Mod. 9- Intro


Late-Night Shootings

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Mod. 9- Intro
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Working with partners and evaluating their information is a key component of intelligence work. Very often, you can’t get the full picture of what is occurring without engaging with other federal, state, local, and sometimes private sector partners. Knowing how to analyze their information along with yours can go a long way, especially when you need to provide a wide-ranging assessment, prediction, or recommendation.

In Module 9, you will be applying your synthesis skills to develop an intelligence assessment, based on the intelligence you have. Most importantly in this module, keep in mind the types of intelligence that might be available to you from your partners, and think about which partners would be most useful to you in the current scenario.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of Module 9, you will be able to:

Employ all-source intelligence techniques to synthesize and analyze an evolving situation.
Articulate the role that key stakeholders play in the scenario, to include FBI, DHS, CIA, NSA, JTTFs, fusion centers, information sharing, and analysis centers, local police departments, mosque leaders, and others.
Prepare an interagency intelligence assessment for a high-level official, complete with a situation assessment, key judgments, and recommendations.
Late-Night Shootings
Please read the following scenario and watch the news inject below before attempting your assignments for this module.The FBI reports that there has been an increase in the number of reported incidents of vandalism targeting Islamic Centers and mosques in Detroit, Los Angeles, and New York City. The vandalism includes mostly broken windows and anti-immigrant graffiti. On a more serious note, there has been a series of drive-by shootings targeting businesses owned by members of the local Islamic communities in the cities of Jackson and Meridian, in Mississippi. The shootings occurred at night when the stores were closed. The local police reported that the shootings occurred on two separate dates; the subject(s) used a 12-gauge shotgun to target two storefronts in Jackson and an additional storefront in Meridian.No one was injured during the shootings, and the local FBI field office is coordinating the investigations with state and local law enforcement entities. Witnesses are being interviewed, and area security camera videos are being reviewed. Authorities are not sure whether these incidents are tied into the groups associated with the violence in Ann Arbor, thus suggesting a more ominous national level of an organized group conspiring to coordinate acts of violence.The Director of National Intelligence wants an interagency assessment of what has been occurring, drawn from all available intelligence from within and outside of the Intelligence Community. He wants to know whether the major events that have taken place over the past several months are related, who the responsible parties are, and what is being done (particularly in terms of interagency collaboration) to stop the violence from spreading.
Watch the News
VNN Scenario Inject clipLinks to an external site. (01:43) Click hereLinks to an external site. to download the transcript for the video posted above.
Sox News Scenario Inject clipLinks to an external site. (00:32) Click hereLinks to an external site. to download the transcript for the video posted above.
Module 9: Draft Assignment
Preparing for and responding to complex national security events is a coordinated effort. No one agency or organization can do it alone. Furthermore, developing comprehensive intelligence assessments takes the input of a variety of entities, with different areas of expertise and different perspectives.
Develop the first draft of a two-page intelligence assessment. Using comment boxes, thoroughly annotate your draft with notes about where you would need input from other partners, both internal and external to your organizational unit (FBI/ITOS). Be concise, but include enough detail to explain what information you would want each entity to contribute and why. Include a situation assessment, key judgments, and recommendations based on all of the relevant information you have up to this point.
You will receive a grade ranging from 0-100% based upon the quality of your submission. Your score on this assignment will contribute to your overall course grade. Please refer to the course syllabus for more information regarding how your course grade will be calculated. The grading criteria for this assignment are as follows:
Overall assessment draft is logical, well-articulated, and based on sound analytic judgments. – 40%
Key points of each section and respective annotations are clearly identified and explained. Key points and annotations demonstrate strong understanding of assessment’s purpose and interagency/partner roles. – 40%
Writing/presentation/organization of the assignment is clear, accurate, and professionally-delivered. Structure aligns with assignment instructions. -20%