I will attach documents for the different parts of the assignment and the rubric to follow.
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Your Autoethnography essay and outline should include what aspects of your identity
and experience you will focus on (including but not limited to: race, ethnicity, class,
gender, sexuality, ability, spirituality, etc.). In addition, as outlined in the syllabus, your
essay draft (or outline) should make explicit connections between your personal
experiences within and outside of education, paying particular attention to issues of
power and equity, and empirical research in the same area. The fundamental
consideration for this paper is for you to explore the connections between your
individual/micro experience and social/macro processes and relationships. Both
storytelling (personal research) and empirical research are important for this assignment.
Although your essay ultimately takes the form of personal narrative (first-person voice),
you will need to deepen your understanding by making connections to pertinent
research and literature — either from course readings or from other academic literature
and research studies that you can connect and utilize to help interpret and make sense
of your personal experiences.
As such your outline can be in any format, but at a minimum should:
1. Map the flow and focus of your essay and articulate what aspects of your identity
(multiple, not just one) you will be focusing on.
2. Connect critical aspects of your identity and experience to the empirical research (You
should include resources/citations, though I will also help you with this, after you submit
your outline)
3. Offer initial insights into how your experiences will speak to issues of power,
(in)equity, and (in)justice.
Please note that this is a draft, and is meant to help initiate discussion and share
resources to support all of our work.
The rubric that will be used to provide you feedback on your Autoethnography Essay is
included below:
Autoethnography Essay Rubric
Evaluation Items
Unsatisfactory (02)
The author identifies The author
and critically reflects identifies 1- 2
on the central and
central and salient
salient aspects of
aspects of their
their identity in
identity but fails to
relation to dominant discuss these
power structures
identities to
dominant power
The author shares
vignettes, or
epiphanies in
narrative form that
reflect specific and
es that deeply
informed how they
have come to
understand the
world through the
lens of their central
and salient
Satisfactory (3-4)
Excellent (5)
The author identifies The author identifies
2-3 central and
2-3 central and salient
salient aspects of
aspects of their
their identity but
identity and succinctly
fails to adequately
discusses the
discuss the
intersectional nature
intersectional nature of their identities in
of their identities in relation to dominant
relation to dominant power structures
power structures.
supported with
research (cited).
The author shares The author hares
The author shares
vignettes, or
vignettes, or
vignettes, or
epiphanies in
epiphanies in
epiphanies in narrative
narrative form that narrative form that form that reflect
reflect specific and reflect specific and specific and critical
moments/experien moments/experience that deeply informed
ce, but fails to
s that deeply
how they have come
clearly articulate
informed how they to understand the
have come to
world through the lens
regarding how
understand the
of their central and
those specific
world through the
salient identities, and
moments informed lens of their central makes intentional
how they have
and salient identities, intersectional
come to
but fails to make
connections within
understand the
and across identities
world through the connections within and experiences.
lens of their central and across identities
and salient
and experiences.
Uses critical
Reflects on each
Uses critical
Uses critical reflection
reflection to
reflection to
to deconstruct how
deconstruct how
moment/experienc deconstruct how
each critical
each critical
e but fails to
each critical
moment/experience deconstruct them moment/experience influences and informs
influences and
in a way that makes influences and
their values, beliefs,
informs their current critical connections informs their values, politics, and
values, beliefs,
to how those
beliefs, politics, and standpoint in relation
politics, and
moments/experien standpoint in relation to equity and justice,
standpoint in
ces have influences to equity and justice, while employing an
relation to equity
and informs their
but could do more to intersectional lens and
and justice.
values beliefs,
discuss these
incorporating citations
politics, and
moments/experience for support.
standpoint in
s from an
relation to equity
intersectional lens.
and justice.
Uses critical
reflection to
deconstruct how
each critical
along with their
personal values,
beliefs, politics, and
standpoint inform
the authors
approach to
advocacy and
educational justice
Reflects on each
Uses critical
reflection to
moment/experienc deconstruct how
e but fails to
each critical
deconstruct them moment/experience
in a way that clearly along with their
articulates how
personal values,
their personal
beliefs, politics, and
values, beliefs,
standpoint inform
politics, and
the authors
standpoint inform approach to
their approach to
advocacy and
advocacy and
educational justice,
educational justice. but fails to clearly
operationalize how
they put their
approach into
Uses critical reflection
to deconstruct how
each critical
along with their
personal values,
beliefs, politics, and
standpoint inform the
authors approach to
advocacy and
educational justice,
and clearly
operationalizes how
they put their
approach into
practice, citing
relevant research.
The essay is
The essay does not The essay is
formatted according follow APA 7th
formatted according
to APA 7thedition, is edition format,
to APA 7thedition,
free of grammatical there are numerous with some minor
and spelling errors, grammatical and
exceptions, has few
and relevant
spelling errors, and grammatical and
citations are
no relevant
spelling errors, and
citations are
includes some
The essay is formatted
according to APA
7thedition, is free of
grammatical and
spelling errors, and
relevant citations are
This assignment serves as documentation of your educational philosophy, as it relates
to your own educational trajectory and lived experiences. An autoethnography is
different from an autobiography because you are writing about yourself in relation to a
group or community. You are bringing a critical perspective to your life story. In other
words, you are weaving together your personal experiences into your identity as an
educator and community member. This assignment is an opportunity for you to reflect
on how your race, class, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, class status, ability,
religion/spirituality, and political identity, etc., have shaped and affected you as a
student, educator and community member. Your autoethnography should speak to
specific conversations, experiences, and memories that relate to who you have
become, and your worldview, as an educator. Given the emphasis this class places on
educational leadership and justice, you should also connect your autoethnography to
the manner in which your personal and educational experiences have limited and/or
expanded your life opportunities, and engagement with the world.
1. Presentation
You will present your autoethnography to the class in the form of a presentation, which
must also be posted to the course Canvas page. Your presentation should be no more
than 5 minutes in length. Creativity is a must. Please note that given the personal nature
of this assignment, your responses should be thoughtful, from the heart, and oriented
toward building community. In addition, the contents of class participants’
autoethnographies should remain confidential to those enrolled in the course. There is
no rubric for the autoethnography assignment as it is intended to be a critical reflection
on your life journey and formidable experiences. Due to the personal nature of this
assignment, it is entirely up to the presenter to choose what to share. As such, I ask that
if you are sharing something personal that may trigger others, that you let folks know
prior to your presentation.
2. Essay
This essay should make explicit connections between your personal experiences in
education, paying particular attention to issues of power and equity, and empirical
research on education in the same area. The fundamental consideration for this paper
is for you to explore the connections between your individual/micro experience and
social/macro processes and relationships. Both storytelling (personal research) and
empirical educational research are both important for this assignment.
Although this essay ultimately takes the form of personal narrative (first-person voice),
students need to deepen their understanding by making connections to pertinent
research and literature — either from course readings or from other literature and/or
research studies that cast light on their personal experiences. (This essay should be
between 1000 (minimum) and 1500 words (maximum), excluding references).
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