Need 3 discussions in business, criminal justice, and health care legal issues


Business Think of a potential research topic that is appropriate for quantitative research. Explain if this topic would be more effectively investigated using a nonexperimental approach, quasi-experimental approach, or an experimental approach. What differences are there among them that would prompt you to use one approach over the other? Explain and support your response. 300 words Criminal Justice Review Chapter 1 in the course textbook. According to Cooper (2012), is it clear what considerations or actions should occur when personal ethics conflict with organizational ethics? If so, what are these considerations or actions? Initial post must be a minimum of 500 words and include at least one supporting reference. (chapter 1 info attached in upload) Health care-legal Briefly discuss your understanding of the purposes of the three major departments within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Give an everyday example of each department’s interaction with or service to a citizen. Of the three departments, which do you think poses the greatest potential for risk of health care worker legal issues? Explain your rationale. 350 words

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