Need 2 short answer


1.What are the first steps towards identifying the right competencies to help you prepare for a competency-based interview? 2.What other resources can help employees identify competencies for interviews within their organization?3.If the organization didn’t provide a list of the competencies they are looking for: 4.How do you get started compiling your own list of key competencies? Where do you find some clues as to what these competencies could be?5.What are some of the most typical competencies used by organizations?Good responses to these types of questions tend to be very powerful. Take your time and really plan these well. Remember to address the three aspects the text instructs you to include in each response: Situation/Task, Action, Result.(Check attached file for getting idea about this)After you have prepared your responses, review each question by using the sections of the interview rubric(Check attached file) that are specific to an interviewee’s response, included below. Score each question. Then, re-work your answers until you believe you have prepared for a perfect score on each of your responses. Lastly, upload the final version of each question and the completed rubric for each question, including an explain for each question identifying which criteria you met or exceeded the expectations and how you demonstrated that.

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Critical thinking ability
Below expectations

Has not integrated information
from previous steps of interview
process in order to prepare for
final interview

Lacks careful thought
Makes weak or unsupported
Shows closed-mindedness and

Meets expectations

Demonstrates understanding of
position, expectations, and has
used the prior assessment
information to prepare for final
Makes appropriate connections
Provides evidence to support
Shows open-mindedness and
Exceeds expectations

General attitude

Demonstrates lack of interest in
and enthusiasm about the

Demonstrates interest in and
enthusiasm about the position


Provides yes/no or short, closed
answers to questions
Language often obscures
Grammar, syntax, or other errors
are distracting and/or repeated

Provides appropriate responses
but may sometimes need to be
prompted to expand on/clarify
Language does not interfere with
Errors of grammar or syntax, if
present, are not distracting or
Candidate refers to applicable
strengths/skills multiple times
throughout interview
Provides evidence of how prior
experience has provided the
appropriate qualifications and/or
skills for the position
Demonstrates personal voice
and mentions goals, but has lack
of depth regarding leadership

Work history

Candidate does not refer to
applicable strengths/skills


Leadership ability

Does not demonstrate how prior
experience has provided the
appropriate qualifications and/or
skills for the position
Does not demonstrate
understanding of leadership or
potential to lead successfully

Demonstrates superior
understanding of position,
expectations, and assessment
results and has used that to
craft a compelling case for hire
Makes useful connections
Demonstrates ethical approach
to problem-solving and is
consistently fair-minded
Justifies assumptions and
Demonstrates awareness of
alternate points of view and their
Demonstrates interest in and
enthusiasm about the position
and evidence of research into
position and PPSD
Provides well-constructed,
confident responses that include
relevant and specific examples
Nuanced and elegant language
clearly and effectively
communicates ideas
Errors of grammar or syntax are
not present
Candidate consistently
demonstrates strengths/skills
relevant to the position
Provides detailed, specific
evidence of how prior experience
will allow the candidate to excel
in the position
Provides detailed, specific
examples of leadership ability in
Has point of view, confidence,
maturity, recognizes the benefits
Customer service skills

Overall impression

Does not mention customer
service orientation voluntarily
When asked, provides
substandard evidence of
customer service skills

Describes customer service
orientation and recognizes the
primacy of providing superior
customer service

Interview does not demonstrate
that applicant is an appropriate
candidate to fill the position

Interview demonstrates that
applicant is an appropriate
candidate to fill the position

of teams, and demonstrates
Through responses, clearly
demonstrates customer service
orientation and the primacy of
providing superior customer
service to internal and external
Interview demonstrates that
applicant is the most superiorly
qualified candidate to fill the

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