Need help on 4 part discussion question


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The purpose of discussion board forums is to encourage an exchange of ideas, information and opinions between
class peers. Fourteen discussion boards, worth 15 points each, have been set up throughout the semester. Each
discussion board is seven days long, beginning at midnight on Monday and extending until 11:59 p.m. on the
following Sunday. Each student is required to post on a minimum of three different days during the discussion
board week. Students will be graded based on depth of discussion, critical thinking, selection of WWD articles,
application of textbook terminology and ideas, and the ability to stimulate discussion among peers. Of the 15
points possible for each discussion board, the WWD article post is worth 11 points and the two peer response
posts are worth 2 points each. The dates for each of the forums have been set in conjunction with chapters from
the textbook. The basis of discussion will be information from the textbook chapter in relation to at least 1 current
WWD article (dated within the last six months). It is strongly suggested that each student purchase an online
subscription of WWD for this course. However, hard copies are available in Cravens Library.
Each student will be responsible for:
1. Providing current information from an article from WWD relating to the chapter(s) assigned for the week.
This post should include the name of the article, the author and the date of the WWD issue, and how this
article relates to the information provided in the textbook. Discussion Board #13 is an exception and
focuses on Apparel Company Reports.
2. Responding to a minimum of 2 posts made by class peers for a total of a minimum of 3 discussion entries
per week.
3. Posting on a minimum of 3 different days in the discussion board week.
4. The WWD post is worth 9 points and the two remaining posts are worth 3 points each.
Chapter 2 The Nature of Fashion
Chapter 3 The Environment of Fashion
Chapter 4 The Movement of Fashion
Chapter 5 The Business of Fashion
Copyright © Bloomsbury
Publishing Inc. 2018
The Dynamics of Fashion
5th Edition
Elaine Stone and Sheryl A. Farnan
All rights reserved. No part of
this presentation covered by the
copyright hereon may be
reproduced or used in any form
or by any means–graphic,
electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying,
recording, taping, or information
storage and retrieval systems–
without written permission of
the publisher.
Unit One
World of
The Nature of Fashion
The Importance of Fashion
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
The Fashion Business
• Marketing
• Fashion Merchandising and Marketing
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Misconceptions About Fashion
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
The Terminology of Fashion
• Style
• Fashion
• Design
• A Classic
• A Fad
• A Trend
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
A Classic
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
A Fad
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
A Trend
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Components of Fashion
• Silhouette
• Details
• Texture
• Color
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
The Fashion Cycle
• Stages of the Fashion Cycle
• Lengths of Cycles
• Breaks in the Cycle
• Long-Run and Short-Run Fashions
• Consumer Buying and the Fashion Cycle
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
The Fashion Cycle
• The rise, wide popularity, and decline in acceptance of a given
style, as shown by a bell curve
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Stages of the Fashion Cycle
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Stages of the Fashion Cycle
• The fluctuating cycles of different fashions
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Lengths of Cycles
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Consumer Buying and the Fashion
• A comparison of the consumer buying cycle and the consumer
use cycle of a fashion product
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
The Intangibles of Fashion
• Group Acceptance
• Change
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Principles of Fashion
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Principles of Fashion
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 2
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Copyright © Bloomsbury
Publishing Inc. 2018
The Dynamics of Fashion
5th Edition
Elaine Stone and Sheryl A. Farnan
All rights reserved. No part of
this presentation covered by the
copyright hereon may be
reproduced or used in any form
or by any means–graphic,
electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying,
recording, taping, or information
storage and retrieval systems–
without written permission of
the publisher.
Unit One
World of
The Environment of Fashion
Market Segmentation
• Geographics
• Demographics
• Psychographics
• Behavior
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 3
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
• Estimated household spending on apparel and services by
geographic area
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 3
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
• The PRIZM marketing segments
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 3
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
• The VALS system of consumer markets and motivations
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 3
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
The Economic Environment
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 3
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
The Economic Environment
• Consumer Income
• Population
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 3
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Consumer Income
• Discretionary dollars spent on clothing by household income
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 3
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Consumer Income
• The purchasing power of the U.S. dollar from 1950 to 2016
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 3
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
• Generations and their characteristics
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 3
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
The Sociological Environment
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 3
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
The Sociological Environment
• Leisure Time
• Ethnic Influences
• Status of Women
• Social Mobility
• Physical Mobility
• Faster Communications
• Water, Disaster, and Crisis
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 3
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Ethnic Influences
• Actual and expected U.S. population by ethnic origin
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 3
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Ethnic Influences
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 3
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Status of Women
• Income disparity by race and sex according to the Bureau of
Labor Statistics
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 3
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
Status of Women
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 3
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018
The Psychological Environment
Stone, Farnan, Chapter 3
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2018

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