NURS 6002-C Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics


Part 2, Section 1: Writing Sample: The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity

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NURS 6002-C Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics
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Using the Academic and Professional Success Development Template you began in Week 1, write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis that includes the following:

Explanation for the relationship between academic integrity and writing
Explanation for the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics
Cite at least two resources that support your arguments, being sure to use proper APA formatting.
Use Grammarly and Turnitin to improve the product.
Explain how Grammarly, Turnitin, and paraphrasing contributes to academic integrity.

Part 2, Section 2: Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work

Expand on your thoughts from Section 1 by identifying and describing strategies you intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of your:

academic work as a student of the MSN program and
professional work as a nurse throughout your career. Include a review of resources and approaches you propose to use as a student and a professional.