NURS 4465 Module 3 Community Intervention


Please use the template attached and scroll down to Module 3. In Assignment Three, you will analyze and integrate findings of the two previous assignments. These are the Windshield Survey, including the informant interviews, and the Community Health Statistical Analysis. From these sources of information, you will establish a community health nursing care plan.

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The steps you will follow in this assignment are comparable to the development of a Nursing Care Plan. The main difference is that the point-of-impact is a community, an aggregate of people, versus an individual. For this assignment you will analyze and integrate the findings of your windshield survey, information from key informants, and your community health statistical analysis. This analysis and integration will help you establish a community health nursing plan of care.

This assignment requires that you take the following steps:

If you do NOT use this template there will be a 10- point grade penalty, and you will be required to resubmit with 48 hours or a zero will be given.

Introduction: You will state the PURPOSE of your paper. You will also provide a brief synopsis of your community and present two CHN from your observations and the statistical data from the previous two assignments. You will include key supporting evidence for the two CHN diagnoses.
Select ONE Diagnosis/problem based on the two (2) CHN Diagnoses you developed in Week 2 OR a newly developed CHN diagnosis based on Coach feedback from your two (2) CHN diagnoses in Assignment 2.
Discuss the rationale for selecting this problem/Diagnosis.
Consider the following Problem Priority Criteria when discussing your rationale.
Criteria that have been helpful in ranking identified problems include the following:
1. Community awareness on the problem
2. Community motivation to resolve or better manage the problem
3. Nurses ability to influence problem solution
4. Availability of expertise to solve the problem
5. Severity of the outcomes if the problem is unresolved
6. Speed with which the problem can be solved
Stanhope and Lancaster. 2014. Public Health Nursing. Elsevier
Provide supporting community and scientific evidence, for example, Healthy People 2020, Center for Disease Control (CDC), American Heart Association (AHA), and others for this diagnosis.
Develop a plan of nursing intervention. Explain the intervention time line. Remember to be realistic when setting the goals and the time line for the various intervention activities to take place.
Describe the Goals (minimum of 2) and objective (2-3 PER goal) of the CHN nursing intervention. Remember, goals are where you want to go. Objectives are how you plan to accomplish the goals. Goals and objectives need to be realistic.
Explain the intervention objective time line. This time line needs to be realistic.
Include your plan of intervention activities and evaluation measures. The evaluation should measure the outcomes of your intervention. Be specific.
Summary and conclusions: Summarize your assessment findings, your proposed community health nursing intervention, and the community public health outcomes that you anticipate as a result of the intervention. This can be one or two brief paragraphs
References: Follow APA guidelines
All APA writing guidelines apply.

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Cultural Assessment Discussion Questions
The following questions may be useful in eliciting information related to culture, but not
necessarily in this order or at the same time. These and similar questions can easily be
incorporated into assessment tools. As level of trust may need to be established with the
patient and family before there is a willingness to share certain information. Language services
who could be accessed to assist in conveying questions, medical information and obtaining
acuate information.
Language and Ethnohistory
What is your country to origin?
What ethnic/cultural group do you identify with?
How long have youl lived in this country? What led to you coming here?
Sometimes when people are trying to leave their country the encounter unpleasant
experiences. Is there any experience we should know about that would be important to
your care while here?
What language is spoken in your home?
Do you speak read, or understand English or another language?
Are there resources/equipment that you normally use to assist you with
Tell me about any positive or negative experiences with how people communicate with
you that we need to know to better care for you.
Kinship and Social Factors
How would you prefer to eb addressed while here?
Do you have other family members who live close with you? Do any of them live in the
home with you? How would you like for them to be involved in your care?
Are there others that you would like to be involved in your care? Who are these
persons? How would you like for them to be involved?
Will anyone other than yourself be participating in decisions affecting your care (child’s
Are there any barriers related to your family getting to the hospital to visit you?
Tell me what good care mans to you. In what way would you like for nurses and other
health care providers to care for you while you are ill? What can we do while you are
here that will lead you to feel that you are receiving good care?
Do you feel safe in your home? What will help you feel safe while you are here?
World View
When looking at yourself what does the word health mean to you?
Share with me what you believe caused your illness.
Why do you think that your illness started when it did
Since you have had this illness do you feel any different during any particular part of the
day or night or on different days of the week?
What do you call the illness that you are here for? Have you had this illness before?
When did it start? How has it make you feel?
How will this illness/hospitalization affect your life and the life of your family?
What made you come to the hospital now?
It can be frightening to be in a hospital. How are you feeling about having ot be in the
hospital? What fears do you have about your illness?
What disturbs you most about being here?
Tell me about your feeling about this illness/surgery and how it might affect you as a
Environmental Factors
Are you exposed to anything in the air, water that you drink, etc. where you live or work
that you believe may be harmful to you and your family?
Are you allergic to anything in the environment that you are aware of?
It is possible that ou will need equipment of some type when you go home. Do you have
the following in your home-electricity, running water. Indoor plumbing, stairs, etc?
Do you have any special item that you have at home that would be comforting to have
with you in the hospital? If so what meaning does it have to you? If you are unable to
speak for yourself, who would you like to entrust with the item?
Cultural Values, Beliefs and Lifeways
We are interested in honoring your values and beliefs. Are there any that you would like
for us to know about to help you regain/maintain your health?
How many meals per day do you normally eat? At what times?
Tell me about the foods you normally eat at mealtime.
Are there foods that you do not eat ever or don’t eat at certain time? Why?
With whom to you usually eat your meals?
What is your usual bedtime? Is there anything that helps you to sleep better or worse?
May people have routine at home. Is there any part of your routine that you would like
us to keep the same if possible, while you are here such as the time you like to take your
shower/bath, etc?
Religious, Philosophical, Spiritual Factors
Both males and females work in this and other department in the hospital, who are
normally involved in caring for patients or entering your room. Are there any special
considerations that we should know about related to persons of the opposite gender
being involved in your acre?
Tell me about any considerations that we should know about related to your religious
beliefs/practices – diet, prayer/meditation times, etc.
DO you have any restrictions related to receiving blood/blood products?
Is there anyone that we can call for you now to offer you spiritual/religious support?
How can we best support you spiritually while you are here?
Valuable (is unfamiliar items are worn which as crosses, cloth bracelets/stings, charms,
medicine bag, etc. What meaning does it have for you? Do you feel that your well being
will be affected if it is removed? How?
What normally helps you to feel better if you are feeling down/stressed?
Political and Legal Factors
Do you have any legal document/information we should be aware of? (power of
attorney, etc.)
Economic Factors
How do you normally get medications you need?
Do you get financial assistance/support services for any of your daily needs?
Technology Factors
Do you use any equipment/technology at home to help you maintain your health?
Educational Factors
How do you believe that you learn best?
Are you able to read and write? In what language?
Generic Folk/Care Practices
Do you seek help form anyone other than a licensed medical provider that helps you
stay well or helps you when you are not feeling well?
What helps you stay well?
Tell me about things you do to help yourself feel better when you are feeling ill.
Tell me about any herbal or vitamin supplements you are taking. Dosage, frequency, and
for what reason. How do you get the supplements? Tell me about any activities that you
are involved in for your health and well being.
Have you taken or done anything before coming to the hospital to treat your present
illness. Did it make you feel better, worse, or no change?
Professional Care/Cure Practices
Where do you most often receive care when you are felling ill or for regular checkups?
Tell me about any prescription drugs that you are taking. Dosage, frequency and for
what reason.
Have you encountered any positive or negative experiences while receiving professional
care that we need to know about to better care for you?
JAMARDA Resources; Fourth edition, Cultural, Ethnic and Religious Reference Manual for Health Providers, 2017
N4465 Population and Community Nursing
Modules 1-3 (Weeks 1 – 3) Assignment Template
PLEASE NOTE: Submission of any assignment from any prior session of N-4465 without prior
permission from course faculty, will receive a zero for the assignment or a 10 point grade
penalty if a new assignment is resubmitted within 48 hours of notification by academic coach or
faculty. After 48 hours the assignment will receive a zero.
Use of the Three-Part Course Template
● The use of the three-part template to submit weekly Major Course Assignments goes as
● Week 1: Clinical Experience: Windshield Survey and Key Informant Interviews.
Complete the First Section of the course template and submit. (Keep this section
attached to Weeks 2 and 3 assignments.)
● Week 2: Statistical Analysis of Community Health Problem. Complete the Second
Section of the course template and submit. (Keep this section attached to Weeks 1 and
3 assignments.)
● Week 3: Community Health Nursing Intervention. Complete the Third Section of the
course template and submit. By now, you should have Sections 1-3 as one whole
● Each section of the course template is submitted on a WEEKLY basis, depending on which
week you are working on. DO NOT wait to submit all three sections at the end of the third
● Please note that students are not to make any changes to the content of the course
template, for example, removal of questions or examples imbedded in the response box of the
● Removal of the questions or examples imbedded in the response box of the template is
considered tampering with the content and will result in a 10-point grade deduction per
Should removal of the questions or examples imbedded in the response box of the template
persist by the student, in addition to the 10-point deduction, the student will be referred to the
N4465_Assignments Template_Rev._23 ML
Office of Student Conduct for final disposition. You are strongly encouraged to be mindful of
this course policy.
● The ONLY change students may make to the template is to enlarge the space to make their
entries in the response boxes.
● Should you encounter any difficulties with these course policy guidelines, please consult with
your Academic Coach.
Clinical Experience: Module One: Part One Windshield
Survey and Key Informant Interviews
Refer to the directions for Windshield survey assignment 1 in canvas.
Please complete the following information on this template about the community you have
selected. If you do not use this template there will be a 10- point grade penalty per
assignment, and you will be required to resubmit within 48 hrs. You may increase the size of
the block by continuing to type. Use as much space as necessary to provide your answers.
General Subjective Data
1. Physical Environment: Make sure you address fully what you observed and NOTE if
something was not found within your community area.

Boundaries: Describe the area and its boundaries in the table below.
What defines the
roads, water,
The community area is bounded by:

North: Cedar River

South: Highway 20

East: Sycamore Street

West: Hudson Road
The boundaries are primarily defined by the Cedar River to the north
and Highway 20 to the south. Sycamore Street and Hudson Road mark
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the eastern and western boundaries, respectively.
Is the area known
for a particular
Yes, the community area is known as the “Riverfront District”
(Riverfront, Waterloo IA – Neighborhood Guide | Trulia, n.d.).
What area is this Zip Code: 50701
Neighborhood Name: Riverfront District
located in? i.e. zip
City or County Name: Waterloo, Black Hawk County
name, city or
county name

Housing and Zoning: Describe the types of housing and zoning in table below.
What is the age of
the houses
The age of the houses in the community area varies. Some houses appear
to be historic, dating back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Others are more modern, constructed within the past few decades.
Describe type of
appearance, and
general condition.
Houses in the community area are predominantly constructed with a mix
of brick, wood, and vinyl siding materials.
The appearance of houses varies, with some maintaining their original
architectural features while others have undergone renovations or
The general condition of houses ranges from well-maintained to
dilapidated. Some houses show signs of aging and neglect, while others
appear newly renovated or well-kept.

Do you see single
family housing?
Yes, single-family housing is prevalent throughout the community area.
Many houses are standalone structures with private yards and driveways.
Do you see any
Multi-family housing options are also present within the community
area, including apartment complexes, duplexes, and townhouses.
Common Meeting Places: Describe common meeting places in the table below.
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Where do people
in the
hang out?
People in the neighborhood often gather at the local parks, specifically
Riverfront Park and Lincoln Park, which offer green spaces,
playgrounds, and picnic areas for recreational activities and socializing.
Who hangs out
there and what
hours of the day?
Residents of all ages frequent the parks and community center
throughout the day, especially during weekends and evenings. During the
daytime, families with children can be seen enjoying the playgrounds and
engaging in outdoor activities.
Are there adults
and children?
Both adults and children can be found at the common meeting places in
the neighborhood.
Indicators of Growth or Decline: Describe indicators of growth or decline in the table
Is this a “thriving”
community or does it
look “run down?”
The community exhibits signs of both growth and decline. While
certain areas show vitality with new developments and
community activities, others appear neglected or in decline due to
aging infrastructure.
Is there new or ongoing
Yes, there are indications of new or ongoing construction projects
within the community area. There is the construction of
residential buildings, commercial establishments, and
infrastructure improvements such as road repairs and utility
Are there businesses and
Industries coming to the
There is evidence of businesses and industries investing in the
area, with the establishment of new retail stores, restaurants, and
small businesses. Additionally, industrial zones in the outskirts of
the community attract manufacturing and warehousing activities.
Are buildings, roadways,
and public areas clean
and well-kept?
The level of maintenance and cleanliness varies across different
parts of the community. While some buildings, roadways, and
public areas are well-kept and maintained, others show signs of
neglect with litter, graffiti, and deteriorating infrastructure.
Is it clean/well kept? Do
you see dirt, trash, or
Certain areas of the community exhibit cleanliness and
orderliness, with minimal dirt, trash, or graffiti observed.
However, there are sections where litter, debris, and graffiti are
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more prevalent.

Employment Opportunities: Describe employment opportunities in the table below.

What places for
employment are there is
this area?
The area offers a variety of employment opportunities across
different sectors, including retail, entertainment, hotel, and
service industries.
Name the businesses
and industries in this
The major business include:

New World Sports Lounge

Broadway Liquor Store

Pepsi Beverages Co.

The Shirt Shack Print Store

East Side used Furniture & Bedding
Transportation: Describe transportation in the table below.
How do people
primarily get from
one place to
People primarily rely on personal automobiles as the main mode of
transportation to commute within the community area and beyond.
Is public
available? How
timely is it?
Public transportation options are available in the community area,
including bus services operated by the local transit authority. The
frequency and timeliness of public transportation vary depending on
the routes and schedules. During peak hours, buses tend to run more
frequently, but there may be longer waiting times during off-peak
hours and weekends.
N4465_Assignments Template_Rev._23 ML
Personal autos?
Personal automobiles are widely used by residents for daily
commuting and transportation needs. The community area has wellmaintained roadways and parking facilities to accommodate private
Bicycles serve as an alternative mode of transportation for some
residents, especially for short-distance trips within the neighborhood
or for recreational purposes.
Walking is also a common mode of transportation, particularly for
short trips to nearby destinations.
2. People: Make sure you address fully what you observed and NOTE if something was not
found within your community area.

Race and Ethnicity: Describe what you observed in the table below.
Describe the races and
ethnic groups you
The observed races and ethnic groups are diverse. Common
racial and ethnic groups include White/Caucasian,
Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, and
individuals of mixed racial backgrounds.
What is the majority racial
group represented?
The majority racial group represented in the community area is
White/Caucasian (Black Hawk County IA | Official Website,
What is the majority ethnic The majority ethnic group represented in the community area is
non-Hispanic or Latino (Black Hawk County IA | Official
group represented?
Website, n.d.).
Describe the distribution
of gender
The distribution of gender appears relatively balanced, with a
mix of males and females observed across different age groups
and demographic segments.
What are the approximate
The approximate ages of individuals observed in the
community area vary widely, ranging from infants and young
children to older adults and seniors.
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Describe family types
including single families,
multiple families,
generational families

Family types observed in the community area include:

Single families: Individuals or nuclear families residing
independently in single households.

Multiple families: Occasional instances of extended
family members or multiple families sharing living
spaces or apartment complexes.

Generational families: Families comprising multiple
generations living together, such as grandparents,
parents, and children residing in the same household.
Cultural Characteristics: Describe what you observed in the table below.
What cultural similarities or
differences do you observe
Common cultural elements include shared values of
community, respect for diversity, and engagement in
cultural activities and events.
Differences may be observed in cultural practices,
customs, and traditions stemming from various ethnic,
religious, and socio-economic backgrounds present in
the community.
Languages spoken
The community area is characterized by linguistic
diversity, with residents speaking a variety of languages
including English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and
other languages.
Clothing styles and attire vary among residents due to
individual preferences, cultural backgrounds, and
occasions. Traditional attire from different cultural
groups may be observed alongside contemporary
fashion trends.
Ethnic eating places
Ethnic eating places, including restaurants, cafes, and
food markets, offer a diverse selection of cuisines
representing various cultural traditions and culinary
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Culturally based
Culturally based celebrations and festivals are integral
to the community. Events such as Lunar New Year,
Cinco de Mayo, Oktoberfest, and cultural heritage
months are celebrated with enthusiasm and participation
from diverse community members (Riverfront, Waterloo
IA – Neighborhood Guide | Trulia, n.d.).
Signs in languages other
than English
Signs in languages other than English are prominently
displayed in commercial areas, public spaces, and
establishments catering to diverse linguistic
Lifestyle Healthy Behaviors: Describe what you observed in the table below.
What healthy lifestyle
behaviors do you observe
Healthy lifestyle behaviors observed in the community area

Regular physical activity: Residents engage in various
forms of exercise, such as walking, jogging, cycling,
and participating in outdoor recreational activities.

Safety practices: Many individuals wear helmets while
biking, and seat belt usage is commonly observed
among drivers and passengers in vehicles.

Proper waste disposal: Trash cans and recycling bins are
utilized for garbage disposal in public spaces, parks, and
recreational areas.

Healthy eating habits: Residents patronize farmers’
markets, grocery stores, and restaurants offering
nutritious food options.
Do you see people
exercising, wearing
helmets when biking, do
you observe seat belt
Yes, people in the community area are observed exercising in
parks, along trails, and in fitness centers. Many cyclists wear
helmets while biking, and the majority of drivers and
passengers adhere to seat belt usage guidelines.
Are trash cans being used
Yes, trash cans and recycling bins are strategically placed
N4465_Assignments Template_Rev._23 ML

for garbage disposal
throughout the community area and are regularly used for
garbage disposal by residents and visitors.
Do you observe healthy
eating practices
Healthy eating practices are evident in the community area,
with individuals making conscious choices to incorporate fresh
fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into their
diets. Also, the presence of farmers’ markets, organic food
stores, and health-conscious eateries reflects a growing
emphasis on healthy eating and nutrition education.
Lifestyle Risk Behaviors: Describe what you observed in the table below.
What unhealthy lifestyle
behaviors do you observe
Unhealthy lifestyle behaviors observed in the community area

Smoking: Some individuals are observed smoking
cigarettes or using tobacco products in public areas.

Excessive alcohol consumption: Instances of public
intoxication or individuals drinking alcoholic beverages
in outdoor settings are observed.

Poor dietary choices: Consumption of fast food, sugary
beverages, and processed snacks is noted among some
Do you see people
practicing risky lifestyle
behaviors such as drinking
alcoholic beverages,
smoking, fighting
Yes, instances of risky lifestyle behaviors such as drinking
alcoholic beverages and smoking are observed in public spaces.
Do you see signs of
violence, gang activity,
drug use, criminal activity,
and bars on doors and/or
Signs of violence, gang activity, drug use, or criminal behavior
are not prominently observed in the community area. However,
there are instances of vandalism, graffiti, or property damage in
certain areas.
Bars on doors and/or windows are observed in some residential
and commercial properties, indicating concerns about security
N4465_Assignments Template_Rev._23 ML
and crime prevention.

Do you see
Yes, individuals of varying body sizes and weights are observed
in the community area, including overweight, underweight, and
normal weight individuals.
Do you see children
unattended playing out in
the streets
Instances of children playing unattended in the streets are
observed, although the frequency and visibility vary depending
on the neighborhood and time of day.
Describe gender, age, and
race/ethnicity of persons
Persons observed represent diverse gender identities, age
groups, and racial/ethnic backgrounds. The community area is
inclusive of individuals from different races and ethnicities, age
cohorts, and genders.
Poverty Indications
Do you see any signs of
homelessness? People
living without adequate
shelter or in temporary
Yes, signs of homelessness are observed in the community
area. Individuals can be seen living without adequate shelter,
in temporary structures, or in public spaces such as parks or
under bridges.
Describe gender, age, and
race/ethnicity of persons
Persons experiencing homelessness represent a diverse range
of gender identities, age groups, and racial/ethnic backgrounds.
Both males and females can be observed, including individuals
identifying as transgender or non-binary.
Individuals of various age cohorts, including young adults,
middle-aged individuals, and seniors, may be seen.
The homeless population is diverse, comprising individuals
from different racial and ethnic backgrounds.
3. Services in the Community: Make sure you address fully what you observed and NOTE
if something was not found within your community area, how far away it is and how people
will access it.
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Social Services: Do you see evidence of social services? For services that are not
available, how far must persons travel to access these services? Describe each.
Evidence of parks and recreational areas is observed
throughout the community area. Parks provide green
spaces for outdoor activities, leisure, and community
Recreation opportunities are available within the
community area, including recreational centers, sports
complexes such as the Waterloo Riverfront stadium, and
fitness facilities.
For services that are not
available, how far must
persons travel to access
these services
Health Services: Do you see evidence of health services? For services that are not
available, how far must persons travel to access these services? Describe each.
Hospitals, Dr’s
Offices, Clinics
Evidence of health services, including
UnityPoint Allen Emergency Care, is observed
within the community area.
Mental health
Mental health services are not readily available
within the immediate community area.
For services that are not
available, how far must
persons travel to access
these services
Residents seeking
mental health
support and
treatment may need
to travel
approximately 4.2
miles to access the
nearest mental health
center, the Black
Mental Health
N4465_Assignments Template_Rev._23 ML
Center (Black Hawk
County IA | Official
Website, n.d.).
Alternative healing services are not readily
Are there any
signs of alternative available within the immediate community area.
services in the
area, such as
herbalists, herbal
stores, palm

One of the available
alternative services is
Your CBD Store Cedar Falls, located
approximately 6.7
miles away from the
community area
Waterloo IA Neighborhood Guide
| Trulia, n.d.).
Fire and Police Services: Describe fire and police services
Include where is the
closet station
Fire services in the community are primarily
provided by Waterloo Fire Rescue (Black
Hawk County IA | Official Website, n.d.).
Waterloo Fire Rescue
station is located
approximately 2.3
miles from the
community area
Police services in the community are provided
by the Waterloo Police Department (Black
Hawk County IA | Official Website, n.d.).
Waterloo Police
Department is located
approximately 1.5
miles from the
community area.
Educational Resources: Describe educational resources.
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For services that are not
available, how far must
persons travel to access
these services
Public library
Public library services are not readily
The community has
available within the immediate community access to the
Waterloo Public
Library, located
approximately 1.2
miles from the
community area
Waterloo IA Neighborhood
Guide | Trulia, n.d.).
Educational services are not readily
However, there is
Schools and
Universities/Community available within the immediate community Waterloo East High
School is situated
approximately 1.9
miles from the
community area.
Additionally, Upper
Iowa University, a
higher education
institution, is located
approximately 51.1
miles from the
community area.
Also, Elementary
schools such as
Lowell Elementary,
which may be
accessible relatively
close to the
community area
(Black Hawk County
IA | Official Website,
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Religions: Describe religions in the community
Discuss the types of
churches, mosques,
The community is diverse in its religious affiliations,
encompassing various churches and a mosques representing
different faith traditions. One of the churches present in the
community is River’s Edge Christian Church. Also, Masjid
Alnoor Islamic Community serves the Muslim population in
the area.
What services are offered
by these places of worship?
e.g., Day Care, Mother’s
Day Out, Summer Camps,
Languages Classes,
Citizenship Classes, Food
Banks, Clothing, other.
The places of worship offer a wide range of services and
programs to meet the needs of their congregations and the
broader community:

Some churches offer daycare services for young

The churches and Mosques have feeding programs
that aim to support the homeless individuals in the

Additional services include counseling, support
groups, community outreach programs, volunteer
opportunities, and religious education classes for all
4. Business & Industry: Make sure you address fully what you observed and NOTE if
something was not found within your community area.
What type of businesses
exist? Manufactures? Light
or heavy industry? Large
employers? Small business
owners? Retail? Hospitality
The community features a diverse range of businesses and
industries catering to various needs and interests of residents
and visitors. These include: Restaurants, supermarkets,
convenience stores, and specialty food markets providing
essential food items and household goods. There are
entertainment venues such as bars, clubs, and theaters offering
social and recreational activities during evening hours. Also,
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there are retail establishments including department stores,
boutiques, specialty shops, and malls. However, there are no
manufactures or large employers within the community.
Describe stores and shops
available in the community,
e.g., grocery stores, gas
stations, department stores
Stores and shops available in the community include grocery
stores, gas stations, pharmacies, department stores, clothing
boutiques, hardware stores, bookstores, electronic shops, and
specialty retailers catering to specific consumer preferences
and needs.
Do people have to seek
employment elsewhere? Is
this considered a “bedroom
community”- where people
work outside this
community but live here?
While the community offers a variety of businesses and
employment opportunities, some residents seek employment
elsewhere, especially for specialized industries or career fields
not readily available within the community. The community
may be considered a “bedroom community” since people
primarily reside there but commute to neighboring areas or for
employment opportunities, professional advancement, or
specialized services.
5. Politics: Make sure you address fully what you observed and NOTE if something was not
found within your community area.
What indicators do you see
about politics? Posters?
Various indicators related to politics can be observed
within the community. These indicators may include:

Residents display lawn signs endorsing political
parties or causes to express their political
affiliations and preferences.

There are political posters in the public spaces
presumably from the previous election.
However, there is no political party with a headquarters
within the community.
6. Media: Make sure you address fully what you observed and NOTE if something was not
found within your community area.
N4465_Assignments Template_Rev._23 ML
Do you see indicators of
what people read?
There are observations of newspapers, magazines,
newsletters, and other print publications in public spaces,
newsstands while others are delivered to households. This
indicates that residents’ reading preferences and interests
Listen to the radio? Watch
Residents had tuned radios in vehicles and businesses.
Moreover, residents watch televisions which is evident by
television sets in eateries and other business settings.
Are there any signs of media
language other than English
Yes, there are signs, advertisements, and media content in
languages other than English indicating linguistic diversity
and cultural representation within the community. This
caters to non-English-speaking residents and visitors.
7. Key Informants
You will conduct 2 interviews. Interview a fireman or police office. And also interview a
librarian, schoolteacher, school nurse or administrator.
Ask each person interviewed to share their perceptions of the community’s health issues,
safety issues and strengths of the community. Cite personal communication as appropriate.
a. Interview with fireman or police officer
Community’s Health issues
Community’s Safety issues
The Police officer interviewed pointed out the following
health issues:

Obesity and chronic diseases prevail among some
residents, particularly older individuals