Module 2 & 3 Discussion Diverse Populations & Health Care – THKN8 – 01-16-24 – Sect2


In recent years, nurses have been fired for posting derogatory comments on social media about people who did not look like them. Effective leaders build organizational cultures where employees can thrive in their workplace. Examine your organization’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policy.
Answer these questions:
What policies, if any, exist in your healthcare organization/institution that helps cultivate the skills needed to advance the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion?
• If your organization does not have a DEI policy analyze the DEI policy of another healthcare organization and discuss what policies exist in the healthcare organization/institution that helps cultivate the skills needed to advance the principles of DEI.
• What steps would you take to develop policies you can recommend to your chief nursing officer or chief executive officer?
What role do you play in eliminating discrimination and horizontal and lateral violence in your workplace?
Like healthcare disparities, disability disparities refer to the differences in service delivery, disability experiences, or clinical outcomes based on one’s membership in a particular group such as age, race, culture, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status (Kersey-Matusiak, 2019).
Conduct a literature search to locate a journal article related to disability disparities. What disability disparity is the author referencing. What can you do as a nurse to address the disparity and ensure a positive outcome for patients? Consider Lewis’ model. What biases might act as barriers to access to care for members of culturally diverse groups?
Required Material
Kersey-Matusiak, G. (2018). Delivering culturally competent nursing care: Working with diverse and vulnerable populations (2nd ed.). Springer. ISBN: 9780826137272. Read Chapters 2 and 3.
Your textbook provides AACN Cultural Competencies that may have been learned while obtaining your BSN. Please be sure to test your knowledge at the end of the chapter to assess where you are currently with your cultural competency.
Go to Think Cultural Health located on the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office of Minority Health website (you may access it from the following URL: Continue to work on your Think Cultural Health program.
Mwangi, H. (2017, June 14). Cultural Diversity: The Sum of Our Parts. [Video.] YouTube.
UB School of Social Work. (2016, March 28). Cultural Engagement, Cultural Competence, and Cultural Humility. [Video.] YouTube.
Psych Hub Education. (2020, October 5). What is Cultural Humility. [Video] YouTube.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement Open School. (2015, May 6). Why use the term “cultural humility?” [Video] YouTube.
UB School of Social Work. (2016b, July 6). The Importance of Cultural Humility. [Video] YouTube.

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Module 2 & 3 Discussion Diverse Populations & Health Care – THKN8 – 01-16-24 – Sect2
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21/01/2024, 00:21
Preview Rubric: Graduate Discussion Question Rubric v1 – Diverse Populations & Health Care – THKN8 – 01-16-24 – Sect2 – Aspen University Classroom
Graduate Discussion Question Rubric v1
Course: Diverse Populations & Health Care – THKN8 – 01-16-24 – Sect2
Does Not Meet 0%
Approaches 70%
Meets 80%
Exceeds 100%
Criterion Score
21/01/2024, 00:21
Content of Initial
Weight: 40%
Preview Rubric: Graduate Discussion Question Rubric v1 – Diverse Populations & Health Care – THKN8 – 01-16-24 – Sect2 – Aspen University Classroom
Does Not Meet 0%
Approaches 70%
Meets 80%
Exceeds 100%
Criterion Score
0 points
5.6 points
6.4 points
8 points
Response contains
Major required
Response addresses
Content includes
little to none of the
required aspects of
the prompt; Content
is off topic;
references are not
included. APA
format is not used.
aspects of the
prompt are not
addressed or the
response speaks in
vague generalities.
Information is too
general; 1 reference
is present, but it is
non-scholarly (if
required) and/or it
does not
appropriately reflect
the topic. APA
prompt requirements.
Content is relevant
and germane to the
intent of the prompt;
1 or more references
are scholarly (if
required) and/or
appropriately reflect
topic, and have few
APA formatting
additional or novel
points beyond the
intent of the prompt.
References are
sufficient, scholarly in
nature, and are
formatted correctly in
APA format.
format may be
inaccurate in the
21/01/2024, 00:21
Critical Thinking of
Weight: 10%
Preview Rubric: Graduate Discussion Question Rubric v1 – Diverse Populations & Health Care – THKN8 – 01-16-24 – Sect2 – Aspen University Classroom
Does Not Meet 0%
Approaches 70%
Meets 80%
Exceeds 100%
Criterion Score
0 points
1.4 points
1.6 points
2 points
Little analysis or
insight is displayed;
Little or no logical
Some illogical
statements and poor
reasoning displayed;
Response indicates
that thought, insight,
and analysis has
Response is rich in
critical thinking, and
full of thought,
support or reasoning
is present
argument is unclear
or convoluted
taken place;
Argument is solid and
insight, and analysis;
Argument is clear and
21/01/2024, 00:21
Quality of Written
Communication in
Initial Thread/Post
Weight: 20%
Preview Rubric: Graduate Discussion Question Rubric v1 – Diverse Populations & Health Care – THKN8 – 01-16-24 – Sect2 – Aspen University Classroom
Does Not Meet 0%
Approaches 70%
Meets 80%
Exceeds 100%
Criterion Score
0 points
2.8 points
3.2 points
4 points
Style and voice
inappropriate or do
not address given
Style and voice are
appropriate to given
Style and voice are
appropriate to the
given audience and
Style and voice are
not only appropriate
to the given audience
audience, purpose,
etc. Word choice is
redundant, clichéd,
and unspecific.
grammar, spelling,
punctuation, and
paragraphing. Surface
errors are pervasive
enough that they
communication of
audience and
purpose. Word
choice is often
unspecific, generic,
redundant, and
clichéd. Repetitive
mechanical errors
distract the reader.
Inconsistencies in
language, sentence
structure, and/or
word choice are
purpose. Word
choice is specific and
purposeful, and
somewhat varied
throughout. Minimal
mechanical or
typographical errors
are present, but are
not overly distracting
to the reader. Correct
sentence structure
and audienceappropriate language
are used.
and purpose, but also
show originality and
creativity. Word
choice is specific,
purposeful, dynamic
and varied. Free of
mechanical and
typographical errors.
A variety of sentence
structures and
effective figures of
speech are used.
Writer is clearly in
command of
standard, written,
academic English.
21/01/2024, 00:21
Responses to
Weight: 30%
Preview Rubric: Graduate Discussion Question Rubric v1 – Diverse Populations & Health Care – THKN8 – 01-16-24 – Sect2 – Aspen University Classroom
Does Not Meet 0%
Approaches 70%
Meets 80%
Exceeds 100%
Criterion Score
0 points
4.2 points
4.8 points
6 points
Did not make an
Occasionally makes
Frequently attempts
Shows astute
effort to participate
in learning
community as it
develops; Displays
meaningful reflection
on group’s efforts;
Marginal effort to
become involved
to direct the
discussion and
present relevant
viewpoints for
awareness of needs
of community;
Frequently attempts
to motivate the group
lack of engagement
with discussion
with group; Made
one response to
consideration by
group; Interacts
discussion; Presents
creative approaches
forum; Did not make
the minimum of 2
responses to
freely; Met the
minimum of 2
responses to
to topic; Made at
least 2 responses to
/ 20
Overall Score
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
0 points minimum
14 points minimum
16 points minimum
20 points minimum

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