MIS 201 – Project – Management Information System


pleasa write all the answers in the file , avoid plagiarism , the work should be in your own woeds , writie references. ” and long answer of 1000-2000 words or more .for every question.Assignment talks about(Almarai Company) he company’s main offices are located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

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MIS 201 – Project – Management Information System
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Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
E-commerce Department
Student Name:
Student ID:
Course Title: Management Information Course Code: MIS201
Academic Year/ Semester:
Instructor Name:
Student Grade:
Grade Level:
Low/ Middle / High
Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Assignment of MIS201- Management Information System
MIS201 – Project
Second Semester 2023-2024
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Submission: Week 6 Saturday 09/03/2024
Submission: Week 14 Saturday 18/05/2024
Submission: Instructors will manage the date and time for presentation during week 15
40 Marks
Assignment Details
The project involves studying the IT infrastructure of a relevant information system (IS)/
information technology (IT) used by selecting any organization of your choice locally or
The idea is to investigate the selected organization using the main components of IT
(Hardware, software, services, data management and networking). Infrastructure
Investigation, which is in a selected industry, should be carried out by using articles,
websites, books and journal papers and /or interviews. In the report, you are expected to
Project Report Structure: Part 2
Submission: Week 14 Saturday 18/05/2024
Marks: 13 Marks
1. Analysis of Existing System (5 Marks).
Analyze the key problems of the existing system used by the company (2). Also, discuss the
Information Systems used within the company (3) for example:

Transaction processing systems (TPS)
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems
Functional Area Information Systems
Business intelligence
(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and it’s related to your selected organization)
2. System Evaluation (2 Marks).
Evaluate the current system that the company use (your chosen company) with one of the following
options (1):

Partial failure/partial success
Total failure
Then, State the reasons for your choice (1)
3. Suggestions for the company (3 Marks)
Design or choose a system to help the company solve its main problems. State the following:

The new system name (1)
Its features (1)
Problems that will be solved (1)
(If the system that the company uses is successful and does not need to be changed, you can
mention that (1), mention its features (1), and mention the problems that it solved or prevented
from happening (1).)
(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and it’s related to your selected organization)
4. Conclusion (2 Marks).
Summarize your report (including part 1)
5. References (1 Mark).
Use APA referencing style format
Useful links:
✓ http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/studentservices/documents/planning-and-preparing-to-writeassignments.pdf
✓ APA reference system https://student.unsw.edu.au/apa
✓ About plagiarism http://wts.indiana.edu/pamphlets/plagiarism.shtml
✓ About plagiarism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plagiarism

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