed in the assessment. To improve your designation in this criterion, please refer to the assessment scoring guide to ensure that all criteria are addressed.

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Competency 5

Apply professional, scholarly communication to facilitate use of health information and patient care technologies.


Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.


Follows APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references. Academic citations and references are largely error-free.

Faculty Comments:You applied APA formatting to in-text citations and references, exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA formatting. Please review additional information about APA at… for help

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Create a clear, concise, well-organized, and professional staff update that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Your Result:BASIC

Creates a staff update that contains errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling that distract from good scholarship. Staff update is more than two pages of content.

Faculty Comments:I like that your writing was logical. The limit for the document was 2 pages.

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Submitted Assessment

You should check two places for feedback from faculty: in the comments for each criterion above, and within the document itself, either as attached comments or within tracked changes.

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Unformatted Attachment Preview

OUTLINE, HIPAA and Appropriate Social Media Use in Healthcare

Healthcare’s evolving landscape demands protection of patient information as both a legal
and ethical imperative (Batra et al., 2023).

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) governs confidentiality,
security, and privacy of Protected Health Information (PHI).
Protected Health Information (PHI) and HIPAA

PHI, encompassing identifiable health data, regulated by HIPAA for both paper and
Electronic Health Records (EHR).

HIPAA extends principles of protection and privacy to digital platforms, emphasizing
data security measures.
Privacy, Security, and Confidentiality

Privacy: Individual’s right to keep health information private.

Security: Proactive measures to protect data from breaches.

Confidentiality: Limited sharing of patient information to authorized individuals.

HIPAA emphasizes these principles as vital for maintaining patient trust.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Healthcare’s complexity necessitates seamless coordination, emphasizing effective
communication and collaboration.

Breach of privacy or security in the interconnected network has far-reaching

Multidisciplinary teamwork is essential for patient safety and maintaining faith in the
healthcare system.
Social Media Best Practices

Secure access: Strong passwords and multi-factor authentication for security and

Professional boundaries: Transparency and prudence in online interactions to avoid
breaches of patient confidentiality.

Educational activities: Ongoing training on social media trends, privacy settings, and
features to promote responsibility among healthcare professionals.
Examples and Evidence

Real-world instances (Texas and New York nurses) highlight dangers of irresponsible
social media use.

Healthcare organizations implement punishments, ranging from warnings to termination,
for social media policy infractions.
Mitigation Measures

Technology protections: Invest in encrypted communication channels to prevent external

Policy enforcement: Rigorous implementation of sanctions for policy infractions as a

Education, technology fortifications, and policy enforcement create a robust defense
against breaches and protect patient information integrity in the digital realm.
HIPAA and Appropriate Social Media Use in Healthcare
Student’s Name:
Institutional Affiliation:
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Professor’s Name:
HIPAA and Appropriate Social Media Use in Healthcare
In the ever-changing world of healthcare, protecting patient information is not just a legal
need, but also a moral and ethical one (Batra et al., 2023). The Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) is the guiding principle for rules governing the confidentiality,
security, and privacy of Protected Health Information (PHI). This comprehensive staff update
seeks to provide our multidisciplinary team with a thorough awareness of HIPAA compliance and
the appropriate usage of social media in the healthcare setting.
Protected Health Information (PHI) and HIPAA
PHI, which includes personally identifiable health information, is strictly regulated under
HIPAA. HIPAA creates regulations and standards controlling the meaningful use of health
information, from the old domain of paper records to the digital expanse of Electronic Health
Records (EHR). It not only incentivizes compliance through programs, but it also imposes severe
measures to secure patient information.
PHI is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of health-related data, including medical
history, treatment plans, insurance information, and other identifiers. The scope of HIPAA
includes digital platforms, stressing that the principles of protection and privacy transcend the
channel via which patient information is communicated.
Privacy, Security, and Confidentiality
Understanding the nuances of privacy, security, and confidentiality is critical for healthcare
practitioners. In the context of patient information, privacy refers to an individual’s right to keep
their health information private (Kanekar & Otundo, 2023). Security refers to the proactive and
reactive procedures done to protect data from unwanted access or breaches. Confidentiality, on the
other hand, requires only sharing patient information with those who are allowed to see it (Kanekar
& Otundo, 2023).
A diverse strategy is required to ensure privacy, security, and secrecy. This involves
protecting physical access to documents, establishing strong cybersecurity measures, and
cultivating an ethical culture among healthcare practitioners. HIPAA’s emphasis on these
principles is not just a legal requirement but an acknowledgment of the trust patients place in the
healthcare system.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration
The complexities of healthcare need seamless coordination across a wide range of
healthcare specialists. This partnership includes the safeguarding of electronic health records. To
maintain the integrity and security of patient data, the interdependence of multiple healthcare roles
needs effective communication and collaboration.
A nurse’s grasp of a patient’s medical history, for example, may inform a physician’s
treatment options. A pharmacist need precise information in order to safely distribute medicine.
Breach of privacy or security has far-reaching effects in this linked network. As a result, effective
multidisciplinary teamwork becomes not just a strategic benefit, but also an essential prerequisite
for assuring patient safety and sustaining patients’ faith in the healthcare system.
Social Media Best Practices
The introduction of social media has resulted in a paradigm change in healthcare
communication, opening up hitherto unexplored options for patient participation and education.
However, this digital transformation brings with it a new set of issues, notably in terms of
healthcare workers’ proper usage of social media (Kanekar & Otundo, 2023).
Secure access is the cornerstone of appropriate social media use. Strong passwords and
multi-factor authentication are essential security protections against illegal access. These
safeguards not only protect individual accounts, but they also play an important role in maintaining
the confidentiality of any patient information that may be available via these platforms.
Professional boundaries are crucial in the world of social media for healthcare practitioners.
It is non-negotiable to maintain transparency and prudence while releasing patient information.
Professionals must ensure that their online contacts, whether deliberate or unintentional, do not
undermine the bounds of professionalism and patient confidentiality. This includes not releasing
patient photos, details, or other information that might possibly identify a person without specific
Educational activities arise as a proactive technique for navigating the ever-changing social
media ecosystem. Healthcare personnel must be kept up to date on changing trends and potential
dangers. Lipschultz (Lipschultz, 2020). Beyond outlining dos and don’ts, these initiatives should
delve into the ever-changing privacy settings and features of various social media platforms. This
ongoing education is instrumental in fostering a culture of responsibility, ensuring that
professionals not only understand ethical standards but also adapt to the nuanced challenges
presented by social media.
Examples and Evidence
Termination instances graphically show the dangers of irresponsible social media use. For
example, a Texas nurse was fired for disclosing patient immunization information on Facebook,
while a New York nurse was fired for an inappropriate Instagram post. These real-world instances
serve as cautionary tales, emphasizing the need for healthcare practitioners to be cautious when
traversing the internet domain.
Healthcare organizations use a variety of punishments in response to infractions of social
media policy. The degree of the transgression determines the organizational reaction, which might
range from written warnings to suspensions to termination. Beyond individual consequences,
companies that fail to implement and sustain social media rules may face considerable financial
Mitigation measures
Technology protections are critical in breach prevention. In addition to traditional security
measures such as passwords and authentication, healthcare companies should invest in
technologies that provide encrypted and secure communication channels. This not only strengthens
defenses against external threats, but also protects internal communications from unwanted access
(Lipschultz, 2020).
Policy enforcement is a critical component of breach prevention. Outlining and rigorously
enforcing sanctions for social media policy infractions not only keeps individuals accountable, but
also serves as a deterrent to others. Lipschultz (Lipschultz, 2020) Healthcare institutions may
construct a strong defense against breaches and protect the integrity of patient information in the
digital arena by combining education, technology fortifications, and steadfast policy enforcement.
Batra, K., Batra, R., & Sharma, M. (2023). Social media and Infodemiology—use of social media
monitoring in emergency preparedness. Effective Use of Social Media in Public Health,
Kanekar, A., & Otundo, J. (2023). Ethical, privacy, and confidentiality issues in the use and
application of social media. Effective Use of Social Media in Public Health, 145–167.
Lipschultz, J. H. (2020). Best practices in social media. Social Media Communication, 289–306.

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