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Need this assignment done, the project is about a website, the website should be about selling shoes.

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Student Name: _______________________________
ITEC 231 Project: Planning Analysis Sheet
A Planning Analysis Sheet (PAS) is a tool used to organize and strategize different aspects of a project,
such as a web development project, in a structured manner. The PAS typically includes the project’s
objectives, requirements, milestones, tasks, resources, and timelines.
1. Project Title: (To be completed by individual students)
2. Project Objective: (To be completed by individual students)
3. Stakeholders (Audience):
To be completed by individual students
4. Requirements
a. Functional Requirements
To be completed by individual students
b. Non-Functional Requirements
To be completed by individual students
5. Milestones and Timelines
a. Milestone 1: Project Proposal Approval
Date: 02/19/2024
b. Milestone 2: Initial Site Map and Wireframe completion and submission
Date: 03/25/2024
c. Milestone 3: Development Completion
Date: 05/06/2024
d. Milestone 5: Final Submission & Presentation
Date: 05/20/2024
6. Evaluation Criteria:
Design: Aesthetics, usability, and mobile responsiveness.
Content: Clarity, coherence, and relevance of the information presented.
Functionality: Working links, interactive elements, and Core Requirements listed below.
Technical Aspects: Code quality.
Core Requirements Your website project should consist of:
i. At least four web pages
ii. Page layout using CSS Grid or CSS Flexbox
iii. Should be responsive (responsive layout design using media query)
iv. At least one HTML table
v. At least one HTML form with a POST method and form action pointing to
vi. Visual Elements & Graphics
vii. Web Multimedia & Interactivity

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