my career


I want you to talk about Sabic company that is my career path, you will find the instructions in the file

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Assignment 4 #: My Career Path within a Selected Company
(10 = Individual PowerPoint with voice over)
Purpose of Assignment

Each student has to submit PowerPoint slides that discusses and illustrates the opportunities, challenges,
and career path in his major or field (IT, Business, Engineering, etc) within a selected company.
This assignment not only aims at getting students to explore the nature and challenges of their majors, but
it also aims at giving the chance to express such issues through written and verbal communication where
they can use different techniques, media, and technology.
This assignment will also help students identify the possible career choices across different industries
available within their specific major. It will also help provide them with steps to guide their academic
progress towards their career goals.

To help students investigate the different aspects of their field and thus develop a better understanding of
the nature of their majors early in their course of study
To help students become aware of the different challenges and opportunities they may encounter before
and after they graduate
To help students become seriously involved in developing the professional skills that can help them become
competitive and thus successful in their future career
To help students identify specific career paths within industries related to their major
To help students explain the career ladder of their career choice and the requirements required to progress
from one level to the second
To help students conduct simple research to collect data and write an academic essay that addresses one
issue pertinent to their field
To get students involved in preparing and giving an effective, informative PowerPoint presentation
Instructional Media: Tools and Resources

The instructor will use the following technology and media: Blackboard, and PowerPoint with voice over.
Students will be provided with online articles, reports, and different resources that will assist them in
understanding the different organizational structures of companies and occupational titles within companies
or organizations across different industries.
PowerPoint Presentation with voice over
1. Time limit of 7-9 minutes
2. PowerPoint: 8 slides with 4 or 5 bullets on each slide, no full sentences on your slides
3. Prepare attractive slides that add to your presentation. Use a picture, table, graph or diagram on most of
the slides.
4. Explain each key point on each of your slides
5. Make sure each slide has the correct header on it.
6. DO NOT cut and paste your report into your slides.
7. Students who fail to present their PP slides within 1 week of the BB deadline will receive no marks for this
part of the assignment.
8. You will only be submitting your PowerPoint with voice over in the assignment.
9. You may pick any company in Saudi Arabia or the world that you think you would like to work for EXCEPT
10. Include the following slides in your presentation:
Slide 1:
My Career Path at ———— (name of company)
Title slide with the assignment name, student’s name, major and ID, company logo
Slide 2:
Outline of the slides in your presentation.
Slide 3:
Background of the Company
History of the company, location, its founding year, its main products, its
markets, number of employees.
Slide 4:
Opportunities at the Company
Opportunities you will have available to you when you join the company such
as further training, accommodation, promotions, working overseas, and salary increases.
Slide 5:
Challenges and Demands at the Company
Challenges and demands that you may encounter in the workplace during a
career at the company such as extra study, learning new skills, and shift work.
Slide 6:
Career Path at the Company
Four job positions you may pass through on a career path at this company.
For each job position give the name of the position, special certificates needed, particular
skills or training you will need, and the number of years you should work in the position
before you can advance up to the next position.
Slide 7:
Summarize the key points from the slides. Do not repeat the Outline slide here.
Slide 8:
minimum of 3 references (just type in the URL address, no APA formatting)

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