MHD504 Case3/4


Part 1

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MHD504 Case3/4
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Please search the web for a recent health promotion program of your choice in the U.S.

Then answer these questions:

1. What was the goal of this program? Why was it an important goal?

2. Did the planners attempt to change both behavior and environment? Please explain.

3. How were objectives of the health promotion plan established?

4. What were the strategies and the interventions? Would you have done anything differently?

5. Did the planners think about the future evaluation of the program? Was this appropriate?

Please make sure that all assignment questions are specifically answered that your answers are clear, and your paper is well organized. Provide enough depth, while paying attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Properly cite your 5 references. Your paper needs to be 3 pages long. APA FORMAT

References (Please use 1 of these references in addition to other references).

Green, L. W., Gielen, A. C., & Ottoson, J. M. (2022). Health program planning, implementation, and evaluation: Creating behavioral, environmental, and policy change (1st ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. Chapters 7 and 8 only.

Interventions [PowerPoint presentation]. (n.d.)

Part 2


Please read the article below and answer the following questions:

What was the purpose of the intervention and what was its rationale?
Briefly describe the design, the procedure, and the participants. (1/2 page)
What were the components of the intervention? (1/2 page)
What types of evaluation did the researchers employ to assess the effects of the intervention? Of what did these evaluations consist? (1/2 page)
Was the intervention successful? Please explain. Then, please formulate a discussion on what may have been the factors that affected the intervention’s success or lack thereof. Use both the authors’ speculations as well as yours.

Bere E., Veierod, M. B., Bjelland M., & Klepp K. I. (2006). Outcome and process evaluation of a Norwegian school-randomized fruit and vegetable intervention: Fruits and Vegetables Make the Marks (FVMM). Health Education Research, 21 (2) 258-267.

Please make sure that all assignment questions are specifically answered, that your answers are clear, and your paper is well organized. It is important that you analyze the information, cover relevant areas, formulate conclusions, and provide enough depth, while paying attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Properly cite your 4 references (for question 3) and limit your papers to a maximum of 3 pages.

References (Please use 2 of these references in addition to other references)

Baba, C. T., Oliveira, I. M., Adriele Evelyn Ferreira Silva, Vieira, L. M., Cerri, N. C., Florindo, A. A., & Grace Angelica de Oliveira Gomes. (2017). Evaluating the impact of a walking program in a disadvantaged area: Using the RE-AIM framework by mixed methods. BMC Public Health, 17(1), 1-11. doi:10.1186/s12889-017-4698-5

Bere, E., Veierod, M. B., Bjelland, M., & Klepp K. I. (2006). Outcome and process evaluation of a Norwegian school-randomized fruit and vegetable intervention: Fruits and Vegetables Make the Marks (FVMM). Health Education Research, 21 (2) 258-267.

Framework for program evaluation in public health. (1999). MMWR. Recommendations and Reports, 48(RR-11), 1-40.

Identification and Allocation of Resources [PowerPoint presentation]. (n.d.).

Jang, M., Chao, A., & Whittemore, R. (2015). Evaluating intervention programs targeting parents to manage childhood overweight and obesity: A systematic review using the RE-AIM framework. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 30(6), 877-887. doi:10.1016/j.pedn.2015.05.004

Kahar, P., & Negroni, L. (2020). Results from brief educational intervention and health screenings: A community health study of latinos in southwest florida. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 9(1), 148-148.

Lee, J., McKennett, M., Rodriguez, X., & Smith, S. (2019). Implementation and Evaluation of a Recurring Interdisciplinary Community Health Fair in a Remote U.S.–Mexico Border Community. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 21(1), 136-142.