Mod 8- Introduction


Introduction to Module-

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Contained Chaos or Wider Implications?

During Module 7, you had to process the often-conflicting intelligence that occurs while the incident is happening in real time, or shortly after an incident occurred. In the world of 24/7 news shows, the pressure to beat competitors to a “breaking news” story often results in inaccurate reporting. This is especially true when an incident occurs overseas and on scene reporters are not readily available. These shows rely on their staff assigned to monitor social media while attempting to make sense of the OSINT that is coming in from the public.

Although these networks can be deemed outstanding OSINT sources, an Intelligence Analyst must understand that these initial reports are often inaccurate, speculative, and can contain the network bias or slant on their reporting of the news. These reports often rely on one source of intelligence collection, and therefore lack the necessary corroborated intelligence that is necessary to an Intelligence Analyst in putting together a more complete and accurate intelligence picture. It can be argued that this was the case with the networks’ initial reporting of the 2011 anti-government uprisings in the Middle East during the “Arab Spring” and the initial reporting that occurred after the 9/11 attacks in New York City and at the Pentagon.

In this module, as part of your national strategy you need to identify potential targets or victims of the hate group “The Pack.” This will require you to identify and map potential vulnerable Muslim communities throughout the United States and develop an effective interagency communications plan that is used in gaining the trust and cooperation of these communities.

Note: Keep in mind that the word “communities” doesn’t just mean where people live, work, worship, or socialize. The word also encompasses groups who identify in a common manner, regardless of where they physically are. This is important to recognize.

Contained Chaos or Wider Implications?

Please read the following scenario before attempting your assignments for this module.

There is growing concern among the FBI, DHS, and the state and local law enforcement communities that the recent Pack and Anti-Pack violence can possibly spread across the country unless steps are taken to get an accurate threat picture and vulnerability assessment of the Islamic communities across the United States. Political leaders are calling for solutions to prevent the spread of this violence and are asking for a national communications plan that appropriately deals with this potential crisis.

Module 8: Geo-Mapping Assignment

It is becoming clear that more proactive measures need to be taken to protect potential victims of the violence that has been occurring. One of the tools available to you is mapping, which provides a visual snapshot of geographic areas, demographic data, and other information that can help in identifying gaps in knowledge or areas of focus. Additionally, having a unified voice coming from the intelligence agencies is more important than ever, particularly as you draw conclusions and action plans from your mapping efforts.


Use your preferred geo-mapping tool to map potential vulnerable Muslim communities throughout the United States. (You must conduct the mapping yourself; do not submit an already-prepared map created by someone else). Using the analysis from your mapping, draft an interagency plan for engaging with the communities you have identified. What will the message be? How will you go about getting the message out? What partner agencies will you need to coordinate with? How will you do so?


You will receive a grade ranging from 0-100% based upon the quality of your submission. Your score on this assignment will contribute to your overall course grade. Please refer to the course syllabus for more information regarding how your course grade will be calculated. The grading criteria for this assignment are:

Student chose an effective geo-mapping tool and articulated a logical process for arriving at submitted results. Submission effectively demonstrates ability to conduct meaningful analysis using a geo-mapping tool. – 40%
Interagency plan clearly and logically addresses all of the questions mentioned in the assignment instructions. Plan clearly incorporates an interagency voice and demonstrates critical thought. – 40%
Writing/presentation/organization of the assignment is clear, accurate, and professionally-delivered. – 20%