Note #8 eng


Read and take notes on the following:

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the Unit 3 Assignments sheet
the Perrault Version of “Sleeping Beauty,”
the Grimm Version of “Sleeping Beauty,”
the Perrault Version of “Cinderella,”
the Grimm Version of “Cinderella.” (These readings will be used for GA 5 and other Unit 3 assignments.)Unit 3
AssignmentsObjective: In Unit 3, we will focus on furthering research skills by increasing knowledge on types of source and enhancing the ability to determine source reliability. Students will create an annotated bibliography of a variety of sources.
Major Assignment 3
(16.5% of Final Grade and Required for Course Completion)Collect credible resources for an annotated bibliography of sources that you might use for Unit 4. Specifically, these sources must be related to the fairy tales. Some of these sources will be provided for you by your instructor while you will have to find the others on your own. Preparing an annotated bibliography, which is basically a Works Cited showing your evaluation of each resource, will require you to read and take notes, create full citations, write annotations for each source, and develop a brief introduction and working thesis statement related to the topic. Your final draft of this assignment must include a topic and discussion of your research process as well as MLA formatted citations and annotations for the following types of sources:
Two academic journal articles (provided for you)
Three versions of “Little Red Riding Hood” (provided for you)
One source providing info on fairy tale conventions (provided for you)
One additional academic journal article related to “LRRH” or fairy tales (must be longer than 5 pages and cannot be a review)
One credible web article related to “LRRH” (NOT a retelling)
One credible YouTube video related to “LRRH” (NOT an animated retelling)
One OTHER GENRE that may be inspired by or a retelling of “LRRH,” including a movie, poem, song, play, picture book, etc.
Links for Unit 3
Three versions “Little Red Riding Hood” (provided for you) selected from Versions of LRRH provided by D.L. Ashliman at
One source providing info on fairy tale conventions (provided for you) – Fairy Tale Conventions
Two academic journal articles (provided for you) – Journal 1 | Journal 2
One additional academic journal article related to “LRRH” or fairy tales (must be longer than 5 pages and cannot be a review) found from the MTC library databases
One credible web article related to “LRRH” (NOT a retelling)
One credible YouTube video related to “LRRH” (NOT an animated retelling)
One OTHER GENRE that may be inspired by or a retelling of “LRRH,” including a movie, poem, song, play, picture book, etc.
What to Include on your Final Draft Submission
Format appropriately (examples to be provided)
Working Thesis Statement Related to the Topic
Full MLA Style Citations for Each Source Reviewed
An Annotation Paragraph that Appears Directly Beneath Each Source
Bib Intro & Annotations (Required)
The introduction should be written in a couple of brief paragraphs. These paragraphs should discuss the topic, the process (searching, how easy/challenging it was to find/evaluate sources, formatting, writing annotations, etc.), what you learned, and what you still want to know about the topic.
The annotation paragraph with ALL the following info appears beneath each corresponding Works Cited citation entry. You must go in the order listed below. The average annotation paragraph should be 8-12 sentences in length. (10 or fewer sentences is a good rule of thumb for our purposes.)
The first sentence(s) should identify the author(s) and major contributors, the type of source (i.e. journal article, book, review, etc.), and the main idea(s)/purpose of the text.
Ex. This journal article by Mary Smith was published in The Journal of Modern Psychology and discusses ____main ideas____.
Ex. This video published on YouTube by the American Association of Midwives discusses ____main ideas___.
Identify the intended audience(s)—NEVER everyone
Other professionals
General audience
Summarize the main points/findings/general content (2-3 sentences in length)
Be sure to clearly attribute paraphrases and direct quotes to the original author(s) of the source to avoid confusion. It’s helpful to use introductory phrases such as “According to Smith,…” or “On page 115, the article states that…”
Identify helpful features and/or findings (optional)
Could also be something interesting
Explain how this would relate to your research
Ex. This source provides more information on ___________, so it would (or would not) be relevant…
If the material is not clearly connected to the assigned topic, explain how it connects
Explain how you know this is credible
Don’t just say you found on MTC or .gov or .edu
Ex. This is credible because the author has been researching and reporting on this topic for more than a decade. (Often with minimal searching on the source itself, you can find info on the author(s).)
Ex. This is credible because the study was done in a fair way with several researchers.
Ex. This is credible because the author has several years of experience in this field…
Publication in a reputable journal also lends credibility
Refer to the author(s) by full name(s) or surname(s) only, NEVER first names
Write in present tense
Only use “I” when discussing interesting components, relevance to research, and credibility. The rest of the annotation should be written in third person in order to appear more objective.
Groundwork Assignments
Groundwork Assignment 5
This week for Unit 3, you are reading three versions of “Little Red Riding Hood” and “Conventions of Fairy Tales.” Write a summary of each source, and discuss the credibility of the material, based on the original author, translator, website, etc.
Create MLA style citations for each of these sources. Use the documenting guide from our book and linked MLA formatting sources to ensure that your citations are correct.
In your document, arrange the content so that you have an MLA citation for a source, immediately followed by the summary for that source. (That is, it should look like a very short annotated bibliography).
Upload this document to D2L.
Groundwork Assignment 6
Read the two journal articles related to fairy tales that are linked on the Unit 3 assignments sheet. Create citations and summaries for both of these sources, and add them to the document you created for GA 3. Analyze the credibility of these sources.
Find the other FOUR required sources for MA 3. These sources include a credible website and a credible YouTube video related to “LRRH” or “fairy tales” AS WELL AS an academic journal article and an alternate version or work inspired by “LRRH.” The website can be found through a simple Google search while the video can be found through a YouTube search. For the journal article, you will need to use the MTC Library Databases.
After finding the FOUR required sources (from #2 above), read and take notes on those sources, and then create MLA citations and write a brief summary for each source. Add these to the document you have been working with (GA 5). You will not submit these notes for GA 5, but you will submit them as part of your weekly notes; see the syllabus.
The document submitted for this GA should include a total of 10 source citations and their summaries. Your brief summary and credibility evaluation (one for each source) should appear directly beneath the corresponding citation. Submit this document, which will eventually become MA 3.
MA 3 Rough Draft
Use the document created in GA 6, and begin developing each summary into the full annotation paragraph. You must complete the full annotation paragraph for all ten entries. Refer to the Unit 3 Assignments Sheet as well as the Research and Annotated Bib Tips document for guidance on creating the annotations. Helpful videos and examples will also be provided.
Be sure to follow the formatting guidelines for an MLA Works Cited page/MLA annotated bibliography.
Submit this document once you have developed your annotations.