NURS 4685 Reflecting On Your Personal Philosophy of Nursing


Take a moment and reflect on the Personal Philosophy of Nursing paper that you wrote in the very first RN BSN nursing course N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing. Don’t worry if you didn’t save the paper or cannot find it. Just think about how you approached nursing when you entered the RN BSN program.Answer these three questions in a short essay style paper (2-3 pages) plus a cover page (see grading rubric for specifics).1. Describe how your 2, 5, and 10 year career plan may have changed since you started the RN BSN program based on future trends and opportunities identified in your chosen area of focus (administration, education or clinical practice). Be sure to include at least 2 specific examples of how your behaviors, attitudes, and practices have changed and why.2. How have you expanded or changed your personal philosophy of nursing since you started the RN BSN program? Include insights and at least 2 specific examples of how your behaviors, attitudes, and/or practices have changed regarding role of the professional nurse as a result of the RN BSN program.3. Would you describe yourself as a lifelong learner? Why?Note: References are not necessary unless you cite someone else’s work or articles. If there are citations in the paper then a reference page is necessary. If references are not used, then a reference page is not necessary.

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NURS 4685 Reflecting On Your Personal Philosophy of Nursing
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My Philosophy of Nursing
Kaitlin A. Erbes
RN-BSN, The University of Texas at Arlington
NURS 3345: Transition to Professional Nursing
Maura Bernasconi
22 March 2022
My Personal Philosophy of Nursing
This essay explores the way I plan to convey my own personal philosophy of nursing in
my nursing career. I believe that the nature of nursing is rooted in the commitment to public
service and the undeniable desire to help those in need. Nursing is so much more to me than
treating an illness; rather it is focused on delivering quality, competent, evidenced based patient
care that should be individualized to the needs of each patient. My philosophy of nursing
incorporates having the knowledge of medicine while also combining it with compassionate care
that respects the dignity of each patient. My paper will include my choice of nursing, how
nursing has evolved, and how my values and beliefs are incorporated into my profession.
Choice of Nursing
For as long as I can remember I have been overwhelmed with a longing desire to care for
those in need. I grew with parents who prioritized their addictions, leaving me to mature at a
very young age and care for my younger siblings on a day to day basis. It was ultimately wound
care that caught my interest after assisting in dressing changes after my grandfather’s amputation
of the right lower extremity. Later on, I also stepped up in helping my grandmother care for my
grandfather during his terminal illness. I found that I feel most fulfilled when I am serving and
caring for others, and my personal nursing attitude is one that is centered on compassion and
My idea was that I needed to understand healthcare and nursing to the fullest extent
which is why I believed starting from the bottom of the totem pole would make me the most
well-rounded nurse. I worked as a CNA for two years before taking a medication aide course and
passing medications in a long term care facility. I then went on to earn my LPN and worked in a
skilled nursing facility specializing in wound and post-op cares. Once completing my RN I
transitioned to ED in a level two trauma center. My philosophy is one that focuses on the
empowerment and independence of each patient, being their advocate while delivering holistic
nursing care.
Essence of Nursing
Virgina Henderson was a leading lady for the nursing world. Referred to as “The
Nightingale of Modern Nursing” (Garza & Gonzalo, 2022). She believed the nurse’s duty was to
the patient that of the doctor. She created a base of nursing with keeping documentation on
patients to track and assess progress.
According to the American Nurses Association’s 9 Provisions of the Nursing Code of
Ethics the nurse promotes, advocates for, and protects the rights, health, and safety of the patient.
The nurse has the authority, accountability, and responsibility for nursing practice; and takes
action consistent with the obligation to provide optimal patient care. (Gaines, 2021)
Mental health is vital to all humans’ overall health and wellness. The Iowa Legislature
has recently proposed 4 new bills to increase mental health beds and resources in the state. “In
the emergency room at the University of Iowa we have gone from 10% of our visits to the
emergency room to 30% of our visits to the emergency room being psychiatric” (Richardson &
Gruber-Miller, 2022).
Beliefs and Values
I believe nursing should be holistic while honoring the patient’s values. Values are the
standards we follow in practice to ensure our work is ethical. No one patient or diagnosis is the
same. We need to individualize the care we provide, and help promote independence to get the
patient back to their baseline level.
The families and significant others of our patients instill all of their trust in the healthcare
team, and especially the nurse. Trust that we will keep their family members safe, and return
them to better health. In doing so the families can be of great help during the process. By
providing background information for the health care team to see the whole picture and better
create a plan of care. Providing support to the patient motivates them to work on independence
and activities of daily living when those skills are lost.
I work in an emergency department where you rely heavily on your team, and clear
concise communication. Nurses, techs, doctors, physicians assistants, and nurse practitioners are
the direct hands I work with daily. You cannot complete your job without the healthcare team
working together. This includes everyone from social workers, radiology, respiratory, dietary,
and housekeeping. Without these assets the patient would not be able to receive the care they
I believe that if I do not care for myself there is no way I can care for another. With this
being said nurses are the first to properly educate while not taking their own advice. Along with
hand washing, and utilizing proper PPE when appropriate. Ways I keep up on my own health
include eating foods that fuel my body, movement and exercise to keep myself in optimal shape,
and rest. Rest and relaxation may be the most important since our jobs are very demanding and
require us to be on the move for our twelve hour shifts. Enduring a pandemic has also put stress
on every health care worker. Finding hobbies and healthy ways to cope only better our mental
health, and decrease the risk of burnout.
Vision for the Future
In two years I plan to continue to be an emergency room nurse with my BSN. I love
emergency medicine and feel this is my life calling. I have become a charge nurse in the last 6
months. I hope to improve my communication skills, and my competencies while continuing to
learn everyday.
In five years I plan to add certifications to include my certified emergency nurse (CEN)
and certified pediatric emergency nurse (CPEN). I will have hopefully started a family during
this time so learning and incorporating a work life balance with children will be a priority. With
more time on my unit I hope to become even more efficient in my daily duties. While renewing
my nursing license will come up during these years I aim to work on my continuing education
(CEU) to not only keep up on evolving studies but easily renew when the time comes.
In ten years I could see myself becoming the manager of an emergency room. While
much of the job becomes administrative, I still enjoy bedside care. My current manager is able to
balance both sides. My goal is to do that same thing. With ten plus years in the department I
hope to have knowledge on a vast variety of illnesses and diagnosis.
My main strength that helps me in my nursing career is attention to detail. This was something
that I learned early on in childhood caring for my younger siblings. Once joining the military I
learned that attention to detail is an actual skill. This skill has carried into my nursing profession
as well. Attention to detail is vital for all nurses, and especially for me as I care for some of the
most critically ill patients in times of trauma.
My biggest limitation is my excessive self-criticism, and lack of confidence. I constantly
question whether I am doing something right. Often beating myself up in the back of my head. I
make up for this with asking my co-workers questions, and bouncing ideas off one another. In
the end this helps me to be confident, and know going forward. These qualities keep me humble
and focused in patient care. My goal is to empower each patient to be active in their care in
hopes of improving patient outcomes.
Fitzpatrick, M. (2019, March 15). The essence of nursing. American Nurse. Retrieved
March 19, 2022, from
Gaines, K. (2021, July 22). What is the Nursing Code of Ethics? Retrieved
March 19, 2022, from,to%20provide%20o
Garza, M., & Gonzalo, A. (2022, March 2). Virginia Henderson: Need theory study guide.
Nurseslabs. Retrieved March 19, 2022, from
Richardson, I., & Gruber-Miller, S. (2022, January 19). Iowa House lawmakers seek to
boost mental health workforce, psychiatric beds. Des Moines Register. Retrieved March
18, 2022, from

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