Motivation letter for masters study


Hello I’m applying for my master’s studies and I need help doing my motivation letterI’m applying Master of Science in international business in Spain the letter should be 500 words and not plagiarism and the letter should answer questions :

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We want to know who you are. What?
you have done. And what you want to
achieve. In order to know your motivations,
commitment, and enthusiasm.
We propose a way to do it: by
letter (maximum 500 words)
answer these questions:
— After completing your master’s degree or postgraduate
what are your short-term career goals? What skills and
knowledge do you think you need to develop or improve in
order to achieve them?
— And in the long run, what are your career goals?
— How do you think our school differs from the others you may
have taken into consideration? Why do you think our school is
the best fit for your interests?
The school’s name is: Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain
For your information do the letter (take what you need in
doing the letter)
I’m from Saudi Arabia I completed my bachelor’s degree in
business administration from Saudi Electronic University on
June 24.2023 and I have an IELTS certificate with a score is 5.5.
I took it in 2021.

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