NURS 491: Nursing Capstone


Complete the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses online course called COVID-19, ARDS, and Ventilator Resources. The course is free. There are four (4) modules:ABG Analysis, Oxygen Delivery, Airway Management, and Non-invasive Positive Pressure VentilationAssessing and Managing Respiratory Failure and ARDSInvasive Mechanical Ventilation: Priorities for Endotracheal Intubation, Tracheostomy Care, Ventilator Settings and TroubleshootingSpontaneous Awakening and Breathing Trials, Neuromuscular Blockade, Ventilator Weaning, Extubation Priorities, and Preventing Complications From Mechanical Ventilation To take these modules go to: Create a FREE account and begin the course.Provide a one page statement about the most important thing(s) you learned from the module.Provide a concept map showing the anatomy and physiology of the module content and how you would incorporate this into your nursing care.Complete the module exam and provide a screen shot showing your “Exam Results” with your score.

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