Microbiology Question


Write a research paper at least 5 single spaced pages at most 10 pages with
references (references are not a part of the page minimum) about the
“Tuskegee Experiment.” The paper is to be about the facts and your
opinion on those facts. Write all there is to know about the bacterial
spirochete Treponema pallidum. Write about what happened during the
Tuskegee Experiment, who it happened to, who was responsible for doing
it, why it was done, where and when the events happened. Also write
about the aftermath, are there still living victims, what laws have been
enacted to ensure something like this does not happen again? Was it
ethical or unethical, do the ends justify the means? List and briefly
describe other instances of government funded injustice in the name of
“science”. The paper should be
in 12-point font in Arial or Times New Roman and the margins should not
be larger than 1” (normal setting). If you want to include photos that
is great but they are not a part of the 5-page minimum, they would go
in an appendix at the back of the paper and referenced throughout the
text with Figure #1, etc. References should also be in the text as
numbers corresponding to the number they are listed as in the references
section. These resources should also be included in the references
section for example:
Tortora, G.J., Funke, B.R. & Case, C.L. (2019). Microbiology: An
Introduction. (13 ed). London, United Kingdom. Pearson Education, Inc.
Finally, carefully edit your work ensuring to check your punctuation,
grammar and capitalization where appropriate. Include in-text citations
for anything you quote or paraphrase and follow APA 6.0 style
formatting. The research paper will be graded based on the above and
following criteria: proper formatting, length of paper, inclusion of
references and in text citations, inclusion of all of the required
information, your demonstrated level of critical thinking and analysis.
Through the use of Turnitin, unoriginal work can be easily identified;
if not sourced/cited/referenced, this constitutes evidence of
plagiarism, and may result in a failing grade for the corresponding

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Microbiology Question
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