misty Copeland


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeTyNnALV4cIn your 250-500 word response to the prompt below, pull in at least 2-3 templates from TSIS (https://archive.org/details/they-say-i-say-5th-edition/page/n49/mode/1up) What kinds of bodies are considered “appropriate” or “normal” for the ballet world? Which body parts and ages were mentioned in the ad? Does the ad challenge or reinforce these norms?What images come to mind when you think of a “ballet dancer”? Are the dancers a particular race, ethnicity, or nationality? Are they a particular gender and sexuality? Does this ad challenge and complicate some of these representations?What product is being sold through this advertisement, and who is the target audience? What values are being communicated and associated with Misty Copeland’s story, and how are the advertisers using it to sell their brand and/or product? How does the ad campaign tagline “I Will What I Want” play into the messaging?

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