MIS project – Presentation


1. Analysis of the Existing System (5 marks)
Analyze the key problems of the existing system used by the company.
Also, discuss the Information Systems used within the company:

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Transaction processing systems (TPS)
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems
Functional Area Information Systems
Business intelligence

2. System Evaluation (2 marks)
Evaluate the current system that the company use (your chosen company Jarir) with of the following options:
Partial failure / partial success
Total failure

Then, State the reasons for your choice

3. Suggestions for the company (3 Marks)
Design or choose a system to help the company solve its main problems. State the following:

The new system name
Its features
Problems that will be solved

If the system that the company uses is successful and does not need to be changed, you can
mention that, mention its features, and mention the problems that it solved or prevented from happening.

4. Conclusion (2 Marks)
Summarize your report (including part 1)

5. References (1 Mark)
Use APA referencing style format

Make a power-point presentation of your Project work mentioning all the above contents and

present in a group (All team members must participate. There must be minimum 10 slides

in the presentation with a good background design (0.5), readable font size and style with an

appropriate color (0.5).

Presentation must have the following format:

First slide: Group members name and Student id & Title of the Project
Company Profile
Technology Involved and Data Management
Analysis of Existing System
Evaluation and suggestions

Jarir website : https://www.jarir.com/sa-en/

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
E-commerce Department
Student Name:
Student ID:
Student Name:
Student ID:
Student Name:
Student ID:
Student Name:
Student ID:
Student Name:
Student ID:
Course Title: Management Information System
Course Code: MIS 201
Academic Year/ Semester: 1st Semester/2023-2024 CRN:
Assignment Name: Project – Part 2
Instructor Name: Layan BinSaleh
Student Grade: out of 17
Grade Level: Low/ Middle / High
Table of Contents
1. Analysis of Existing System
Key problems of the existing system used by the company:

Information Systems used within the company:
a. Transaction processing systems (TPS)

b. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems

c. Functional Area Information Systems

d. Business Intelligence

e. DSS

2. System Evaluation:
a. Success


b. Partial failure/partial success


c. Total failure


3. Suggestions for the company:
The new system name:


Problems that will be solved:

4. Conclusion:
1. –
2. –
3. –
Project Report Structure: Part 1 and 2
Student’s Name:
Students ID:
Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Assignment of MIS201- Management Information System
MIS201 – Project
Project Report Structure: Part 1 and 2
First Semester 2023-2024
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
Project Report Structure: Part 1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Executive Summary ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Organizational Profile ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Organization Structure ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Strategies for Competitive Advantages ……………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Cost Leadership Strategy ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Differentiation Strategy …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
Digital transformation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11
Technology Involved …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12
IT infrastructure: Hardware component……………………………………………………………………………. 12
IT infrastructure: Software solution ………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
IT infrastructure: Telecommunication ………………………………………………………………………………. 13
IT infrastructure: Information Security …………………………………………………………………………….. 14
IT infrastructure: Networks ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Other Elements…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14
Data Management ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15
Methods Used for Data Management…………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
Relational Databases …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
Stakeholders ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16
Project Report Structure: Part 2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18
Existing System ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18
Analyze Key Problems ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18
Data fragmentation …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18
Lack of real-time reporting capabilities……………………………………………………………………………… 19
Information Systems Used Within the Company……………………………………………………………………. 19
Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) ………………………………………………………………………………. 19
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems ……………………………………………………………………. 20
Business Intelligence (BI) Systems……………………………………………………………………………………… 20
Functional Area Information Systems (FAIS) ……………………………………………………………………. 21
E-commerce Platform ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21
System Evaluation………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23
Evaluation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
Suggestions ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24
New System Name …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24
Features……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 24
Problem solved …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 25
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 25
References ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 27
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
Project Report Structure: Part 1
Executive Summary
This project involves conducting a comprehensive investigation of an information system
(IS)/information technology (IT) utilized by a prominent local or international company. The
investigation focuses specifically on the hardware, software, services, data management, and
networking components of the chosen company’s IT infrastructure. The goal of the project is to
analyze the organization’s technological landscape, identifying areas of strength, potential
weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement within its IT infrastructure. The selected
organization for this investigation is Jarir Marketing Company, a leading player in the retail
sector in Saudi Arabia and the broader Middle East. Jarir operates in the retail industry,
specializing in offering an extensive range of products including Traditional and e-books, office
supplies, electronics, and an extensive array of consumer goods. Jarir is distinguished by its
robust integration of technology across various retail segments including electronics, office
supplies, bookshop, arts and crafts, Mobbile phones and accessories. Jarir stands out through its
adept integration of technology across various retail segments including electronics, office
supplies, bookstores, arts and crafts, mobile phones, and accessories.
The key distinctive features of Jarir’s IT infrastructure that are of relevance to the
investigation includes its E-commerce Prowess, Data-Driven Decision-Making, Supply Chain
Optimization, point-of-sale systems, inventory management software (IMS), and customer
relationship management tools. Jarir effectively harnesses data analytics and business
intelligence tools to enhance product assortments, streamline inventory management, optimize
loyalty programs, and execute personalized marketing initiatives. The facets underscore Jarir’s
commitment to data-driven strategies that fortify its competitive edge in the dynamic and
competitive retail landscape. The comprehensive analysis provides valuable insights into how
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
Jarir Marketing Company integrates and leverages its IT infrastructure to excel in the dynamic
and competitive retail landscape.
Organizational Profile
Jarir Marketing Company, popularly known as “Jarir Bookstore” or “Jarir,” was founded
by Abdulrahman Nasser Al-Agil as a small bookshop in Riyadh in 1974 (Jarir, 2022). The
company has expanded its operations and product offerings over the ensuing years to include the
offering of a diverse range of products, including books, e-books, office supplies, electronics,
and various consumer goods. Jarir is now a market leader in the Middle East consumer market,
offering IT products, electronics, office supplies, and books as its portfolio. In 2002, the
company transformed into a Joint Stock Company (CR No. 1010032264) and became publicly
listed on the Saudi Capital Market (Tadawul) in 2003 (Jarir, 2022). As of December 2022, the
company boasted a paid-up capital of SR 1.20 Billion (Jarir, 2022).
Jarir Marketing Company is guided by a steadfast mission: “To empower its valued
clientele, fostering their growth and learning”(Jarir, 2022); through the delivery of top-tier
products and services, complemented by an enriching and value-driven customer experience. It’s
core values includes exceeding expectations, upholding quality, maintaining integrity, embracing
simplicity, practicing humility, showing respect and appreciation, fostering unity and
collaboration, and nurturing loyalty.
Organization Structure
Headquartered in Riyadh Saudi Arabia, the company has over 60 stores, and 5000
employees; its CEO is Muhammad Al Agil. Jarir operates through two primary divisions:
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
Retail Division: Under the brand name “Jarir Bookstore,” the Retail Division serves as
the face of the company supporting both the physical store locations and a robust online
sales platform. The retail division is responsible for directly serving individual customers,
providing them access to the vast array of products offered by the company.
Wholesale Division: The Wholesale Division primarily caters to business-to-business
(B2B) customers by managing bulk purchases, distribution, and other large-scale
operations to supply products to various retailers and businesses in the region.
The organization structure may be represented as shown in the chart in figure 1.0 below:
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
Figure 1.0: Jarir Organization Structure
Jarir Market Company
Jarir MarketingWholesale division
Jarir BookStore Retail Division
Corporate sales
KSA= 59
GCC= 11
Total = 70
Total = 4
1. B2C
2. B2B
3. Jarir Reader- e-Book
Sales Office
1. Riyadh
2. Jeddah
3. Khamis Mushayt
4. Dammam
5. Khobar
Total= 5
Central region
Quassim &
Total = 5
Jarir Bookstore’s Contribution to
total sales= 97%
Jarir Marketing’s contribution
to total sales = 3%
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
Strategies for Competitive Advantages
Different organizations employ various strategies to create distinctiveness, provide
superior value to customers, and ensure sustainable business growth. Some of the commonly
used strategies by companies to gain a competitive edge includes:
Cost Leadership Strategy
Cost Leadership Strategy is built on the premise of becoming the lowest-cost producer in
the industry as companies pursue economies of scale, efficient production methods, and
streamlined supply chains. Jarir Company can adopt the cost leadership in different ways outline
Cost Leadership In Supply Chain Optimization:
Vendor Negotiations: Jarir can negotiate favorable terms and contracts with its suppliers,
aiming to secure bulk discounts, extended payment terms, and better pricing on the products it
Inventory Management: Jarir should consider implementing just-in-time (JIT) inventory
practices to reduce carrying costs and minimize wastage of perishable or seasonal items.
Cost Leadership in Operational Efficiency:
Streamlined Operations: Jarir can invest in process optimization and automation, reducing
labor costs and improving operational efficiency in areas like warehousing, order processing, and
Cost-Effective Technologies: The Company should explore the various adoption of costeffective technologies such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for inventory tracking and
analytics tools to identify areas where operational efficiency can be improved.
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
Cost Leadership in Economies of Scale
Volume Purchases: Jarir can leveraging its large scale and purchasing power to negotiate bulk
purchases at lower unit costs, passing on the savings to customers or improving its profit
Expansion: Jarir should consider expanding into new markets, new product lines to spread its
risks, or to other regions to further increase sales volume and benefit from economies of scale.
Cost Leadership in Cost-Conscious Culture:
Employee Training: The Company should instill a cost-conscious culture among its employees
by providing training, continuous development modules, and incentives for identifying and
implementing cost-saving measures.
Energy Efficiency: Jarir can implement energy-efficient practices within stores and warehouses
to reduce utility costs. Implementing energy-efficient practices within stores and warehouses is a
smart strategy for Jarir Company to reduce utility costs, lower its environmental impact, and
improve its overall sustainability. For instance, Jarir can retrofit its stores and warehouses with
Energy-Efficient Lighting such as LED lighting, which not only reduces electricity consumption
but also decreases maintenance costs associated with frequent bulb replacements. Other potential
Energy efficient measures includes Smart Thermostats to control of heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning (HVAC) systems; adoption of Renewable Energy Sources (such as solar panels),
Energy Management Systems, and creating employees awareness about energy-saving efforts
(Oates et al., 2022).
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
Cost Leadership in Competitive Pricing:
Competitor Analysis: Jarir should adopt efficient data analytic measure to continuously monitor
of competitors’ pricing strategies and ensure that its prices remain competitive in the market.
Such includes the development of price Optimization Tools and data analytics to dynamically
adjust pricing based on demand, inventory levels, and competitor pricing.
Cost Leadership in Lean Product Offerings
Product Rationalization: the company should regularly review the product portfolio to identify
and eliminate underperforming or low-margin items. Such a Focus on product’s-performance can
help Jarir compare Monkey-sinkholes, Dogs and Cashcow productsthat align with cost
leadership goals (Oates et al., 2022). An alternative measure could be the introduction of privatelabel products, which can be produced at a lower cost and offer higher margins compared to
branded products. Jarir should also adopt the Kaizen Philosophy of continuous improvement to
encourage employees at all levels to identify opportunities for cost reduction and operational
Differentiation Strategy
Differentiation Strategy focuses on creating a unique product or service that stands out in
the market through features, benefits, or experiences that are distinct from competitors based on
quality, design, technology, brand reputation, or customer service. Jarir can implement the
differentiation strategy through:
Unique Product Offerings:
Exclusive Merchandise: Jarir Company may collaborate with suppliers or manufacturers to
offer exclusive products that can only be found at Jarir. The measure could include limitededition items, artist collaborations, or products tailored to specific customer segments. The
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
company may invest in research and development to introduce innovative products that are not
readily available in the market. Such research may focus on introducing environmentally friendly
office supplies or tech gadgets. At the minimum, Jarir should implement rigorous testing and
certification processes for its products to reassure customers about the quality and safety of the
products (Oates et al., 2022).
Exceptional Customer Service: The Company should train its employees to provide
exceptional personalized assistance and expert advice to customers, especially in product
categories where customers may need guidance, such as electronics (Whiteley 2017). Other
measure may include after-Sales Support where product designated agents offer exceptional
after-sales support, including warranties, technical support, and repair services (Whiteley 2017).
Digital transformation
Digital transformation involves leveraging advanced technologies to fundamentally
change how a business operates, interacts with customers, and delivers value to its customer and
improve the overall efficiency of delivery systems. Some of the effective product differentiation
strategies includes brand storytelling, content marketing exclusive loyalty programs, product
demos for electronics, and AI-driven product recommendations for unique shopping experience
(Whiteley 2017). Some of the digital transformation tools and technologies already adopted by
Jarir includes data security and privacy compliance, customer support and chatbots, analytics and
data utilization, integrated inventory management, secure and convenient e-payment options,
enhanced search and filtering options, and personalized product recommendations. The company
may consider adopting the following measure to improve on its Digital transformation:
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
Advanced E-commerce Integration:
Given the growing importance of online shopping, Jarir should focus on optimizing its ecommerce platform through improving its website with a user-friendly tools and a
complementary mobile app, implementing secure e-payment gateways, and enhancing the
overall online shopping experience. Jarir should invest in modernizing its e-commerce
infrastructure to ensure smooth navigation, quick load times, and mobile responsiveness. Recent
trends among leading Store-shops including Amazon, Bath & Body Works, Walmart, and Foot
Locker indicates a Scale-down curve for store shops retail to replace them with an upscale in eretail (Oates et al., 2022). Implementing a secure and convenient payment options, such as digital
wallets and online banking, can attract a wider range of customers.
Virtual Try-Before-You-Buy Features
Jarir should implement virtual try-on or product visualization tools, especially for product
categories like electronics and office furniture to allow customers to visualize how products
would fit into their lives or workspaces. Jarir may use augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality
(VR) technology to offer immersive experiences for customers, such as trying out furniture in
their own homes or “testing” electronics virtually. The company may adopt the use of augmented
reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) technology to offer immersive experiences for customers,
such as trying out furniture in their own homes or “testing” electronics virtually (Oates et al.,
Technology Involved
IT infrastructure: Hardware component
Jarir Marketing Company’s IT infrastructure includes a variety of hardware components
to support its operations including servers for hosting websites, databases, and applications, and
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
Data storage solutions. The data storage solutions includes Network-Attached Storage (NAS)
and Storage Area Networks (SAN) to store customer data and product information. Other
hardware components includes Point-of-sale (POS) terminals and devices for in-store
transactions; computer workstations for employees, including those at retail stores, offices, and
warehouses; and networking hardware such as routers, switches, and firewalls to ensure data
flows smoothly across the organization (Oates et al., 2022).
IT infrastructure: Software solution
Some of Jarir’s software solutions used in its operations include e-commerce platforms,
enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software for inventory management (FIFO and LIFO
protocols), supply chain, and financials. Other software solution includes customer Relationship
Management (CRM) software for managing customer data and relationships. The company have
Point-of-sale software for processing sales transactions in physical stores, and data analytics and
business intelligence tools for decision-making.
IT infrastructure: Telecommunication
Telecommunications play a vital role in Jarir’s operations, connecting various locations, enabling
customer interactions, and facilitating data transfer. The key components of Jarir’s infrastructure
o High-speed internet connections for fast and reliable online shopping experiences.
o Telephony systems for customer support and internal communication.
o Mobile communication solutions for employees on the go.
o Email, mobile and web-chatbox (live) hotlines.
o Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) for secure remote access to company systems.
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
IT infrastructure: Information Security
Jarir’s IT infrastructure information security for protecting customer data and
maintaining trust include security measures such as Firewalls and intrusion detection systems to
safeguard network traffic and Encryption protocols to protect sensitive data during transmission
and storage. The company also have access controls and authentication mechanisms for ensure
only authorized personnel can access certain systems. Jarir conducts Regular security audits and
vulnerability assessments through bout automated Check-systems to identify and address
potential threats.
IT infrastructure: Networks
Jarir websites and local servers have Local Area Networks (LANs) within individual
stores and offices, administrative and child domains for client management and IP address
allocations. Other network components includes a Wide Area Networks (WANs) connecting
different locations, including retail stores and the corporate headquarters. Jarir have wireless
networks (Wi-Fi) for both employee and customer use as well as redundancy and failover
mechanisms to ensure network availability.
Other Elements
Other elements that contribute to Jarir’s IT infrastructure includes:
o Cloud computing solutions to scale IT resources, especially for e-commerce operations
o Data centers for centralized data storage and processing
o Backup and disaster recovery solutions for data loss protection
o IoT (Internet of Things) devices for inventory tracking and logistics optimization
o Compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR for handling customer data
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
This comprehensive IT infrastructure is essential for Jarir Marketing Company’s effective
manage of its retail operations, both online and offline, and provide a seamless and secure
shopping experience for its customers. The robust infrastructure also allows the company to
leverage technology for data-driven decision-making and strategic growth.
Data Management
Jarir Marketing Company employs various methods to manage and process data
effectively hence maintain the accuracy, accessibility, and security of the vast amount of data
generated and utilized in its retail operations.
Methods Used for Data Management
Relational Databases
Jarir utilizes relational database management systems (RDBMS) such as MySQL, Oracle,
or Microsoft SQL Server to manage structured data efficiently. These databases store critical
information about products, customer profiles, sales transactions, and inventory levels. Data is
organized into tables with defined relationships, allowing for easy querying and reporting. The
company also uses NoSQL databases for handling unstructured data or for specific applications
like customer reviews, which don’t fit neatly into structured tables. The NoSQL databases offer
flexibility but may lack the data integrity features of relational databases.
Data Integrity: Relational databases ensure data integrity by enforcing constraints and
relationships between tables. The measure prevents inconsistencies and errors in the data, which
is crucial in a retail environment where accurate product information and inventory management
are essential.
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
Scalability Challenges: While relational databases are robust, they may face scalability
challenges when handling extremely large datasets. As Jarir expands and accumulates more data,
it might require complex and costly scaling solutions to maintain performance.
Some of the key stakeholders are affected by Jarir’s system’s operations and performance
Customers who interact directly with Jarir’s information system when making purchases,
checking product availability, and accessing online services. The system’s user-friendliness and
reliability significantly impact the customer experience.
Employees’ performance and experience including those working in retail stores, warehouses,
and the corporate office, rely on the efficiency of the company’s information system. The
efficiency of managing inventory, processing sales transactions, accessing customer data, and
conducting data analysis depends on that of the systems.
Suppliers and Partners: Jarir maintaining strong relationships with its suppliers and business
partners who depends on its information system for order processing, inventory management,
and supply chain coordination
Regulatory Bodies: To ensuring data security and legal compliance, regulatory bodies and
government agencies audit the information system, especially concerning data privacy and
compliance with consumer protection laws.
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
Jarir’s Shareholders and investors including institution investors, Jarir investment, and AL
Agil Brothers are concerned with the company’s financial performance, which relies on analytic
decisions, and data provided by the information system.
Jarir’s Competitors in the store and e-retail sector indirectly monitor Jarir’s information system
to gain insights into its disruptive strategies, pricing, and customer engagement methods to retain
their competitive edge.
Local Communities: Jarir’s presence and operations, including its information system, can have
an impact on local communities in terms of job opportunities, economic contributions, and
corporate social responsibility initiatives.
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
Project Report Structure: Part 2
Existing System
Analyze Key Problems
The existing information system used by Jarir Marketing Company presents several key
challenges including:
Data fragmentation
Jarir Marketing Company operates through various departments, where data is dispersed
across multiple isolated databases and systems within the organization, rather than being
centralized and integrated. The siloed databases lead to data inconsistencies and make it
challenging to access integrated, holistic information. Further, the different departments and
teams may have their own data repositories, making it time-consuming and complicated to gather
comprehensive information for decision-making or reporting purposes. The storage of data in
multiple locations and managed separately, increases the likelihood of data inconsistencies,
inefficiencies, redundant data entry and storage. For example, product descriptions or pricing
information may differ between databases, leading to confusion and potential errors. In other
cases, customer information may be duplicated in different databases, which not only wastes
storage space but also introduces the risk of data inconsistencies and errors. Further, due to the
limited data integration between different systems becomes complex and costly and makes
comprehensive reporting or analytics projects to take more effort and resources. In essence, data
fragmentation tend to slow down decision-making processes, as employees spend more time
gathering and reconciling data from various sources.
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
Lack of real-time reporting capabilities
Jarir Marketing Company’s current information system lacks robust real-time reporting
capabilities due to various factors. The limitation inhibits the company’s ability to react swiftly to
changing market conditions, customer preferences, or internal operational issues or make
proactive decisions or adjustments. Some of the factors associated with the challenge includes:
Data Security Challenges: the Company’s data security is compromised because the data
is dispersed across multiple databases making it harder to implement consistent security
measures and access controls across all data repositories and increasing the risk of data breaches
or unauthorized access.
Data Processing Delays: Although data may be available in real-time at the point of entry (e.g.,
sales transactions), there are frequent delays in processing and updating the data in central
repositories. The delays result from batch processing schedules and inefficient data transfer
processes from different departments.
The complexity of the data architecture, including the existence of multiple data sources
in the differnet departments hinder real-time reporting. More time is consuming and significant
development efforts taken up in the process of integrating data from diverse sources. Other
delays in data reporting includes time taken in data quality checks and cleansing processes.
Information Systems Used Within the Company
Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)
Jarir’s uses Transaction Processing Systems (TPSs) to handle the routine and day-to-day
transactions that occur in its retail and business processes. TPS records and processes sales
transactions, whether they occur in physical retail stores or through the company’s e-commerce
Project Report Structure: Part 1 And 2
platform. The role includes capturing customer orders, inventory updates, and processing
payments. TPS systems track inventory levels, monitor product quantities, reorder points, and
triggers restocking processes when inventory levels fall below a certain threshold.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems
Jarir Marketing Company relies on Enterprise Resource Planning systems to manage
various aspects of its business operations. ERP systems integrate and centralize data from
multiple functions within the organization. The ERP systems handle financial processes such as
accounting, budgeting, and financial reporting and also provide insights into the company’s
financial health and support decision-making. Jarir’s ERP systems assist in managing inventory
by optimizing stock levels, tracking product movements, and ensuring the availability of
products across stores and distribution centers.
Business Intelligence (BI) Systems
Jarir Marketing Company use business Intelligence systems to gain insights from its data
as the systems provide advanced analytics and reporting capabilities to support decision-making.
The features of BI systems includes Data Analytics tools that analyze historical and real-time
data to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities. Jarir uses integrated BI systems for sales
forecasting, customer segmentation, and product performance analysis. Further, the BI systems
offer interactive dashboards and reports that provide a consolidated view of critical metrics and
KPIs. The BI tools use data visualization techniques such as charts, graphs, and heat-maps to