MHACB 516/515


Competency 1 – ReflectionAssignment ContentOnce your faculty marks this activity as complete in the gradebook, the Competency Assessment will open for you to submit.Competency 1 Synthesize strategies for scanning the environment, validating information, and making decisions.
ReflectionHealth Care Leaders with Elected Officials and Innovative IdeasReflect on the following in a minimum of 500 words:How should a health care leader interface with local, state, or nationally elected officials to create a dialogue concerning local health care challenges? Include an example of an appropriate local health care challenge that should be shared with an elected official (or elected officials) and the type of elected official that you would select for this dialogue.What happens when an innovative idea threatens the system that supports the business and the employees? Provide an example in your response. Submit your reflection.ResourcesCenter for Writing ExcellenceReference and Citation GeneratorGrammar Assistance

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MHACB/516 Competency 1 Assessment and Rubric
Course Title: Operating in Structure: Health Sector Policy and Governance
Competency Assessment Title: Impact of Federal Funding Letter
Assignment Directions
Understanding public funding is an important aspect when managing operations for a health care organization. Your ability to analyze how state
and federal health care policies and funding affect health care organizations and consumers is crucial to its success in the marketplace. As a
manager, especially one involved with overseeing operations, you will need to understand and apply this information regularly.
Select a health care organization with which you work or are familiar.
Download the report “Options for Reducing the Deficit: 2017 to 2026” from the Congressional Budget Office website.
Read Ch. 5 of the report.
Select one of the health options listed
Assume you are the chief operating officer responsible for managing all operations of your selected health care organization.
You recently received an email detailing the impact of the proposed options for reducing the federal deficit from the Congressional Budget Office.
You are directed to the document from the following website: Options for Reducing the Deficit: 2017 to 2026.
After reviewing the Health Care Options in Chapter 5, you determine that one of the options will have a major impact on your organization.
You have decided to write a letter to the editor of your professional association to reach its membership. Your purpose in sharing your opinion is to
influence others in the industry and provide useful information for those in similar situations facing challenges from regulatory changes that will
impact their operations.
Write a 750- to 1,050-word letter to the editor of a professional organization for its website, written for distribution to its membership, which
includes your peers.
Include the following in your letter:

A summary of your chosen specific option and why it is relevant for your organization
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MHACB/516 Competency 1 Rubric
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Why you are writing to this specific professional organization
The impact of your selected option on your facility and similar facility types
A summary of the proposed changes you intend to make to your organization or service that may help to decrease the negative impact
that this proposed rule will likely have
Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or
other sources of similar quality).
Submit your assignment.
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MHACB/516 Competency 1 Rubric
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Competency Assessment Rubric
Meets Expectations
Not Met
1. Summary of the
Chosen Option
(weight 20%)
Included a clear and concise
summary of the chosen option and
an explanation of its relevance for the
Included a general summary of the
chosen option and an explanation of its
relevance for the organization
Did not summarize the chosen option and
did not explain its relevance for the
2. Why the Letter is Being
(weight 20%)
Included a clear and detailed
response to why the letter is being
written to this specific professional
Included a general response to why the
letter is being written to this specific
professional organization
Did not include a response to why the
letter is being written to this specific
professional organization
3. Impact of Selected
(weight 25%)
Included a clear and detailed
response about the impact of the
selected option on the facility and
similar facility types
Included a general response about the
impact of the selected option on the
facility and similar facility types
Did not include a response about the
impact of the selected option on the
facility and similar facility types
4. Proposed Changes
(weight 25%)
Included a clear and specific
summary of the proposed changes
intended to be made to the
organization or service that may help
to decrease the negative impact that
this proposed rule will likely have
Included a general summary of the
proposed changes intended to be made
to the organization or service that may
help to decrease the negative impact
that this proposed rule will likely have
Did not summarize the proposed
changes intended to be made to the
organization or service that may help to
decrease the negative impact that this
proposed rule will likely have
5. Research
(weight 5%)
Cited 3 reputable references to
support your assignment (e.g., trade
or industry publications, government
or agency websites, scholarly works,
or other sources of similar quality)
Cited 2 reputable references to support
your assignment (e.g., trade or industry
publications, government or agency
websites, scholarly works, or other
sources of similar quality)
Did not include any references
6. Grammar and Writing
(weight 5%)
Accuracy in grammar, sentence
structures, sentence boundaries, and
word choice enhanced content.
Rare inaccuracies/errors in grammar,
sentence structures, sentence
boundaries, and word choice did not
detract from the content.
Occasional or frequent
inaccuracies/errors in grammar, sentence
structures, sentence boundaries, and
word choice detracted from the content.
Copyright 2022 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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