Module 7 Checkin


In this mentor-focused video check-in, you will review the project guidelines and rubric and have an asynchronous conversation with your instructor regarding any concerns you have about the project scenario and the final project submission in Module Nine.

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Module 7 Checkin
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You are encouraged to continue reaching out to your instructor so that any concerns and questions are addressed prior to when your project is due.

In a short video response, address the following criteria:

Provide an overview of your data analysis.
What were some of the key observations that you made based on the charts you analyzed?
What were some of the observations that you made concerning the trends and correlations of the bivariate and multivariate regressions you ran?
Identify which option you are anticipating recommending to the TC Ice Cream management team for the given division and flavors you have analyzed. That is, of the two flavors, which one would you recommend the TC Ice Cream management team to continue in the given division and why?
Explain how your data analysis supports your recommendation.
What to Submit

Using Bongo, record a video that is 3 to 5 minutes long.

If you are not able to record a video, submit this assignment in an alternate format, such as a 1- to 2-page Word document or a 1- to 2-slide PowerPoint presentation.

I have attached some of the assignments I have completed to help just need one to two pages or a powerpoint whichever is easier for you

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Data Type
Advertising Expenses Integer
Flavor Rating
Social Media Posts
Event Promotions
Quantity Sold
Note: =IF(F2
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