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ITS190 CupCakes Realty Inc. Network Build Final Project

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ITS190 CupCakes Realty Inc. Network Build Final Project

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Table of Contents

Objectives……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

Background/Scenario ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

Course (Project) Requirements…………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Required Resources ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

Course(project) Weekly Break Down …………………………………………………………………………………. 3

ITS190 CupCakes Realty Inc. Network Build Final Project

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Design and Build a Small Business Network (Course Project)

This project will be done over the course of the term. It is broken up in 4 parts with the final presentation/packet

tracer build up due on Monday of Week 5. Your final in class will be in two parts.

1. Final Comprehensive Exam (20 Questions)

2. Course Project

Items to be turned in Monday of Week 5 are the following:

1. Network Designs

2. Packet Tracer Build File

3. PowerPoint Presentation

4. Reflection Questions


Explain how a small network of directly connected segments is created, configured, and verified.

In this activity, you will demonstrate that you know how to design, configure, verify, and secure a very small

network. Documentation and presentation are also vital parts of this Course Project.


CupCake’s Realty Inc.

Cupcake’s Inc. is a family-owned business that is in the process of expanding from being a home-based

company to opening their first office. The company needs someone to come in to design and build a network.

The company would also like to offer inhouse wireless access to their guests. The company also allows

employees to use the wireless access as well with their own personal devices. One of the concerns brought

up was wireless access security.

You have been hired as an IT Network Consultant to come into design then build-out a small office network.

The company has a total of $15,000 to purchase equipment, licenses, and to pay for your services.

The company is comprised of the following staff:

CEO, Randall CupCake Sr.
Office Manager, Shamikka CupCake
Accountant, Steven CupCake
Loan Officer, Tedi CupCake
Lead Real Estate Agent, Allen CupCake
Jr. Real Estate Agent, Michael Boh
Jr. Real Estate Agent, Bill Anderson
Jr. Real Estate Agent, Songpol Smith
Receptionist, John Tannings

Cupcakes’ Inc. is bringing in AT&T business services to serve as their ISP. They have been given an IP

address of:

ITS190 CupCakes Realty Inc. Network Build Final Project

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Cupcake’s IP Address (Outside)
Inside IP Address is

Course (Project) Requirements

Design and build a network from scratch.

1. Create a network design that includes a minimum of one router, one switch, and one PC for each

of the staff members and a single server.

2. Your design also needs to address the bringing in of a Wireless Access Point.

3. The network design must show all devices connected in the network. The network needs to show

a connection to a router to a modem and then to the ISP.

4. Fully configure the network and use IPv4 or IPv6 (subnetting must be included as a part of your

addressing scheme).

5. Verify the network using at least five show commands.

6. Secure the network using SSH, secure passwords, and console passwords (minimum).

Present your Course (Project) to the class and be able to answer questions from your peers and Instructor.

1. Create a PowerPoint Presentation with a minimum of 8 slides showing your design diagram,

components used to build the network and your final network design that you build using Packet

Tracer. Note: Create your presentation as if you were presenting to the stakeholders of

Cupcake’s Inc.

Required Resources

Packet Tracer
Visio or Libre Draw

Course(project) Weekly Break Down


1. Weekly course(project) assignments are due by 11:59pm Sunday night for weeks 1-4.

2. The final completed Course Project is due in its entirety on Thursday of Week 5.

3. Course(project) Presentations will be given during class time on Tuesday and Wednesday of week 5. You

must give your presentation in class to get full credit for the presentation portion of the project.

Week 1 The Diagram

1. Download and Install Cisco Packet Tracer

2. Review Cupcake’s Inc. Business Needs.

3. Identify and estimate network needs (Servers, PCs, Routers, Switches, etc.)

4. Using Microsoft Word list out an estimate of how many, PCs, switches, and routers are going to be

needed to create network.

5. Using the Estimate Excel worksheet and popular computer shopping websites like or complete the following:

ITS190 CupCakes Realty Inc. Network Build Final Project

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o Find and price out PCs the company is going to need.

o Find and price out the number of estimated switches, routers, wireless devices and network


o Price out if possible, the cost to license all the equipment software. This includes network devices

and computers. (If you are unable to find actual cost provide an reasonable estimate)

o As the contractor you need to estimate your hourly wage and how much time you think it will take

to complete the build of the network.

6. Submit the completed network diagram to “Cupcake Project Assignment Week 1” in the MLP.

Week 2 Subnetting

1. Subnet the company IP address. (Microsoft Word)

2. Create subnets based on the company’s primary department structure.

a. Administration

b. Finance

c. Real Estate Agents

d. Staff

e. Wireless Access Point(s)

Week 3 The Physical Network

1. Using the company needs document you created in Week 1, you will use Microsoft Visio or Libre Draw to

build a network map showing all of the devices needed by the company. This includes router(s),

switch(s), PC(s), modem, server, and AT&T (ISP) services.

2. In the network map connect the devices to the correct network devices.

3. Document each of the network nodes showing PCs assignment, networks, and assigned IP addresses.

4. Save the network map as a PDF.

5. Submit the network map to “Cupcake Project Assignment Week 3” in the MLP.

Week 4 Network Configuration

1. Using Packet Tracer and Network Map from week 3, Connect and Configure all devices.

2. Ensure network connectivity by using Cisco commands.

3. Take a screen shot of the connected network and machines showing there is connectivity.

4. Save your Packet Tracer and Title it ITS190 CupCakes Course Project. (This is to be also part of your

submitted assignment along with the other course project files in Week 5.

5. Submit screenshot of the network you build in Packet Tracer and submit to “Cupcake Project Assignment

Week 4” in the MLP

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Week 5 Final Result

1. The final completed Course Project is due in its entirety on Monday of Week 5.

a. For full credit, the following must be included in your final project packet:

1. Packet Tracer file

2. PowerPoint Presentation to Stakeholders

3. Reflection questions responding to the following questions completed with Microsoft


a. What was the most difficult portion of this activity?

b. Why do you think network documentation is so important to this activity and in

the real world?

4. Save the above as a zip file

5. Submit the .Zip file to the MLP final project submission slot.

2. Course (project) Presentations will be given during class time on Tuesday and Wednesday of week 5.

a. Create a PowerPoint Presentation with a minimum of 8 slides showing:

1. A Title Slide

2. The network requirements for the company

3. The network design diagram

4. A brief description of the network devices needed to build the network

5. The final network design built using Packet Tracer (Network Screen Shot from Packet


6. Note: Create your presentation as if you were presenting to the stakeholders of

Cupcake’s Inc. Which should include some of the following:

1. Short brief information within the slide. (Single sentences)

2. Details that are relevant to the slide if needed.

3. Labeling of any images – includes your network map

4. Final slide should be a question slide. Can be a question mark or the word

Questions written on it.

5. One slide

b. You must give your presentation in class to get full credit for the presentation portion of the
